Mid-days With Lauree



Lauree "Lo" Austin is Definitely Raw, Kinda Funny, and 100% Heart!


  • Celebration Recap from this week on Afternoons with Lauree & Doug!

    22/10/2020 Duration: 04min

    Since we love to celebrate here on Afternoons with Lauree & Doug, we decided to recap everyone we featured during the 5 o'clock Celebration Hour this week! From saving lives through organ donation to free Chick-Fil-A, we're celebrating everything that God is doing in your life!If you'd like to be apart of the Celebration Hour here at KCBI, just give us a call at 214-787-1909 or text in your celebration through the KCBI App!

  • Jesus Would Have Chosen Barabbas, Too.

    22/10/2020 Duration: 01min

    So I'm sure you've probably heard the story in the bible of Jesus' trial where the crowd was given a choice of who to release: Jesus or Barabbas the thief. As the story goes, the crowd chants "Give us Barabbas! Give us Barabbas!" Anytime I've heard this story, my first thought is how unjust it was for this crowd to want Jesus dead so badly they were willing to free Barabbas. It's a fair takeaway. But it's what I heard from a preacher the other day that has changed the meaning of this story for me. As unfair as this trial was and knowing the pain he was about to endure, if Jesus was given the choice, Jesus would have chosen Barabbas, too. That's mercy. None of us are better than Barabbas. Not a one. None of us will get into heaven based on our own good track record. Only through Christ's mercy.

  • 3 Mistakes We Make When Reading The Bible

    21/10/2020 Duration: 02min

    I got to sit down with Tara Leigh Cobble from the "The Bible Recap" and "The God Shot" here at KCBI, and she lays it all out for us in talking about the 3 mistakes we often make when we're reading the bible.1) We go into scripture with a "me" attitude. Tara said she often goes to scripture wanting to see how she can get what she wants from God and how to please God instead of going into her time in the Word looking for God. 2) We don't regard the context of what we're reading as important. We have this habit of trying to pull things out of their intended context to try and make it fit into our life circumstances. We need to start looking at scripture for what it really is and learning from the reality of the words that Jesus spoke.3) We're impatient. Sometimes, we make the mistake of reading scripture as an application list and when we do read through scripture and things don't make sense, we desire immediate answers. It's like going into your first conversation with someone and demanding answers about thei

  • A Great Word From Amy Grant

    21/10/2020 Duration: 01min

    It's been a sincere privilege to have been able to meet and talk with a lot of the artists we play here at KCBI over the years, but one that will always stick out to me is the time I spent with Amy Grant. She truly is one of the kindest, most insightful people I've ever met. One time, she shared with me a prayer that she got from her mother-in-law and it is something I want to pass along to you. It goes something like this, "Lord, lead me today to those I need and to those that need me. And let something I do have eternal significance." Let that be our prayer. That the Lord would lead us and guide our steps in a way that would be of eternal significance.

  • 3 Ways To Balance Working From Home With Kids

    20/10/2020 Duration: 02min

    Parents with kids are in the middle of the juggling act. Some have kids at school, some have kids doing virtual school from home, some have a hybrid of both. On top of it, parents still need to get work done and for some, that still looks like doing it from home. It’s certainly a big transition to make and many of us may not feel equipped. While there is no perfect or easy solution for all, here are 3 tips from Indeed.com on how to balance caring for your kids during this time meanwhile maintaining productivity at work.1. Over-communicate and set expectations. Work with your manager to set and reset expectations throughout your work from home period as it pertains to your goals and commitments. Many employers are understanding of the difficulty of the situation and may be supportive of your need to adjust your schedule or goals as a result. Also, make sure to have those conversations with your family by communicating honestly your challenges with your schedule.2. Practice time management and set a schedule. B

  • You May Have Lost The Battle, But There's A War To Be Fought

    20/10/2020 Duration: 01min

    Right now is a tough time to be a Cowboys fan. They've stumbled out of the gate, lost their starting QB for the year due to injury, and just got embarrassed on national TV last night.Maybe you know a little something about feeling like you can't catch a break and your circumstances feel piled against you. If that's you, I'm going to give you the same advice I'd give to every player in that Cowboys' locker room. My grandpa used to have this saying, "You may have lost the battle, but now we get after the war." Even if today felt like a failure, today is just today. You've got a whole bunch of today's coming up that are in need of seizing. So get up, dust yourself off, and keep going because even if you lost the battle today there's a war to be fought tomorrow!

  • Dread The Dentist? You're Not Alone

    20/10/2020 Duration: 02min

    Do you always get a little bit nervous about having to go to the dentist? Lauree is with you.During her time overseas, Lauree had an experience at the dentist that's right out of a scary movie! Doug, on the other hand, just went to the dentist for the first time in 20 years and got some news he didn't expect!

  • A 14 Year Old, In Our Own Backyard, Could Help Cure COVID

    19/10/2020 Duration: 01min

    There are so many people right now praying for the end of this COVID-19 madness and a big step in that becoming a reality is happening right here in North Texas!14-year-old Anika Chebrolu of Frisco, Texas was the winner of the 2020 3M Young Scientist Challenge - and a $25,000 prize -- for a discovery that could provide a potential therapy to COVID-19. Anika's winning invention included discovering a molecule that can selectively bind to the protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. I don't know what you were doing at 14, but I surely was helping to cure a deadly virus. In her spare time, she is classically trained in traditional Indian dancing and is developing her art skills. Way to go, Anika! We're so encouraged by your gifts and are praying for your continued research.

  • Scientists Say God Is Proven To Help You Sleep Better

    19/10/2020 Duration: 01min

    Would you be interested in a better night's sleep? Wouldnt we all?According to the journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, a strong faith could be the key to good night sleep. Researchers found that those who believe in salvation and have a true relationship with God tend to sleep longer, fall asleep faster, and wake up feeling more rested. In fact, after the research, those on the research team said they really couldn't ignore the results.As believers, how awesome it is that as we get ready for bed we can leave our anxieties and worries with God as it says in Philippans 4 and we can focus on sleep. Rest well, friends.

  • Love Is Spreading Through Zoom!

    19/10/2020 Duration: 01min

    Right now, we're all involved with Zoom in some capacity: work meetings, small groups at church, maybe schooling.At Florida State University, an Ancient Mythology class of 180 students was meeting for their weekly zoom call, and as the professor signs off to end the class, a student with their mic unmuted says, "I Love You!" Awkward silence. right?? Wrong!Without missing a beat, the professor responds back with an "I Love You Too!"This is so 2020 in the best way, I only wish the pizza guy would have said it back when I accidentally did this while ordering a To-Go order a couple months back. Now THAT was awkward.

  • Afternoons with Lauree & Doug Week of Celebration!

    16/10/2020 Duration: 05min

    To CELEBRATE the first week of Afternoons with Lauree & Doug, we decided to put together a clip of everyone we featured during the 5 o'clock Celebration Hour! From surviving cancer to a much overdue hair appointment, we're celebrating everything that God is doing in your life! If you'd like to be apart of the Celebration Hour here at KCBI, just give us a call at 214-787-1909 or text in your celebration through the KCBI App!

  • Lauren Daigle Has A Message Of Hope For You

    16/10/2020 Duration: 01min

    So I don't know if you saw, but Lauren Daigle was on tv the other night on the Billboard Music Awards. She picked the award for Top Christian Artist and she mentioned in her acceptance speech that 5 years ago to the day was when she wrote the song "You Say" which has been heard and shared across genres as a message of hope. Speaking of hope, Lauren finished her speech by addressing everyone out there who needs hope, that God has it abundantly and he wants to give it to you!And if you want to see Lauren's awesome outfit from the Billboard Music Awards, check out our brand new Afternoons with Lauree & Doug Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/afternoonswithlaureeanddoug/

  • "Eat The Danish" Advice From A Woman About To Die

    16/10/2020 Duration: 01min

    "Eat the danish," says a woman who's in her last days of living. What does she mean? Stacy Oliver, a woman dealing with a rare disorder, decided before she passed away that she was going to write her own obituary. One of the things she shared before her death earlier this month was this“I'm not telling you what to do, but I am telling you what to do. Stop worrying about your weight, go live, be, do. Smile, people don't get to feel them enough. Enjoy the moment, it might not come again. “If you want to give something a try, try it, taste it, go there. Take it from me, I'm dead. Eat the Danish, go to the show, laugh out loud. Love one another and you'll never know what you'll find.”Reading this took me back to the verse John 10:10 that tells us the thief has come to kill and to destroy, but he has come that we may have life and life abundantly. Where the thief would tell you to put down that danish or not to stay up late and watch a movie because you have work, God has come so that we may have life more fully.

  • When You Feel Angry, Meditate On This

    15/10/2020 Duration: 01min

    The other night, I was driving home from work and turned my radio to KCBI. Even though I was off work, I was in need of the same encouragement that you get from KCBI. You see, I found myself under this cloud of anger as I was praying through some things and thinking about this upcoming election and I just felt this anger well up inside of me. Have you felt that over the past couple of months? If so, where should we turn?As I praying through tears that night I was reminded of 2 Corinthians 10 where it talks about taking every thought captive and making it obedient to Christ. As were processing through anger, let us ask God where it is in our lives we can seek kindness, gentleness, and self-control. I was reminded of that because of the music here at KCBI. Maybe you may think of us as the ones behind the microphone but just like you, we are blessed by this ministry and this faithful community. Thank you so much for being apart of it.

  • Super Helpful Voting Resource!

    15/10/2020 Duration: 01min

    Voting is a privilege. And voting also requires a fair bit of knowing 'what or who' exactly you are voting for.  After you've made a plan for the day and time you want to go and vote, prepare to stand in line for a significant amount of time - snacks and water bottles would be recommended!But before you ever get to that day if you are looking to know the candidates or issues check out this website 'BALLOT READY' to help you read through each candidate's profile.  This might be something great to pass along for those first-time voters!

  • The One Thing We All Strive To Hear

    15/10/2020 Duration: 01min

    "Well Done, My Good and Faithful Servant."I have a beautiful truth for you. You could have served God for your whole life or you could realize your need for him at the very end and trust in Jesus for salvation. Either way, you'll hear "Well done, My good and faithful servant" all because it's about what has Christ did for us. So take your trust out of your own track record and place it on Christ. That's the Gospel.

  • Children Move Out But Memories Never Do

    15/10/2020 Duration: 01min

    Maybe you can relate to what I experienced if you're an "empty nester" parent.I have four kids all ranging in the 20s and 30s and my youngest son just moved out of the house about a month ago. As boys do when they're young, he left his mark in his room. There were pockmarks on the walls of his bedroom from where he would shoot his airsoft gun. Since he's gone we decided to bring in a painter to paint the room because he left it kind of a mess. The painter finished the room and it looks great! I went up there yesterday to see the finished product after the show and something happened that I wasn't expecting.I looked at the walls where the painter had smoothed over those pockmarks. And he got rid of all the fingerprints. And he got rid of all the things that my son had left behind. And then it hit me...that it. He's gone. I'm a slow learner so it took a month to really set in that my last child is moved out and don't get me wrong, it's a good thing. I love him and he should be moved out but it definitely brough

  • Got Stress? We've Got An Answer

    15/10/2020 Duration: 01min

    Are you looking for a way to get rid of some stress? Hug a cow.Seriously! Cow hugging, known as "koe knuffelen" in Dutch, is based around the healing properties of being close to animals, specifically cows. It typically involves resting on and hugging cows for several hours, taking advantage of the animals’ warm body temperature, slower heartbeat, and large size, according to a report from the BBC.Though the practice originated in the Netherlands, farms from Switzerland to the United States are starting to pick up on the trend. One farm owner in the Netherlands said she has been welcoming visitors for cow hugging for about 14 years.So the next time you start feeling anxious or stressed, go find a Cow to hug. Or maybe just drink some milk.

  • "The Newly-Host Game": Dream Vacation

    15/10/2020 Duration: 02min

    As you continue to get familiar with the new afternoon show at 90.9 KCBI, Producer Josh asked Lauree and Doug what they believed their co-host's dream vacation would be!Hint: Lauree's been there for a very special occasion and Doug goes there every day!

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