Sandra Rea's Fiercely Spiritual Podcast



Sandra Rea is one of Irelands foremost spiritual teachers. Named the perfect guide by Womans Way Magazine, she has a genuine passion for helping women to deeply heal, step into their power and live their best life. In each episode Sandra brings you inspired wisdom, spiritual guidance and practical steps to apply the teachings in your life so that you can begin to see the changes you desire. Trust your inner wisdom, know your worth and become your best self.


  • Episode 40: Crystal Clear Calling

    21/01/2019 Duration: 19min

    Imagine you’re sent on a business trip and your job while away is to meet with potential clients and offer them the chance to invest in your new service you’re offering. You’re super excited to go and do the meaningful work you have been sent to do, but somewhere en route you forget that you’re on a business trip and that you have clients to meet and a job to do. Instead you arrive at your destination feeling like there is something you should be doing be not quite knowing what it is… You spend your time on the beach, drinking cocktails and sunbathing. It’s great fun until you wake up the next morning, exhausted, hungover and still feeling like there is something more you’re meant to be doing. But what is it? This analogy is like what happened when we agreed to come into our human existence. We were given gifts and talents to use and we agreed to a soul contract but we’ve forgotten about the job we were sent here to do! If you have a sense that there is a greater meaning to your life and you’d like to get c

  • Episode 39: Getting into Alignment

    13/01/2019 Duration: 14min

    Have you ever felt so certain about an outcome that you just knew that it was going to happen? You “felt it in your bones” as they say. Well, how about having that feeling of certainty about everything you choose to do in your life. How would that feel, knowing with complete certainty that the outcome you desired or something even better was coming to you? In this episode of the podcast I talk about how important it is to get clear about what you want in order to get into that place of certainty. How it feels to be in that “zone”. And how to get into that feeling place of being certain of the outcome. According to Wallace D Wattles “Every action is either strong or weak and when every one is strong you're acting in the certain way which will make you rich. Every act can be made strong and efficient by holding your vision while you are doing it and putting the whole power of your faith and purpose into it.” Here he talks about getting rich but the principal can just as easily be applied to any aspect of

  • Episode 38 - Your Gift to... Yourself!

    12/01/2019 Duration: 49min

    I was going to tell you about the profound Solstice and Full Moon healing and alignment that took place live, but I thought I’d share some of the comments and feedback from the session instead… “Oh my god, this was sooo powerful! I was yawning a lot, crying a bit and now I need to ground myself cos I feel like I'm out of my body, I feel amazing!

  • Episode 37 - There is more for you!

    17/12/2018 Duration: 10min

    Do you find yourself holding back, limiting your expectations and settling for less than you wanted? Are you feeling abundant in some areas of your life but feeling totally restricted and lacking in others? If you’ve answered No, and you find that you are getting everything out of life that you want and more, I applaud you. Well done for living from a place of freedom and certainty. If you found yourself agreeing, and you’re feeling lost or wondering what is going on, don’t worry, most people feel this way. I too find myself holding back and playing small in certain areas of my life at times. And that’s okay. It is very common to feel this way, but the key is not to allow yourself to STAY stuck. Trust the Universe is supporting you and work through it with faith that the universe has your back. If you’ve been limiting yourself (perhaps without even knowing it), let this Episode be the catalyst for expansion and greater freedom in your life. Like this podcast? Subscribe to get the latest episodes - Fie

  • Episode 36: Spiritual preparation to make 2019 your best year ever!

    10/12/2018 Duration: 18min

    2018 is drawing to a close and I wanted to bring you an episode where you can begin to close off energetic “loose ends” from the year gone. I share a simple way to cut ties so that you can move forward into the New Year unburdened by weight of the past. We’ll also be looking forward into the coming year and tuning into the potential that awaits you. 2019 will be a year of opportunities and I want you to start off on the best foot! I also share a short simple practice called Expanded Possibilities that is so effective, you’ll want to do it again and again! My hope is that the tools I share in this episode will support you in making 2019 your best year ever. Fiercely Spiritual Family: Like this podcast? Subscribe to get the latest episodes - Fiercely Spiritual Podcast on iTunes or Sandra Rea on YouTube. FOLLOW ME ON: Instagram: Facebook:

  • Episode 35: Six Signs You’re Progressing on Your Spiritual Path

    03/12/2018 Duration: 07min

    Have you noticed that as your spiritual journey evolves, your life begins to reshape itself, sometimes in ways that can seem confusing? Often it may seem like you’re taking two steps backwards but from a spiritual perspective you’re taking giant leaps forward. In this episode I wanted to demystify some of the occurrences that can come about as you deepen your spiritual practice. I talk about certain changes which I’ve experienced myself, and I often hear about others talking about the same occurrences in their lives. If you want to find out if you’re experiencing the same developments in your life, today’s episode will reveal six signs to look out for. Like this podcast? Subscribe to get the latest episodes - Fiercely Spiritual Podcast on iTunes or Sandra Rea on YouTube. FOLLOW ME ON: Instagram: Facebook:

  • Episode 34: A Dilemma, A Decision & A Revelation

    27/11/2018 Duration: 09min

    If we’re willing to look… really look, to listen… really listen and to understand, life has so many messages for us. I talked in a previous episode about life lessons in the grocery store. In this episode I talk about a ski trip I went on a few years ago, and how I resisted making a small decision and the results of that decision. When you see your life beyond the apparent mundane circumstances, there is so much to learn from and to discover. What I discovered that day taught me the disadvantage of jumping to conclusions and the benefit of always being open to the new… new experiences, new possibilities and new adventures. Like this podcast? Subscribe to get the latest episodes - Fiercely Spiritual Podcast on iTunes or Sandra Rea on YouTube. FOLLOW ME ON: Instagram: Facebook:

  • Episode 33: Becoming A Tarot Reader with Amy Wall

    19/11/2018 Duration: 39min

    When you think of a Tarot card reader, imagery of an old woman with a scarf around her head might come to mind, but today, Tarot readers are a lot more “normal”! In this weeks episode of the Fiercely Spiritual Podcast, I chat with my friend Amy Wall about her journey from Lifestyle Editor in a busy magazine to intuitive card reading and how she successfully integrates both aspects of her life. Amy talks about how she discovered Tarot and why the cards are not “scary” and how they can be an essential tool for navigating life. “As soon as I was handed this deck, it was like the thing that I had been waiting for, like something I had been missing and all of a sudden there was this recognition of “oh there you are, I’ve been looking for you and I wasn’t even aware of it!”” If like me you have an interest in Tarot but don’t know that much about it, you’ll find this episode really insightful. You may even be tempted to go out and buy your own deck after listening! Like this podcast? Subscribe to get the la

  • Episode 32: Embracing Yourself (And Everyone Else) To Find Inner Peace

    12/11/2018 Duration: 19min

    Why is it that we are so hard on ourselves? Why do we find it easier to point out our flaws instead of our perfection? In this episode of the Fiercely Spiritual Podcast, I talk about the antidote to always aspiring to more. It’s great to aspire to the things you want, but not from a place of fear and lack which is where most of us come from. There is another way, a more fulfilling, supportive and loving way. In truth, it’s not ANOTHER way, it’s the ONLY way! Learn all about it in this video. Like this podcast? Subscribe to get the latest episodes. FOLLOW ME ON: Instagram: Facebook:

  • Episode 31: The Path to Awakening with Alison Canavan

    05/11/2018 Duration: 59min

    From international model since the age of 15 to becoming a successful mindfulness teacher and wellness advocate, Alison Canavan speaks openly in this interview about her loneliness as a model, her struggles with addiction, the positive changes she has made in her life and how she now sees the world. “You’re not rich anyway if you’re poor inside, and I was poor inside, I was lonely and there was a void I was trying to fill the whole time and there was no amount of money that could do that. I have a very different view of the world now…” ~Alison Canavan I love her openness, her courage and her honesty to speak up about the topics that others shy away from. If you are struggling on your path or simply in need of some inspiration, this episode is a must listen! Like this podcast? Subscribe to get the latest episodes. FOLLOW ME ON: Instagram: Facebook:

  • Episode 30 - The Future You

    29/10/2018 Duration: 15min

    Do you ever have a moment when you’re transported to a memory that comes up out of nowhere but seems so vivid and real? In this weeks episode of the podcast I’m talking about those moments and how they might be more real than you think. I discuss how the veil between worlds or dimensions is thinning and how this can affect us. You’ll also learn how you can influence your past and receive help from your future! Like this podcast? Subscribe to get the latest episodes. FOLLOW ME ON: Instagram: Facebook:

  • Episode 29: Igniting Your Inner Light

    22/10/2018 Duration: 15min

    This week I'm sharing a powerful guided meditation with you from my members group the Fiercely Spiritual Family. It came to me while out walking the other day… I was asking for guidance and it started “downloading”. It’s called Igniting Your Inner Light. It’s just 15mins but really powerful. The Angels work outside of time as we know it so don’t underestimate it’s power because it’s short! So listen when you are able to relax, close your eyes and enjoy 15 minutes of bliss! Like this podcast? Subscribe to get the latest episodes. FOLLOW ME ON: Instagram: Facebook:

  • Episode 28: Making Gratitude A Priority in Your Life

    15/10/2018 Duration: 12min

    You’ve probably heard about the power of gratitude. You may even have a gratitude journal that you write in occasionally. But why is gratitude SO important? What is the significance of being grateful and making it a daily conscious practice? When you allow yourself to be subject to whatever life throws at you, you’ll never have any consistent reason to feel grateful because there will always be people, events and circumstances which bother you. You have to choose to feel gratitude despite what is going on around you. But how? How do we stay in gratitude when everything seems to be falling apart? In this episode I answer these questions and I share why it’s not enough to know about the power of gratitude, you have to FEEL it! It is possible to choose to feel gratitude, even if you’re having a “bad” day, even if you hate your job, even if you’re feeling anxious. My hope is that you will gain a greater appreciation of gratitude (pardon the pun) and start to actively use it to bring you greater joy in your

  • Episode 27: The Universe is constantly speaking to you.

    08/10/2018 Duration: 23min

    Do you ever wake up and you’re not quite awake but you’re not asleep either? You’re in that strange in between world where the ego hasn’t quite kicked in yet and you’re experiencing pure consciousness. That’s what happened the other morning when I woke, and the stream of consciousness was really interesting. I talk about it in detail in this podcast, as well as the way the Universe speaks to us. We constantly receiving message, insights and guidance from the Universe but we’re just not tuned in, so we miss the messages all around us. Imagine having a mystical experience while doing your grocery shopping or getting answers to your problems while driving down the motorway. We can all experience the Universe in deeper more meaningful ways if we open up to new experiences of reality. Like this podcast? Subscribe to get the latest episodes. FOLLOW ME ON: Instagram: Facebook:

  • Episode 26: The Missing Piece of The Spiritual Puzzle!

    01/10/2018 Duration: 19min

    Have you been reading all the spiritual books, taking all the courses and attending all the workshops but still feel as if you’re missing something? Perhaps you’re not getting the results you hoped for and you’re left wondering why? In this episode of the Fiercely Spiritual Podcast, I talk about the missing ingredient. The one thing that is so obvious but which seems to get left out a lot… like, all the time. It’s often the thing that’s right under your nose that you keep searching for. Have you ever found yourself looking for your keys or something else and found that they were in your hand all along!!? I know, we’ve all been there! But that is what most people are doing when it comes to transforming their lives. They have all the details of why they should change, how to change and what to do but there is still something missing. What is it? Tune in to find out! Like this podcast? Subscribe to get the latest episodes. FOLLOW ME ON: Instagram: Facebook: https

  • Episode 25: The Art of Self Mastery and Living Your True Potential

    17/09/2018 Duration: 24min

    Do you ever wish you could simply be happy, without always feeling you’re lacking something and wanting more, from life? Does it seem like you keep repeating the same limiting patterns over and over? Perhaps you don’t even realise you’re doing this! The way most of us live our lives is totally outmoded and unnecessary. There is a better way to live, a more conscious way of living where you get to choose how you wish to be from moment to moment. But this takes effort and most people don’t want to exert the effort it takes to take back control of their thoughts and their lives. Once you change the old habits, patterns and ways of being then it becomes easy but it's not easy at first and that's why most people give up. In this episode of the podcast I talk about how you can begin to discover the art of self mastery to start living your full potential and start enjoying your life. If you're looking for a quick fix this isn't it, but if you're looking for a process that produces long lasting results, listen

  • Episode 24: Showing Up & Honouring Your Energy

    11/09/2018 Duration: 14min

    This week I wanted to bring you an episode about self mastery, but things didn’t quite work out the way I had planned! In this episode I talk about showing up, even when you don’t feel like it, even when your motivation is low and even when you’d rather do something else. But the flip side of this is knowing when to honour your energy and take a break rather than pushing through. It’s not black and white, it’s all about showing up when you need to and also honouring your energy when your body says “take a break”. I also do something new in this episode… I give an Angel card reading! The first card is totally synchronistic with the energy of the moment and the other two cards I feel contain a special message for some of you listening. FOLLOW ME ON: Instagram: Facebook:

  • Episode 23: 9/9 Gateway - Manifesting with the New Moon

    03/09/2018 Duration: 12min

    You’ve heard me rave on about the exciting opportunity the upcoming New Moon brings, and I thought I’d rave about it some more in this weeks episode of the podcast. Not just because it’s exciting and hugely significant but because I feel drawn to share the opportunity it brings with as many as possible. In this episode I talk about: - The 9/9 gateway and the meaning of the number 9. - The dark phase of the Moon and it’s significance. - The quickening. - How to jump on this wave of opportunity rather than getting left behind. - Soul desires, soul connection and your soul group. FOLLOW ME ON: Instagram: Facebook:

  • Episode 22: “Money comes to me effortlessly”

    25/08/2018 Duration: 17min

    Let me tell you how this mantra has served me in my life. In 2012 my first son was born. Ever since I was little, I always knew that I wanted to stay at home with my children when they were born rather than working 12 hour days in an office. As the birth approached, I had €10,000 saved to cover my maternity leave and no idea of what I'd do after that was gone. All I knew was that I didn't want to go back to my corporate job. At the time myself and my husband were also buying our first house together. Everything was going great until the bank decided that we’d have to use all our savings towards the deposit for the house we were buying, including the money I’d saved for my maternity leave! In this episode, I share how I went from this seemingly dire situation with zero savings to having huge sums of money appearing in my life within a short period. I talk about the practices I used to attract abundance and prosperity into my life and how you can do the same. I wanted to share my story as an example of wh

  • Episode 21: Let go, Realign and Feel Better

    19/08/2018 Duration: 15min

    Tiny tweaks can make all the difference, especially when it comes to emotions. Usually you’ll find that you feel stressed and that stress stays with you for the day because you presume “hey, there’s nothing I can do about it”. Do you believe that? Do you believe that once you feel anxious or sad or stressed that it’s a given that you’ll feel that way all day, or at least until it somehow passes? You can choose your emotions and with practice you can go from stress to peace in a relatively short period, sometimes instantly! The way is to make small shifts in your thoughts, your perception and your emotions until you reach the feeling place that you want to be in. It’s very simple and I explain exactly what to do in this episode. Instagram: Facebook:

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