Cody Builds A Business



The Cody Builds a Business Podcast is your front row seat (with backstage passes) to watching Cody Burch build a business from scratch (no followers, no subscribers, no shine, no list...). Will he succeed or will he fail? Stay tuned to find out for yourself....Hey my name is Cody Burch and in February 2017 I left my corporate job of 11 years and set sail to start my own marketing agency. In the Summer of 2017 I had the idea to create an online product to serve more people. Trouble is, I only have a handful of customers and no list...Thanks for joining me on my journey...


  • Ep. 305 - Unconscious Competencies & Mindless Mastery

    20/10/2020 Duration: 13min

    What do you get asked about all the time that you mindlessly answer b/c it comes to naturally to you? Today we talk about "unconscious competencies" and how to use them to grow our business. And if you want to come to the Ad Class click here:

  • Ep. 304 - Curl Up or Bulk Up?

    12/10/2020 Duration: 19min

    What do you do when life inevitably throws you curveballs? Do you curl up into a ball or do you put on stronger muscles and bones, and grow thicker skin? 

  • Ep. 303 - "Worse Than Worthless"

    05/10/2020 Duration: 09min

    Ever feel like you completely wasted an idea, inspiration, or effort in your business? Does it ever feel worthless? Well, good news! I've found something "worse than worthless" and I share it with you on this episode. Enjoy. :) 

  • Ep. 302 - How's Your Money Mindset?

    28/09/2020 Duration: 13min

    How do you look at money? Is it an inanimate, lifeless thing? Or do you assign a bunch of meaning and emotion to it? 

  • Ep. 301 - My Top 3 Lead Generators of 2020

    21/09/2020 Duration: 12min

    Lead magnets. List builders. "Trust builders". Opt-ins.... Whatever you call them they are really powerful. And a funny thing happened - I just noticed that I crossed over the 10,000 lead mark in my own personal business. Kind of a cool milestone if you ask me... And I've generated over 100,000 leads for my clients! How cool is that?! Over the years I've tried it ALL when it comes to works and what doesn't work...  And on this episode I break down my top 3 list-builders of all time. Links:

  • Ep. 300 - Pivoting Through The Pandemic With Special Guest Christy Burch

    14/09/2020 Duration: 28min

    This is a story all about how... So today I have a very special treat for you. My wife Christy came on the show to celebrate 300 episodes as well as drop some knowledge bombs on virtual events. We're pivoting our way through the apocalypse here on the Cody Builds a Business Show To learn more about her special offer go here:

  • BONUS: 10 Ways to Make More Money Without Paying for More Traffic

    01/09/2020 Duration: 14min

    On this bonus episode you'll learn 10 ways to make MORE money without paying for more ads. Links:

  • Ep. 299 - 2 Ways to To Increase Sales Without More Traffic

    24/08/2020 Duration: 09min

    Want to increase sales but don’t want to pay for more traffic? This episode shows you how. Go to to learn more.

  • [Bonus] Worry Won't Add An Hour To Your Life

    20/08/2020 Duration: 06min

    Even when things are going well it's hard to not worry about the future. Today's episode calls out a troubling trend in media and how it affects our outlook on our life. Another guy I follow talks about it, so I wanted to share His thoughts. Read more here <

  • Ep. 298 - Why 521 Of My Ideal Customers Paid $10,614 To Join My Email List

    17/08/2020 Duration: 09min

    What if you could flip traditional lead gen on its head and actually have people pay to join your email list?  Well, that's exactly what I did with a Pay What You Want Strategy Note: This is a follow up to episode 287. And if you want to get the complete guide to trying a PWYW strategy in your business, go to to learn more.

  • Ep. 297 - How to Monetize Your Day to Day Activity

    10/08/2020 Duration: 08min

    On this episode I tell you the unusual way I made $8,279 doing something I had to do anyways... It's highly unusual and highly interesting (and you should consider doing it, too). And if you want to see behind the scenes of my little experiment go to

  • BONUS: Start Before You're Ready

    03/08/2020 Duration: 02min

    What are you working on where you feel totally unprepared and un-ready?  Launch it! Start before you're ready. And if you want to follow along with my experiment (I'm building a brand new course business from scratch - no list, fans or followers) go here:

  • Ep. 296 - 3 Steps to Power Through Entrepreneurial Adversity

    27/07/2020 Duration: 12min

    Ever notice that the closer you get to actually launching something important, tragedy strikes? Now, I don't know why that is... but it's true. Luckily there's a 3-step framework I employ to move through adversity.

  • Ep. 295 - How to Launch A Course From Scratch

    20/07/2020 Duration: 15min

    Ever wanted to launch an online course but not sure where to start? I made a handy checklist and you can get it here: And if you want to be part of my experiment go here:

  • Ep. 294 - The Victor or the Victim?

    07/07/2020 Duration: 06min

    When things in your life are a success or a total failure... who's to blame? Social Media? The government? Your spouse? The economy? Nope!  Listen to this episode to find out who it is... 

  • Ep. 293 - The Promise Vs. The Process

    29/06/2020 Duration: 04min

    What's the FIRSt thing you should do before you intro your idea to the world?  If you said "exactly map out every detail of my program"... you're wrong... You have to focus on The Process, first! 

  • Ep. 292 - FAMCON Debrief - My First Virtual Event

    22/06/2020 Duration: 15min

    Behind the scenes of my virtual event #FAMCON2020 Learn how I cut my hard costs by 90% while over 10x-ing my investment! If you want to learn more about the Crew: If you want to learn more about the Mini-Course Accelerator:

  • Ep. 291 - "Whenever You're Ready, Here's How I Can Help"

    08/06/2020 Duration: 07min

    Want to know how to build trust with your list before they ever work with you? Try a posture of service, not a posture of force. Some people are ready to engage with you NOW. They want help NOW. They are in pain and you have the remedy NOW. But, more people are not ready yet. They need time (for whatever reason). No judgment... but whenever they're ready, here's how we can help. 

  • Ep. 290 - Stop Stopping

    01/06/2020 Duration: 08min

    It's warming up here in Colorado and with all the pools and bowling alleys still closed our liesure time can only mean one thing for my family: Hiking. All 3 of my boys were born here (my wife and I grew up in Texas) so we're constantly telling them how good they have it - we can drive 18 minutes and walk for 5 more and get completely lost in the wilderness. Cool weather, chirping birds, and beautiful vistas at every turn. There's only one problem. When they get tired, they stop. When they get distracted they stop. When they get thirsty, hungry or a toe hurts... they stop. I've hiked hundreds of miles (maybe thousands) since moving to Colorado in 2004. My experience has taught me the ONE THING you never do on the trail as you push towards your goal is STOP. Keep moving forward. Out of breath? Slow down (but don't stop). Thirsty? Sip water (but don't stop). Toe hurts? Adjust your stride (but don't stop). So what does this have to do with business? Listen here to find out.

  • Ep. 289 - Give Yourself More Credit

    26/05/2020 Duration: 09min

    I don't know who needs to hear this - but look how far you've come. Look at the progress you've made. 

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