Kauai Bible Church



Our Sunday sermons from Kauai Bible Church. We hope you are encouraged and challenged as you listen to our teachings from the Bible.


  • The Gifts of The Holy Spirit


    We are in a season of studying the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Our passion is for the Holy Spirit to rest on us (Isaiah 11:2) and to see every believer operating in the gifts that the Spirit has distributed to them. In today’s sermon, we introduce this teaching series by seeking to understand the gifts of the Holy Spirit and their importance in our lives. We want everyone to feel confident and equipped to begin to practice the use of these gifts.

  • I Am The True Vine


    We are spending the summer exploring the seven I Am declarations of Jesus in the gospel of John. Each time Jesus said, “I Am,” He was declaring that He is God, He is eternally present, and He has everything we need. In today’s sermon, we look at the declaration that Jesus is the True Vine. As followers of Christ, we are required to be fruitful for the Kingdom of God. That fruitfulness only comes when we remain connected to the True Vine.

  • I Am The Way, The Truth, and The Life


    We are spending the summer exploring the seven I Am declarations of Jesus in the gospel of John. Each time Jesus said, “I Am,” He was declaring that He is God, He is eternally present, and He has everything we need. In today’s sermon, we look at the declaration that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. We look at how these three elements apply both for eternal life and for today. Are we living as if Jesus is the singular source for everything we need?

  • I Am The Light of The World


    We are spending the summer exploring the seven I Am declarations of Jesus in the gospel of John. Each time Jesus said, “I Am,” He was declaring that He is God, He is eternally present, and He has everything we need. In today’s sermon, we look at the declaration that Jesus is the Light of the World. Jesus is the Light we need to see. We want to be like Jesus, be the Light to the World, showing the glory of the Father to the broken, the hurting, and those in despair.

  • I Am The Good Shepherd


    We are spending the summer exploring the seven I Am declarations of Jesus in the gospel of John. Each time Jesus said, “I Am,” He was declaring that He is God, He is eternally present, and He has everything we need. In today’s sermon, we look at the declaration that Jesus is the Good Shepherd. Jesus loves us and cares for us. He protects us even to the point of death. He takes on the character of God from Psalms 23.

  • I Am The Door of The Sheep


    We are spending the summer exploring the seven I Am declarations of Jesus in the gospel of John. Each time Jesus said, “I Am,” He was declaring that He is God, He is eternally present, and He has everything we need. In today’s sermon, we look at the declaration that Jesus is the Door of the Sheep. Jesus is the door that leads to eternal security and the voice that leads to abundant life. Learn His voice and flee from all others.

  • I Am The Resurrection and The Life


    We are spending the summer exploring the seven I Am declarations of Jesus in the gospel of John. Each time Jesus said, “I Am,” He was declaring that He is God, He is eternally present, and He has everything we need. In today’s sermon, we look at the declaration that Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life. Jesus let His good friend die so that He could reveal His resurrection life to the world and teach us priceless lessons about faith.

  • I Am The Bread of Life


    We are spending the summer exploring the seven I Am declarations of Jesus in the gospel of John. Each time Jesus said, “I Am,” He was declaring that He is God, He is eternally present, and He has everything we need. In today’s sermon, we look at the declaration that Jesus is the Bread of Life. Jesus invites us to come to Him as the Bread of Life and He will be the source of everything that sustains us.

  • BIG - Dreaming For Our Future


    Happy Memorial Day Weekend! We honor the ultimate price that was paid by so many men and women so that we can have the freedom to gather and worship. In today’s sermon, we are being stirred up to dream BIG. We need BIG dreams to chart the course towards our future. Its a good thing we serve a BIG God and it is impossible to dream too BIG for Him.

  • Come And See


    It is Keiki Ministry Sunday! We are celebrating all that God is doing through our Keiki Ministry. Our Keiki Ministry Director, Sarah Reis, will be teaching on John 1:29. What did Jesus do to save us? Jesus lived a sinless life, died on the cross, and rose from the dead. He then called disciples to "come and see."

  • Leaving a Legacy of Faith


    Happy Mother’s Day! We will be honoring all of our amazing moms and women of God during service today. Shannon Chidester will be teaching on leaving a legacy of faith. The choices we are making today are sowing seeds for the legacy we will leave for future generations.

  • Already And Not Yet


    We are exploring divine healing as we seek to live in a balance of sound doctrine and great faith. In today’s sermon, we look at the present reality of the Kingdom of God versus the fullness of the Kingdom that is to come. We live in the power of the Kingdom now, but we do not yet have the fullness of the Kingdom with ALL its promises.

  • The Kingdom of Love


    We are exploring divine healing as we seek to live in a balance of sound doctrine and great faith. In today’s sermon, we look at healings as a demonstration of the Kingdom of Love. In God’s Kingdom, we don’t just look for a certain way that God is going to heal us, we look for all the ways He is loving us.

  • In And Through


    We are exploring divine healing as we seek to live in a balance of sound doctrine and great faith. In today’s sermon, we look at the connection between healing and the atonement. We find healing both IN the atonement and THROUGH the atonement. Understanding the distinction between the two is important to sound doctrine.

  • Back to Life


    Happy Resurrection Sunday!! Our Easter theme today is “Back to Life.” Through worship, testimonies, and sharing the gospel, we will be rejoicing that Jesus is back to life. Because Jesus came back to life, He can now bring us back to life!

  • A World of Lawlessness


    We are studying the Olivet Discourse and other end times prophecy so we can understand the times we live in and respond in a way that points people to Jesus. In today’s sermon, we look at the sign of lawlessness. In a world that increasingly rejects Christ and spirals into lawlessness, His followers have the privilege of shining brightest in the darkest days.

  • A World of Persecution & Betrayal


    We are studying the Olivet Discourse and other end times prophecy so we can understand the times we live in and respond in a way that points people to Jesus. In today’s sermon, we look at the signs of persecution and betrayal. As followers of Christ in the last days, our faithfulness in the face of persecution will be our witness to the world.

  • Keep Calm & Carry On


    We are studying the Olivet Discourse and other end times prophecy so we can understand the times we live in and respond in a way that points people to Jesus. In today’s sermon, we look at the signs of wars and natural disasters. As followers of Christ in the last days, we can find peace and confidence in who God is and what He is doing.

  • A World of Deception


    We are studying the Olivet Discourse and other end times prophecy so we can understand the times we live in and respond in a way that points people to Jesus. In today’s sermon, we look at the sign of deception and false teaching. As followers of Christ in the last days, we must learn to discern truth and reflect that truth back to a dying world.

  • What Are We To Do?


    We are studying the Olivet Discourse and other end times prophecy so we can understand the times we live in and respond in a way that points people to Jesus. In today’s sermon, we look at Jesus’ shocking prophecy of the destruction of the Temple to know that God’s Word is true and His prophecies should shape our priorities.

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