Meliss Marketing

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 100:58:46
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Podcast by Meliss Marketing


  • Ep. 364: Struggling To Get Clients

    17/02/2022 Duration: 08min

    "The fortune is in the follow up." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm giving some advice on what you can do if you're struggling to get clients: -My five day formula on finding clients who will resonate with you. -Getting out of the lack mindset and desperation mindset. You should be in an abundance mindset. -Creating a resource that you can give away for free & why this works! Having a conversation with your leads after they have used your free resource is a great way to open up the conversation to a discovery call. Calls lead to clients! Don't be afraid to try these steps. Lead with service and know you can offer them a solution. Connect with me: Podcast: Link to Join my free marketing community: Client Abundance:

  • Ep. 363: Change Why You Are Posting

    15/02/2022 Duration: 09min

    "Are you posting content everyday? Are you showing up?" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about changing the way you are posting content to social media: -Why are you posting content? -Think about the end goal. -Focus on impacting people, not selling. What can you do to impact someone else? Can you inspire them? Remember, if you lead with passion and service, the money will follow. Connect with me: Podcast: Link to Join my free marketing community: Client Abundance:

  • Ep. 362: Need Help With Focus?

    10/02/2022 Duration: 08min

    "How is your focus? Is it exactly where you want it to be?" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about focus: -Start with a brain dump, use paper/pen, google doc, etc and write everything that needs to be done on the list. -The three steps to a successful to-do list. -Prioritizing your to-do list. -Schedule it out. As an online entrepreneur, it can be especially challenging sometimes to pull in your focus let alone decide which of the things take priority. I hope these tips help you as much as they've helped me. If you have any questions, be sure to pop into my FREE Facebook group, or leave them in the comments! Connect with me: Podcast: Link to Join my free marketing community:

  • Ep. 361: Your Client Journey

    08/02/2022 Duration: 14min

    "One of the most important things that you really need to understand and nail down is your client's journey." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about your client journey: -The customer journey is the path a prospect follows to become a customer and the experiences they have at each stage of the process. -The three different stages a client will be in and what to do in each one. -The questions you should be asking along the client journey. It's important to remember that not every prospect will be an instant client, and each client has a different customer journey with you. If you have questions about any of these steps, please join my group or comment on this episode! Connect with me: Podcast: Link to Join my free marketing community:

  • Ep. Why We Are Changing Our Name

    03/02/2022 Duration: 15min

    "For the last four years, our Facebook community was known as Magnetic Marketing Mastermind..." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about the BIG change we just made to the Facebook community: -Formerly Magnetic Marketing Mastermind, now the Facebook group is called Spiritual Women Entrepreneurs. -Why I did the change -The transition steps I took to changing the name to better reach my niche. -The significance of the new group logo. -My new ebook! If you want to grab my newest eBook, visit the link below to join my Facebook community. Be sure to answer the questions so my moderators can let you inside. Connect with me: Podcast: Link to Join my free marketing community:

  • Ep. 359: Thinking Time

    01/02/2022 Duration: 10min

    "I'm introverted, and I use that as a strength." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about how I spent some time during the winter break: -Alone time can be thinking time for your business but also time to relax. -Self care -The items I brought with me to help indulge on alone time and use it wisely to get creative and strategize in my business. -Why I didn't bring my car & how it helped with the process. The most creative things come out of my alone time. Without distractions you're able to work for as long as you'd like, and have the focus that you might not otherwise get to have. Connect with me: Podcast: Link to Join my free marketing community:

  • Ep. 358: Social Proof... Even With No Clients

    27/01/2022 Duration: 11min

    "It's really important that we have social proof. If you want to build a stronger online reputation, you need social proof." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about what to do about social proof, even if you don't have any clients: -Social proof is so important, especially when other people say great things about you-it is better than you saying great things about you! -What to do if you forgot to ask for a testimonial, or have a testimonial that isn't that informative. -Reach out to those who have benefited from your expertise Remember, you want your social proof (testimonials) to be about your client having results, not just saying how great you are. You can do this! Connect with me: Podcast: Link to Join my free marketing community: Grab my kits:

  • Ep. 357: What Is Beta Testing and Do I Need It?

    25/01/2022 Duration: 16min

    "What is beta testing? Alpha testing? You may not have even heard of these yet." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about what is beta testing and the reasons why you need it: -Beta testing is taking a sampling of your target market and running them through your new coaching product or program. -Do you need it? -The why of beta testing. Think of beta testing as insurance for your service. You put so much work into what you create, this will insure that people actually want what you are offering. -The when and who of beta testing, you don't want to target the wrong beta testers. I wrap up with several questions you should ask yourself and/or your testing group when running a beta test. If you feel stuck or needing more help with beta testing, I invite you to join my Facebook group or reach out using the contact information below! Connect with me: Podcast: Link to Join my free marketing community: Gra

  • Ep. 356: Social Engagement

    20/01/2022 Duration: 12min

    "How do we increase our engagement on social?" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about social engagement: -The importance of being social and engaging with others on social media platforms. -Planning out your content ahead of time but also adding in daily engagement. -If it's on your calendar, you have to do it! Show up for yourself! I hope that these tips will help you boost your social engagement and content planning. What are you doing currently? Is it working for you? Tell me in the comments! Connect with me: Podcast: Link to Join my free marketing community: Grab my kits:

  • Ep. 355: I Don't Know What I'm Doing

    18/01/2022 Duration: 07min

    "Have you ever thought 'What am I doing?'" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about what to do when you've felt like you don't know what you're doing: -Impostor Syndrome, most entrepreneurs go through this! -If you are following your passion, you are being guided by your higher purpose. -The coaches that I've hired, are only a few steps ahead of me. It makes me comfortable in knowing I only need to know, what I know. -Take things one step at a time. When times are tough, and you don't know what you are doing...just remember: Neither does anyone else. I'm excited to see where your journey takes you, and don't forget, it's ok to know what you know. Connect with me: Connect with me: Podcast: Link to Join my free marketing community: Grab my kits:

  • Ep. 354: Being Authentically You

    13/01/2022 Duration: 09min

    "There's so many ways to connect with your people, and I want you to do it in a way that feels comfortable to you." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about being authentically you: -What to do if you're in a course with swipe files. -Why do your clients look to you for answers? -What are your interests, quirks, abilities? This makes you, you! Shine your light! Be authentically you, and the universe will provide. Connect with me: Podcast: Link to Join my free marketing community: Grab my kits:

  • Ep. 353: I Got My First Client, Now What?

    11/01/2022 Duration: 11min

    "When we overthink, we actually don't show up in the way we need to. We get too in our heads." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about getting your first client, and what happens next: -What happens when you've signed your first client? -The marketing that you do today, is the sales that you make tomorrow. -Nurturing is your marketing, don't get caught up in one person and forget to nurture your other leads. -The 90-day cycle of consistency. -Be a confident leader. Confidence is contagious! Remember, the end goal is to consistently run your process. If you can consistently run your process you will sign more clients. Connect with me: Podcast: Link to Join my free marketing community: Grab my kits:

  • Ep. 352: 8 Things You Must Have For Consistent Income

    06/01/2022 Duration: 18min

    "As soon as you define your niche, everything starts to fall into place." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about the eight things you must have for consistent income: -Defining your niche and signature offer. -Surrounding yourself with your niche and building relationships. -What your sales process looks like and why it's important. -What is your client success process? Are you following these steps or are you stuck in the middle? Let me know in the comments or by joining my group! Connect with me: Podcast: Link to Join my free marketing community: Grab my kits:

  • Ep. 351: Fresh Start

    04/01/2022 Duration: 15min

    "It is time for a fresh start, a clean slate." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about the new year and what that means: -The idea of getting a fresh start. -Set some new intentions, I share about how I set mine as well. -Doing a 90-day sprint in your business. -Focus on the "Be. Do. Have." list when making your intentions. Don't hold back in your intentions and your desires. Keep a journal of your wins, and every time something amazing happens to you, write it down! It can be the smallest of wins or the biggest of wins, just write it down. Then in December you can open it up and look at the accomplishments of the past year. Connect with me: Podcast: Link to Join my free marketing community: Grab my kits:

  • Ep. 350: Pleasures And Pain

    16/12/2021 Duration: 09min

    "The truth is, pleasures and pain is the heart of what marketing is about." In this -minute episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about the heart of marketing and how the pleasures and pain of your target market will help you understand how to reach success: -What does your target market desire? This is the pleasure. -If you've been through something that your dream client has been through, you can connect with them on that pain. -Let your target market see that you understand them on a deeper, emotional level. -Reasons people buy when it relates to their pain. Why are or aren't they taking action? When you can guide people to make a transformation from pain to pleasure, it makes you more likely to help them get the result they seek. Use these three tips to help your ideal client reach success! Connect with me: Podcast: Link to Join my free marketing community:

  • Ep. 349: Not Enough Hours In The Day

    14/12/2021 Duration: 15min

    "Do you ever feel like there's just not enough hours in the day? I feel like this all the time!" There are simply not enough hours in the day, and I'm not the only one having this problem. In this 16-minute podcast, I'm talking about what to do when you feel overwhelmed and that there's not enough hours in the day: -Get laser focused! Who do you serve? What problems can you solve? -Have clear boundaries around your time. Don't be afraid to say no! -Understand why you're doing this in the first place. -Automation! Put in as many layers of automation that you can in your business so you don't have to do every little thing. -Remember why you're doing this. -Affirmations. You don't want to drive yourself into burnout. Take time to do self-care, use affirmations, and focus on what's important in your business. Connect with me: Podcast: Link to Join my free marketing community:

  • Ep. 348: Blocked From Making Sales?

    09/12/2021 Duration: 13min

    ""You want to be able to move people into your programs, because you are able to help them with a solution." Are you feeling blocked from making sales? In this 13-minute episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about what to do if you're feeling blocked from sales: -Shifting your mindset using the top six answers from my group about why you might feel blocked. -Hiring a coach or strategist, joining a community to get answers. -Personal development and mindset tips. -Testing strategies and changing them to get your desired results. Use the data to test what works well! If you're feeling blocked from making sales, spinning your wheels but not seeing the data you're looking for to reach your goals, try using these six tips to breakthrough that block. Connect with me: Podcast: Link to Join my free marketing community:

  • Ep. 347: End Of Year Planning

    07/12/2021 Duration: 12min

    "It's almost the end of the year, can you believe it?" We've done a lot of stuff this year, and I want you to reflect back on the previous year we've had-but also looking ahead and planning out the rest of the year. In this 11-minute episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about the end of the year, and planning for the last bit of the year: -Think about the last bit of the year, and the beginning of next year. -Quarterly planning, planning breaks, and launches. -How I plan the end of my year. -Evaluate what didn't go well in the last year. Remember you need to space out your sales and launches with value. Your yearly calendar needs to be aligned with your goals. Connect with me: Podcast: Link to Join my free marketing community:

  • Ep. 346: Let's Get You Niched

    02/12/2021 Duration: 06min

    "If you help a certain category of people, you become the expert to that subset of people." In this 6-minute episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about niching down: -Determine who your niche is. -I go over one of the worksheets in my Niche Kit to help you find your niche. -Once you figure out your market, you can cater your message to your niche and find the people who need you the most. If you're struggling with niching down, you can find my kit on my website by clicking 'shop'. I hope this helps, and I'll talk to you in the next episode about end of the year planning. Connect with me: Podcast: Link to Join my free marketing community: Client Abundance:

  • Ep. 345: Master These Skills As An Entrepreneur

    30/11/2021 Duration: 15min

    "I asked a question in my group, 'What skills do you need to master in order to be a successful entrepreneur?'" In this 15-minute episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I compiled a list of things from my own experience and from my group about what skills you need to master as an entrepreneur: -There are 11 key skills we need to have as an entrepreneur. -The skills you need to connect with your target market. -Why consistency is important as an entrepreneur. -Sales are a part of being a business owner. The entrepreneurs who have the skill of moving forward, are the ones who are moving forward in their business and reaching success. If you are not taking the action steps to move your business forward, you're not going to master these skills that you need to be a successful entrepreneur. If you're stuck, or have questions about anything in this episode, reach out to me! Connect with me: Podcast: Link to Join my free marketing community: MagneticMarketing

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