Shared Diversity Podcast



I'm Mishal, the founder of Shared Diversity and the host of the Shared Diversity Podcast. My goal each week is to encourage Muslim women to embrace their uniqueness and celebrate their diversities within every aspect of their lives. How can we set higher goals while strengthening our spirituality? In this podcast, I will share with you topics around identity & culture, health & fitness and goal setting & productivity and how it relates to our Islamic tradition. I will update you through exclusive interviews with the most successful women in the community and my reflective audio blog tackling the most relevant topics in our community. Have a question or topic youd like to see covered on the show? Go to our website and leave your Q´s for our A´s! Despite our unique personalities and diverse complexities, we all share values that inspire our daily choices in life. Let's discover our shared diversities.


  • Create content without showing my face - MODEST BRANDING {Business, Branding & Womanhood} -

    26/05/2019 Duration: 08min

    However you might define the term "modest", we have all at some point negotiated whether we should show ourself on camera or on photos.    How can I create a personal brand AND be modest? I was negotiating for a long time whether I want people to know my name or see my face when I create content. But nevertheless, I was trying to build a strong personal brand. So how can YOU create content without showing your face?  In this video, I show you the most effective content forms to create a brand without being on camera.  Watch the video on Youtube: Subscribe to the Muslim Businesswoman channel & subscribe to it and leave us a 5 STAR review on Apple Podcast !  Jazakallah Khair for tuning in!   Leave your comment below: What is the content form you want to create with?   Share Your Diversity with us!   Go to and subscribe to the newsletter ----------------------------------------­­­­­­­­----

  • How to be consistent on Social Media {Business, Branding & Womanhood} -

    20/05/2019 Duration: 09min

    Feeling overwhelmed by the amount of content others post? Social Media takes just too much of your time? Are you thinking of how people could come up with so much to talk about? Mindset shift #1: Care about people  Mindset shift #2: Other people are successful not because they are better but because they are consistent Strategy: Pick your battles, prioritise writing & batch Inshallah leave a comment: What's the audience, the one person you would like to serve?   Share your diversity with us!   You can also watch the video on our Youtube channel: Go to and subscribe to the newsletter ----------------------------------------­­­­­­­­---------------------------------­-­-­-­-­- Subscribe to the Muslim Businesswoman channel & please leave us a review on iTunes inshallah! Follow us on  Twitter Instagram Youtube Facebook  Do you have a question? Leave it in our Q&A form, I'll be happy

  • Personality Training, Peak Performance & Building a Brand w/ Nilly from WordsBehindASmile - {Muslims in Media} -

    12/05/2019 Duration: 49min

    How can I train my personality to level up myself and my brand?  Today I'm talking with Nilly who's a trainer for Peak Performance and Personality Development about how you can become more effective, build your brand and leave REAL impact. We covered: Why branding is essential if you want to get the most out of your natural talents  How to choose your audience and leave a real impact  What is personality development and why it matters How you can get a mindset of JUST DO IT without the fear of judgement How a Peak Performance mindset helps you get more out of what you have TOP books to develop yourself Why you should drop negative people How to create an online presence Don't forget to subscribe & leave us a review on ApplePodcast - it REALLY helps to bring more sisters to this channel & inshallah to benefit from the content! A link to the bookshelf: Follow Nilly on or http://www.words

  • OVERCOME FEAR OF FAILURE - Action Steps & Ramadan Mindset w/ Amina from Book Nomad - {Muslims in Media} -

    05/05/2019 Duration: 44min

    How to overcome the fear of failure and rejection and Ramadan mindset hacks to set better goals. Afraid of risk, to jump into a new project or commit to a goal? Today we're covering how to get rid of insecurities with realistic, actionable habits that help us to set goals and achieve them, both in business and in private. Especially as we're starting into a new year, Ramadan 2019 is approaching to test us on our goalsetting abilities. It's never really "easy", whether we are looking to grow in our career, establish a business or independence as a Muslim woman. Wearing hijab, praying at work, building your brand on social media are legitimate fears just as having a main and a side hustle, raising children or moving to another country could be other sources of pressure. But apart from bigger fears, there are also day-to-day situations which can make us feel desperate and fearful.  Amina from the Book Nomad podcast shares with us how she developed the skill to overcome the fear of failure.  We are cove

  • DO THIS MOST OF THE TIME - Tips to organize your day {Business, Branding & Womanhood} -

    28/04/2019 Duration: 03min

    Stay here if you want to know  What you should do all day Tips to prioritize your day How to spend your time productively Inshallah leave a comment: What is YOUR strength that you should spend all day developing?   Share your diversity with us!   Today we're talking about a MAJOR tip to help you structure your day to be more productive and successful.   Many time we are told we should focus on our weaknesses and work to turn them into our strength.  Holla if you’ve heard this before: “Find out your weaknesses and make them your strengths. Girl, you need to balance your skills so in the end you are good in everything.”   Well, I believe this is NOT the way you should live your life (and research backs me up). Especially when you think about the time you have in a day. I’ve been struggling a lot to understand how I should prioritize my day to get the most out of it.  Especially when I was doing things that didn’t come natural to me, I often felt exhausted and defeat

  • PERSONAL BRANDING and why it is important {Business, Branding & Womanhood} -

    27/04/2019 Duration: 06min

    You get easily distracted from the competition? Wondering how to compete effectively? This episode is all about crushing your competition. How? By focusing on your personal brand.   We will cover what is personal branding and why it is important!   Leave your comment below: What are you struggling with right now in your brand? You can also watch the video on our Youtube channel: Subscribe to the Muslim Businesswoman channel! Transcript: Just ask yourself the question: When have you compared yourself the last time to your competition and do you really know how to compete effectively? Comparison is so normal it happens to all of us if you are small or big if you are in the first stage of your business or very much advanced in what you do. You just compare yourself and you think I don't know how I can really level up to their level. How come they are crushing me and it can be really frustrating. The first takeaway I would give you is: Creativity does

  • HOW CAN I INNOVATE? - When your business idea already exists - {Business, Branding & Womanhood} -

    09/04/2019 Duration: 12min

    M asked "How can I be innovative? What can I do when my business idea already exists?"  It's ShareTimeTuesday when You share your questions and I answer them! If you have a question, feel free to send me a tweet with #sharetime to @sharediversity or fill up the form on, we will keep all your questions anonymous!  If you enjoyed this podcast, SUBSCRIBE to our Muslim Business Woman Channel here and on Youtube: Thanks for listening!  COMMENT BELOW:  1. What crazy idea have you had but you thought no-one needs it?  2. What is your USP, your unique characteristic that no one can copy you in?  Share your diversity with us!   Ever heard someone saying - "You just have to come up with this one idea, this innovation, and you’ll make it big." ? It's not that easy, but I'll share with you what you can ACTUALLY do to make your ideas work (even if they already exist a thousand times!)  Actions St

  • Modest Networking - How To Network Effectively As A Muslim Woman -

    13/02/2019 Duration: 17min

    You want to find a fitting mentor, get in touch with the best collaborators or be confident to connect on networking events: I've put together a quick guide for you to keep your values and convince people of your talents. This is made for you especially sister! The episode will make you understand how to network effectively while keeping your modesty, communicating confidently and leaving a positive impression on anyone you meet. Leave your comment at 1. Which rule can you most identify with and why? 2. What are the top 3 skills you think one should have when practising modest networking? Get the book at Our topics: 1. How to make everyone like you 2. How to be a good listener 3. Leaving a positive impact 4. Networking with men 5. Being honest Catch up on more Muslim Business Women Secrets: Salaam!

  • Goal-Setting: How To Set New Goals in 3 Simple Steps -

    09/02/2019 Duration: 12min

    One of the most common questions I get asked is, “Sina, how do I set goals and achieve them? Especially for a yearly plan, how can I organise my ambitions?” Setting goals? Wondering how to organise the new year? In today’s Shared Diversity episode I’m sharing a simple 3 step process that helps me set goals for the new year (or any new phase of your life!), plus a great tool that we use in our team to make sure that we meet our visions and keep creating! Leave your comment on 1) Which signs have you seen on yourself? 2) Which signs do you still need to develop? Share Your Diversity with us! 1 Step: Goals are not visions: There is a very big difference between goals and visions. You can set visions in the long term, but to be able to achieve success, you have to define your goals in a measurable & timely way. 2. Step: Planning & Organising: How can you organise your goals effectively so you can avoid failing with your to-do lists and truly achieving success? Grab the guid

  • How to start online, podcasting and balancing marriage & work w Ikhlas Saleem|

    17/01/2019 Duration: 01h07min

    Disclaimer: This episode was a lot of fun! So be prepared to laugh! Ikhlas is a writer, storyteller and digital media strategist, with a passion for religion, culture and education. She's also the creator & co-founder of the Identity Politics Podcast a podcast on race, gender and Muslims in America. Topics: How to grow an online presence How to get into podcasting and find a co-host How to balance marriage and ambitions Top skills and attitudes to make it in media and reach your communities Ikhlas discusses with us How you can make it as a female founder starting to grow an online presence. As the founder of one of my favourite podcasts, she also shares her top tips to get into podcasting, find a co-host and build a team. As both wives, media marketers and founders, we talk about how to balance marriage and ambitions, and how to upgrade your productivity!  Make sure to listen till the end to find out the Top skills and attitudes to make it in media and reach your communities! Inshallah, leave y

  • Success - The 5 Signs of Successful Business Women -

    13/01/2019 Duration: 11min

    Am I made for this? Have you ever thought about starting a business but you didn’t really know whether you are ‘made to’ succeed in being a Business Woman?  Great leaders, mentors and CEOs are all very good at having a certain intuition which talent to invest in. Somehow they know who's going to be successful.  There's just this “something” about them. In today's Shared Diversity episode I’m sharing the Top 5 signs of successful businesswomen.  Leave your comment on 1) Which signs have you seen on yourself? 2) Which signs do you still need to develop? Share Your Diversity with us! Catch up on more Muslim Business Women Podcasts & the artist store: Salaam!

  • Time Management & Side-hustle - How to find time for your passion project -

    26/12/2018 Duration: 11min

    Time Management & Side-hustle Have you struggled to really work on the project you love the most? To feel super productive in accomplishing the next level of your side-hustle that you aim to turn into your main hustle? This episode will make you understand how to find time while working full-time, having a family and a job to work and advance in your passion project. This is not that generic productivity episode, but something that will transform the way you look at every single day. Practical tips on time management for your business! Leave your comment on 1) What are your limiting beliefs? 2) How can you bridge the gap between those false believes and reality to overcome them right now? Share Your Diversity with us! Catch up on more Muslim Business Women Podcasts & the artist store: Salaam!

  • How to overcome your limiting beliefs [Business, Branding & Womanhood] -

    16/12/2018 Duration: 08min

    Thinking you aren't worth the opportunities you are offered? Feeling you're self-sabotaging yourself? That the things you'd think you wanted are actually not really important anymore because someone said it doesn't matter and it's actually bad to want it. You have a passion and imagination for a long time, but people tell you it's impossible? You're feeling super close to a breakthrough but suddenly you just stop and give up on your plans? This episode will make you understand the limiting beliefs you have about topics like money, success, relationships or fame and how you can overcome them.   So take a journal and make some notes. Because today is not the day you let your limiting beliefs win over your life.! Leave your comment on  1) What are your limiting beliefs?  2) How can you bridge the gap between those false believes and reality to overcome them right now?  Share Your Diversity with us! Salaam!

  • Creative content, honesty & using your talent w Chifa K. Spoken Word Artist |

    12/12/2018 Duration: 35min

    In this episode, Chifa K. shares with you her top tips to producing high-quality creative content, get inspired and using your God-given talents to design unique work! Chifa K. is a spoken word artist, poet and creative content creator. She shares with you how to create art consistently and gather the right network that helps you improve and grow. With the focus on self-discipline and finding your authentic self, she gives practical insights into understanding your value to create inspiring content as a Muslim woman!  Join the conversation on  1. What is your idea of "GOALS"?  2. What matters most when you create content?  3. What is the most important goal for you in the long-term?  Share Your Diversity with us! Go to Like and share this episode with your friends and family inshallah! Salaam

  • How to read more, faster and apply knowledge with Mahmoudat -

    28/11/2018 Duration: 37min

    Struggling to read books, or if you read you can't cope with applying what you learn to your life? In this episode, Mahmoudat shares with us her top books, tips for reading more and faster and start applying knowledge after you read it! Mahmoudat is the founder of Myrihla, writer and podcast creator and co-host of Bookversations! How to start reading in the first place? We'll discuss how. She also shares with us her TOP BOOKS to read on personal development, faith and mental health. With the focus on making the most out of your knowledge, she gives practical insights into books that are relevant for young Muslim women!  Comment below this episode:  1. What prevents you from reading more? How can you overcome these limitations? 2. What books have transformed your life?  leave your answer on  Share your diversity with us!   Go to and subscribe to the newsletter ----------------------------------------­­­­­­­­---------

  • Branding & Copywriting basics for content creators with Eman Ismail -

    21/11/2018 Duration: 50min

    Ever thought about how to write a text, an email or a sales pitch? In this episode, Eman shares with us her top secrets for finding your brand voice and start crafting compelling copy.  She shares with us basics into writing copy and making the best out of tools like blogs, social media posts and more.  With the focus on how to sell your products online, she makes it easy to understand what you need to know about copywriting and storytelling as a content creator or business owner.   She also shares her very unique insights into being a mother and entrepreneur and how she prioritizes her ambitions. Comment on Don't forget to download the top tips for copywriters guide here - Like and share with your friends and family inshallah! Salaam Share your diversity with us!   Go to and subscribe to the newsletter ----------------------------------------­­­­­­­­---------------------------------­-­-­-­-­- Subscribe t

  • Create vs Consume - How to get rid of insecurities and establish a legacy

    18/11/2018 Duration: 08min

    What can we do against feeling weak, tired, discouraged?  When you consume a lot more than you create, it is normal that you feel insecure and inferior. In this episode, we will talk about how to - consume the RIGHT content - create more - leave a legacy Shut things off and do!  Find the balance in imbalance, create more than you consume.  Inshallah leave your comment: 1. What should you consume as a knowledge that would inspire more than discourage you?  2. What could you create more that will make you feel more accomplished and push you to achieve legacy? Share your diversity with us!   Go to and subscribe to the newsletter ----------------------------------------­­­­­­­­---------------------------------­-­-­-­-­- Subscribe to the Muslim Businesswoman channel & please leave us a review on iTunes inshallah!  Follow us on  Twitter Instagram Youtube Facebook  Do you have a question? Leave it in our Q&A form, I'll be happy to

  • How to tell your story as a Muslim in media with Amina -

    14/11/2018 Duration: 55min

    Speaking your truth and telling your story as a Muslim in the media is not dependent on "breaking stereotypes".  Amina shares the secrets to her work as a storyteller, setting up your own brand (MuslimCreatvs) and what it means to speak up for yourself.  She also shares with us insights into motivation, authenticity and honesty as a content creator and standing up by standing out in your career.  Share it with your network and leave your comments at here with us!  Salaam, Sina Share your diversity with us!   Go to and subscribe to the newsletter ----------------------------------------­­­­­­­­---------------------------------­-­-­-­-­- Subscribe to the Muslim Businesswoman channel & please leave us a review on iTunes inshallah!  Follow us on  Twitter Instagram Youtube Facebook  Do you have a question? Leave it in our Q&A form, I'll be happy to answer you in the next podcast!  Here:

  • Transparency - "The Handshake" & Muslim businesswomen -

    13/11/2018 Duration: 11min

    That moment when I awkwardly refuse to handshake a man. It might seem weird to some people out there, but as a Muslim businesswoman, I have made many difficult decisions. Especially in the Western working environment, being visibly Muslim is already a challenge. Sticking out additionally by not compromising on physical contact with the opposite sex, that´s another level. My question is, however, what is a cultural habit and what is a value? Transparency means being truthful with everyone about the choices you make in your life. Leave your comment: 1) What experiences have you had with "the Handshake" situation? 2) What other stories can you share where they wanted you to compromise to "fit in", but your values tell you to "stand out".  Share your diversity with us!   Go to and subscribe to the newsletter ----------------------------------------­­­­­­­­---------------------------------­-­-­-­-­- Subscribe to the Muslim Businesswoman channel & please leave us a review

  • Muslim Women in Mainstream Media & Overcoming Judgement with Dr Idil Osman -

    02/11/2018 Duration: 01h19s

    We are talking about the power of voice as a Muslim woman in mainstream media, focusing our priorities and overcoming judgement (especially self judgement). With journalist, author, lecturer, expert in diaspora media and TV host Dr Idil Osman.  Besides sharing her career principles and journey into media, Idil speaks about her definition of hijab and how we can create platforms to amplify each others voices.  Like and share inshallah. Leave your comments down below or join the conversation at Salaam  -- Copyright Art by Sina

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