Meliss Marketing



Podcast by Meliss Marketing


  • Ep. 424: Naming Your Facebook Group

    15/09/2022 Duration: 09min

    "Adjective, adjective, noun." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about how to name your Facebook Group in a way that will attract your ideal client: -Facebook group is a community and you want to attract the right people into it. -Make sure you have a great description about your Facebook group as everyone can see this when they click even if they aren't yet a member. -My group Spiritual Women Entrepreneurs. It's adj. adj. noun. I'm attracting entrepreneurs but if you are a woman and identify as spiritual, you will feel like you are in the right community. Connect with Meliss Jakubovic: Join the free community: Spiritual Women Entrepreneurs The Spiritual Entrepreneur’s Affirmation Deck Facebook: Follow Meliss: @meliss_marketing Learn more about how Meliss helps Coaches and Healers add $10K+ to their monthly revenue at

  • Ep. 423: Organic v. Paid Traffic

    13/09/2022 Duration: 12min

    "Paid traffic takes money. Organic traffic takes time." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about organic versus paid traffic: -There are lots of types of marketing but I'm specifically talking about social media for today's topic and specifically for people with an online business- not local business. -Paid traffic will only amplify what you are already doing: so if you are writing bad content that gets no engagement, putting ad spend budget behind it will amplify the bad content and you will get no engagement still and throw money away. -You can have a successful business without paid traffic! Connect with Meliss Jakubovic: Join the free community: Spiritual Women Entrepreneurs The Spiritual Entrepreneur’s Affirmation Deck Facebook: Follow Meliss: @meliss_marketing Learn more about how Meliss helps Coaches and Healers add $10K+ to thei

  • Ep. 422: Recession Proofing Your Small Business

    08/09/2022 Duration: 17min

    "The aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic has cause a lot of crazy fluctuations in our economy." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about recession proofing your small business: -Don't panic! -During recessions people shut down. But if you stay your ground, getting into programs that help you grow, and work hard, you remain and will be seen on top when things settle. -Being on top of your numbers. Connect with Meliss Jakubovic: Join the free community: Spiritual Women Entrepreneurs The Spiritual Entrepreneur’s Affirmation Deck Facebook: Follow Meliss: @meliss_marketing Learn more about how Meliss helps Coaches and Healers add $10K+ to their monthly revenue at

  • Ep. 421: Tools I Currently Use In My Business (Part 2)

    06/09/2022 Duration: 14min

    "I was able to host my courses inside Clickfunnels! It made my business so streamlined and easy to use." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm explaining the tools I use in my business (or have used and loved!): -Many of these tools I use every day in my business, and have used for years! -I was hesitant to download Facebook Messenger, and now it's something that runs automatically! It also helps sort my leads. -One of my favorite tools is Wordpress, it's where I've got my website built. Connect with Meliss Jakubovic: Join the free community: Spiritual Women Entrepreneurs The Spiritual Entrepreneur’s Affirmation Deck Facebook: Follow Meliss: @meliss_marketing Learn more about how Meliss helps Coaches and Healers add $10K+ to their monthly revenue at Get Active Campaign for your emails here: ActiveCampaign - Email Marketing, A

  • Ep. 420: Tools I Currently Use In My Business Part 1

    06/09/2022 Duration: 17min

    "I've been using Canva since day 1!" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about tools I use in my business: -Some of these tools are for project management, graphic design, course creation, and more! -Slack, Zoom, Thinkific (see promo below!), Trello, Gsuite, Camtasia, Voxer. -What tools do you use in your business? Connect with Meliss Jakubovic: Join the free community: Spiritual Women Entrepreneurs The Spiritual Entrepreneur’s Affirmation Deck Facebook: Follow Meliss: @meliss_marketing Learn more about how Meliss helps Coaches and Healers add $10K+ to their monthly revenue at Create online courses | Thinkific:

  • Ep. 419: Back To Basics-Posting On Social Media

    30/08/2022 Duration: 10min

    "You can take that one piece of content and break it up into 10 pieces of social media posts!" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about posting on social media: -What to post on your business page versus your personal page. -What are questions your potential clients would ask? -Branded content versus personal content. I hope this 'back to basics' episode really helps you connect with your content and your audience more, and if you have any questions please reach out! Connect with Meliss Jakubovic: Join the free community: Spiritual Women Entrepreneurs The Spiritual Entrepreneur’s Affirmation Deck Facebook: Follow Meliss: @meliss_marketing Learn more about how Meliss helps Coaches and Healers add $10K+ to their monthly revenue at

  • Ep. 418: Can I Get Clients Without A Large Following?

    25/08/2022 Duration: 16min

    "Can I get clients without a large following?" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm answering that question and giving you examples of how to get clients without a large following: -Put yourself out there in your niche! -Focus on money generating activities. -People need to see things 7-12 times before it sinks in, so be patient and consistent. As you grow your following, keep in mind that people can be watching without engaging. Be consistent, and eventually you'll grow you client list. Connect with Meliss Jakubovic: Join the free community: Spiritual Women Entrepreneurs The Spiritual Entrepreneur’s Affirmation Deck Facebook: Follow Meliss: @meliss_marketing Learn more about how Meliss helps Coaches and Healers add $10K+ to their monthly revenue at

  • Ep. 417: Your Five Year Plan

    23/08/2022 Duration: 17min

    "I want you to think about your five year plan..." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about your five year plan: -Writing down your goals first thing in the morning. -What do you want to change? What will you need to do in order to continue growing? -it's ok to make changes to your plans as you see fit. Connect with Meliss Jakubovic: Join the free community: Spiritual Women Entrepreneurs The Spiritual Entrepreneur’s Affirmation Deck Facebook: Follow Meliss: @meliss_marketing Learn more about how Meliss helps Coaches and Healers add $10K+ to their monthly revenue at

  • Ep. 416: Learning How to Grow My Business Using Social Media

    18/08/2022 Duration: 17min

    "Like my page! Join my group! Download my free group!" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about learning how to grow your business using social media: -Knowing your target market, knowing their needs. -What is your offer? -Don't jump on too many platforms before you're ready. -And so much more! Connect with Meliss Jakubovic: Join the free community: Spiritual Women Entrepreneurs The Spiritual Entrepreneur’s Affirmation Deck Facebook: Follow Meliss: @meliss_marketing Learn more about how Meliss helps Coaches and Healers add $10K+ to their monthly revenue at

  • Ep. 415: Back To Basics-Money Mindset

    16/08/2022 Duration: 14min

    "I want you to think about your relationship with money..." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, we're going back to the basics with money mindset: -How do you feel about money? Do you have any fears about it? -What are you experiences with money up until now in your life? -Why are you worthy of wealth and abundance? Connect with Meliss Jakubovic: Join the free community: Spiritual Women Entrepreneurs The Spiritual Entrepreneur’s Affirmation Deck Facebook: Follow Meliss: @meliss_marketing Learn more about how Meliss helps Coaches and Healers add $10K+ to their monthly revenue at

  • Ep. 414: Honing In On Your Offer

    11/08/2022 Duration: 09min

    "Having a signature offer means that you have something very special that sets you apart from others in your industry." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about how to hone in on what you have to offer: -Honing in on your target market before being able to hone in on your niche. -Be specific! -Focus on providing a service that will solve the whole problem for your clients. -What are you an expert in? Connect with Meliss Jakubovic: Join the free community: Spiritual Women Entrepreneurs The Spiritual Entrepreneur’s Affirmation Deck Facebook: Follow Meliss: @meliss_marketing Learn more about how Meliss helps Coaches and Healers add $10K+ to their monthly revenue at

  • Ep. 413: When Life Gets In The Way

    09/08/2022 Duration: 11min

    "I can guarantee you, when you're on this entrepreneurial journey life can get in the way." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about when life gets in the way: -I had surgery a few weeks ago, and how this affected my business. -What to do when life gets in the way. -Planning ahead and taking time off if you need it. Give yourself permission to heal. Physically, emotionally, mentally...if you need time to heal, take time to heal. Connect with Meliss Jakubovic: Join the free community: Spiritual Women Entrepreneurs The Spiritual Entrepreneur’s Affirmation Deck Facebook: Follow Meliss: @meliss_marketing Learn more about how Meliss helps Coaches and Healers add $10K+ to their monthly revenue at

  • Ep. 412: Should I Offer A Guarantee?

    04/08/2022 Duration: 12min

    "People ask me all the time, 'Should I offer a guarantee?'" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm answering this question and explaining the science behind a guarantee: -What is a guarantee in the eyes of a customer? -What are the PROs and CONs of a guarantee? -Your guarantee can help people who might not otherwise sign up for your coaching say YES, because you are taking all the risk. If after the first month of coaching, they don’t think it’s exactly what they want and need, you’ll give a full refund. Remember, you can't control how a client will go through your product, and implement what you teach them. Connect with Meliss Jakubovic: Join the free community: Spiritual Women Entrepreneurs The Spiritual Entrepreneur’s Affirmation Deck Facebook: Follow Meliss: @meliss_marketing Learn more about how Meliss helps Coaches and Healers add $10K+ to t

  • Ep. 411: Back to the Basics: Setting Up Systems

    02/08/2022 Duration: 14min

    "Systems create a foundation that allow you to live a full life, and not be a slave to your computer." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm going back to the basics and explaining why you should be setting up some systems: -CRM; Customer Relationship Management-How do you keep track of your customers? -Bookkeeping, how do you track income, expenses, collect payments? All of the money "stuff" should be in its own system. -Scheduling-you're an entrepreneur, and things can get complicated without this system. -Sales system-this can be automated, it can be a funnel, and more! Connect with Meliss Jakubovic: Join the free community: Spiritual Women Entrepreneurs The Spiritual Entrepreneur’s Affirmation Deck Facebook: Follow Meliss: @meliss_marketing Learn more about how Meliss helps Coaches and Healers add $10K+ to their monthly revenue at melissmarket

  • Ep. 410: Putting Your Client's Obstacles In Order To Sell A Great Program

    28/07/2022 Duration: 10min

    "Today we're gonna talk about obstacles that your prospective clients might have." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about your client's obstacles and how to sell a great program: -Our program should be what creates the result or transformation for our dream clients. -A great example of how this works using The Home Edit. -What are the quickest wins you can provide your client with in the beginning? -Using your client's obstacles in your step by step program to help them achieve results is doable, I share an example of how this works! Connect with Meliss Jakubovic: Join the free community: Spiritual Women Entrepreneurs The Spiritual Entrepreneur’s Affirmation Deck Facebook: Follow Meliss: @meliss_marketing Learn more about how Meliss helps Coaches and Healers add $10K+ to their monthly revenue at

  • Ep. 409: Which Lead Gen Strategies Are Most Effective?

    26/07/2022 Duration: 12min

    "There are so many different types of lead generation strategies." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about which lead generation strategies are most effective: -What is lead generation? -How do you find the best lead generation strategy for your business? -My lead generation strategy analysis. -The best (and worst) ways to generate leads. Connect with Meliss Jakubovic: Join the free community: Spiritual Women Entrepreneurs The Spiritual Entrepreneur’s Affirmation Deck Facebook: Follow Meliss: @meliss_marketing Learn more about how Meliss helps Coaches and Healers add $10K+ to their monthly revenue at

  • Ep. 408: Back To The Basics-Getting More Clients

    21/07/2022 Duration: 10min

    "We want to learn about the other person, we want to ask good questions, ask them about themselves." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm going back to the basics when it comes to getting more clients: -Keep focusing on the fundamentals. -Ways to find common grounds with your potential clients. -Identifying problems and offering help. -How to book calls that lead to enrolling clients. I hope this "back to the basics" episode helps you think about the ways you're getting more clients. What works for you? Connect with Meliss Jakubovic: Join the free community: Spiritual Women Entrepreneurs The Spiritual Entrepreneur’s Affirmation Deck Facebook: Follow Meliss: @meliss_marketing Learn more about how Meliss helps Coaches and Healers add $10K+ to their monthly revenue at

  • Ep. 407: Inbound Or Outbound To Get Clients

    19/07/2022 Duration: 10min

    "We never start with a pitch." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about inbound or outbound marketing to get clients: -What is inbound and outbound marketing strategy? -Ways to use both inbound and outbound. -Examples of how these strategies are an integral piece to your client process. Connect With Meliss: Join the free community: Spiritual Women Entrepreneurs The Spiritual Entrepreneur's Affirmation Deck Facebook: Follow Meliss: @meliss_marketing Learn more about how Meliss helps Coaches and Healers add $10K+ to their monthly revenue at

  • Ep. 406: Get Rich Quick

    14/07/2022 Duration: 10min

    "Wouldn't it be amazing if we could all get rich quick?" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about 'get rich quick' and what that really means: -If it's too good to be true, it probably is. -When you start something, don't rush out of it, give it a fair shot. -You need a system, discipline, structure, and a plan of action. Then you need to show up consistently, ask for help, and keep moving forward. Connect with Meliss Jakubovic: Join the free community: Spiritual Women Entrepreneurs The Spiritual Entrepreneur's Affirmation Deck Facebook: Follow Meliss: @meliss_marketing Learn more about how Meliss helps Coaches and Healers add $10K+ to their monthly revenue at

  • Ep. 405: Different Ways To Find Clients When You're First Starting Out

    12/07/2022 Duration: 16min

    "If you have a clear mindset, willing to roll up your sleeves and put the work in, you can get more clients!" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about different ways to find clients when you're first starting out: -Where to find potential clients in your target market. -How to approach potential clients and stand out when doing so. -Three ways I stood out to my potential clients when first starting out and WHY it worked! Connect with Meliss Jakubovic: Join the free community: Spiritual Women Entrepreneurs The Spiritual Entrepreneur's Affirmation Deck Facebook: Follow Meliss: @meliss_marketing Learn more about how Meliss helps Coaches and Healers add $10K+ to their monthly revenue at

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