In Bed With Neil Moodie



In Bed With Neil Moodie focuses around the professional and personal life stories of individuals trailblazing within their individual industries.


  • S2 - EP 3 Guest: Sam & Nic Chapman AKA Pixiwoo Make Up Artists/Youtube stars.

    21/12/2019 Duration: 01h12min

    My guests on this episode are the amazing, make-up artists and Youtube sensations, sisters Sam Chapman and Nicola Chapman Haste, aka Pixiwoo. Born in Essex and growing up in Norwich, Sam and Nic grew up with domestic violence in their childhood home. Overcoming these troubled early years with amazing support from their mother they both followed the same m-up route, studying at college, then going on to work for MAC Cosmetics and Estee Lauder. In 2008, during the latter stages of pregnancy, Sam posted her first Youtube tutorial video. Its popularity led her to invite her sister to join in on future videos, and so Pixiwoo was born. They’ve gone on to be become known as the most influential family in Britain, as quoted by the Times Newspaper magazine when they appeared on the cover in Jan 2019. Sam and Nic came to meet me in my London home to chat about their childhood, their early careers, what corners they’ve been forced to turn due to health issues and talk about what they’re planning to do next.

  • S2 - Ep 2 Guest: Ben West, Multi Award winning 19yr Old Mental Health Campaigner

    18/12/2019 Duration: 01h12min

    In this episode I'm joined by the courageous and unbelievably inspiring 19 year old Ben West. Ben lost his 15 year old brother Sam in Jan 2018 after Sam tragically took his own life, on what was a normal Sunday evening at their family home. Following this terribly sad incident, Ben decided to channel his grief into saving others the same pain he and his family have suffered, through campaigning for mandatory training in mental health first aid, for all educators of the UK’s young people, With the help of friends he organised a walk to raise awareness and funds for the foundation set up in Sam's name, plus he created a campaign and petition on calling for this mandatory training. Aiming for 15,000 signatures the campaign to date is now just shy of 300,000 signatures and has since been presented to the UK’s prime minister, surrounded by huge amounts of press. The work Ben and his friends have done has lead to Ben being nominated and winning many awards this year for his phenomenal work. Ben ta

  • S2 - EP 1 Guest: Serena Rees MBE Founder of Agent Provocateur & Les Girls Les Boys

    16/12/2019 Duration: 01h03min

    My guest on this episode is Serena Rees MBE. Serena grew up in Central London working various jobs, and in 1994, tired of seeing women dressed in drab undergarments - came up with the idea to start a lingerie store in partnership with her then husband Joe Corré, son of Vivienne Westwood. That store was Agent Provocateur. The first shop was on Broadwick Street in Soho London. Agent Provocateur grew into a brand spanning into 13 different countries with over 30 stores. Following Serena & Joe’s divorce the company was sold in 2007. Since then Serena started Cocomaya, a bakery and chocolatier with several branches in London, which eventually closed, and in May 2017 she founded Les Girls Les Boys, a men’s, women’s and unisex underwear meets street wear label. I met Serena in her London home to chat about her recent new venture. Check out Les Girls Les Boys on their website:

  • Ep - Special "In Bed With Neil Moodie" with guest Karl Plewka talking about Corinne Day

    31/08/2019 Duration: 01h09min

    My guest on this episode is Karl Plewka, legendary fashion stylist, consultant, and the current editor of Beauty Papers Magazine in the UK. He regularly collaborated with our dear friend, iconic photographer Corinne Day on numerous shoots from Vogue magazine through to iD. On August 28th 2019, exactly 9 years to the day of the passing of Corinne, we were sat in my flat having a conversation. reminiscing about meeting, knowing, collaborating and working with Corinne, raising a little toast to her and talking about her legacy that will continue forever. We decided that our conversation would make for a good podcast episode. Corinne has a website where you can view her work plus you can see her images and regular new posts on the Corinne Day Instagram account @corinnedayofficial

  • S1 - Ep 10 “In Bed With Neil Moodie” with guest Bay Garnett

    17/06/2019 Duration: 51min

    My guest on this episode is Bay Garnett who was born in Bath, is a stylist, author, editor, wife and mother of 2 She studied art history and modern history at the University of Exeter gaining her first work experience in Venice and New York In the 90’s Bay co-launched the New York version of underground, anti-fashion magazine Cheap Date, which began in London The magazine was completely based around Thrift store clothing ( or second hand clothing as it was then known in the UK) . She went on to became a contributor to British Vogue in the 2000’s and has consulted on many big fashion brands bringing to them, her unique fashion sense. Her thrift store style has won her the unofficial title of The Queen of Thrift, and currently she is contributing fashion editor to the UK weekly, and award winning supplement ES Magazine. Bay also currently styles the Oxfam fashion show, which is the UK charity whose commitment is to fighting poverty.

  • S1 - Ep 9 “In Bed With Neil Moodie” with guest Stewart Roberts

    20/05/2019 Duration: 51min

    My guest on this episode is a born and raised Essex geyser, who began hairdressing in 1978 after falling for a girl who worked in a local salon. Luckily he fell in love with hairdressing too and he went on to open his own salon 10 years later. Stewart came to visit me in London where we talked about him being 13 years sober from alcohol, setting up The Sober Living Action Group in 2013, a programme with holistic treatments for alcoholics, and also in Nov 2014 creating the award winning Haircuts for Homeless. He also discusses the struggles homeless people go through and about his new haircutting training scheme for the homeless to join and help give them a career and hopefully a new start in life. To donate or check out Haircuts for Homelesss go to with the word four like the actual number 4, you can also check out the Sober Living Action Group on facebook.

  • S1 - EP 8 "In Bed With Neil Moodie" with guests Anna Marie Solowij & Millie Kendall

    13/05/2019 Duration: 01h11min

    My guests on this episode each have over 25 years of experience in the beauty industry. Anna Marie worked her way through the ranks as a beauty journalist eventually becoming UK Vogue's Beauty Director for 6 years, eventually leaving to go freelance. She is one of the most respected beauty journalists in the UK. Millie is the ultimate queen of PR and marketing, having successfully launched many beauty brands to the UK( hence her MBE for services to the Beauty Industry) Together they are the co-founders of Beauty Mart an online and retail store with handpicked beauty products that reflects both past and current trends and they also founded Brandstand Communications PR. In 2018 together with some other prolific figures within the UK beauty industry they came up with the idea of setting up the first ever British Beauty Council, to represent the voices, opinions and needs of the British beauty industry, which is a significant contributor to the British Economy. In 2019 they launched the British Beauty Counc

  • S1 - EP 7 "In Bed With Neil Moodie" with guest Marian Newman

    06/05/2019 Duration: 01h18min

    Marian Newman is a world renowned manicurist. Born in London and a true cockney who was born within the sound of the Bow Bells, her early love for sciences lead her into working for the forensic dept within the police force, but after having children, she changed direction to go and study make-up, where she discovered nails and manicures, going on to open one of the first nail only salons in the UK in the late 80’s. Following a chance shooting with fashion photographer Nick Knight, Marian began her career as a manicurist in the fashion industry. She has worked with some of the top designers and brands and also on some of the most iconic images in fashion over the last 20 years and all of this work has now been published in her latest book, Nailed It. Nails, Fashion Technique. Marian came to visit me in London where we sat and chatted about her career and her new book, plus what this UK Queen of Nails is up to next.

  • S1 - EP 6 "In Bed with Neil Moodie" with guest Roger Frampton.

    29/04/2019 Duration: 01h05min

    My guest on this episode is top British male model turned movement coach Roger Frampton. Born in Northamptonshire, but spending his teen years growing up in East London he began weight training at 15, and trained as a carpenter when he left school Scouted as a model at the age of 19, Roger modelled for 15 years and continues to do so for special projects. He was also a personal trainer but a chance gymnastics class, made him re-think his training regime, focusing on movement instead of fitness. He created The Frampton Method which lead to his appearance on Ted Talks, discussing why sitting on chairs destroys you. His talk resonated with so many people that The Frampton Method is now world renowned, leading to him publishing his own book and his work being in high demand the world over. I met Roger in his new London home to discuss all things Frampton and what this movement guru’s next plan is to get the whole world bending, stretching and touching it’s toes. .

  • S1 - Ep 5 " In Bed With Neil Moodie" with guest Lucinda Chambers

    19/04/2019 Duration: 01h31min

    My guest today is the wonderful Lucinda Chambers. Born and bred in Notting Hill Gate, West London, Lucinda was introduced to fashion very early on by her mother who was very crafty and one of her skills was dressmaking. She started her fashion journey when she decided to make and sell her own earring designs at Camden Market whilst she was at Art college, eventually working her way up the ranks of the top editorial fashion magazines. Lucinda became the fashion Director of British Vogue for 25 years, plus she consulted on the brands Prada and Marni in their early days, introducing both brands onto the worlds fashion map. She left Vogue in 2017 when the editorship changed. She has now set up her own fashion design company called Colville and is about to launch another online venture later this year. We talk about her amazing career to date, some of the fun stories along the way, plus all her exciting new ventures.

  • S1 - EP 4 "In Bed with Neil Moodie" with guest Rosemary Ferguson.

    08/04/2019 Duration: 01h07min

    My guest on this episode is 90’s Supermodel turned nutritionist and naturopath, Rosemary Ferguson. Rosemary was scouted as a model at the age of 15 and went on to become one of THE faces of fashion in the 90’s and 00's. I’ve also had the pleasure of working with her on numerous occasions over the years. Now a mother of 3 children and still modelling for special projects, Rosemary has become one of the UK’s leading nutritionists and naturopaths, with a clinic in Harley Street, London, writing regular columns for Vogue and Beauty Papers Magazine, she's the founder of the 5 Day Plan, author of her book Juice: Cleanse, Heal and Revitalise and more recently is the co-founder of the most delicious healthy burger venture called Filth Burger. Rose came to visit me in London so we could have a much overdue catch up, find out what she’s up to, and where exactly we can get our hands on one of those Filth burgers.

  • S1 - Ep 3 "In Bed With Neil Moodie" with guest Alex Steinherr

    31/03/2019 Duration: 01h32min

    My guest on this episode is Beauty Journalist and brand creator Alex Steinherr. Born in Belgium, raised in northern Europe & USA, now residing in London, Alex worked her way through the ranks from receptionist in her early years to Beauty Director of Glamour UK magazine for 11 years, as well as consulting on leading beauty brands. After leaving Glamour in Oct 2018, she has since launched her own amazing brand of skincare with Primark. Here's her fantastic story so far in her own words.

  • S1 - Ep 2 "In Bed With Neil Moodie" with guest Val Garland

    25/03/2019 Duration: 01h22min

    HIs guest today is make up maven Val Garland. Val is one of the worlds leading make up artists, whose career has span over 25 years and still ongoing. I’m talking to Val about her amazing make up career, her 1st book published in Oct 2018 and the new BBC TV show called Glow Up in which she’s starring as a judge.

  • S1 - Ep. Launch "In Bed With Neil Moodie" with guest Wendy Rowe

    25/03/2019 Duration: 01h26min

    In Bed With Neil Moodie focuses around the professional and personal life stories of individuals trailblazing within their individual industries. For this 1st of 3 launch episodes,, International hairstylist Neil Moodie interviews his friend Wendy Rowe. Wendy is one of the worlds leading make up artists in the fashion and beauty industry who not only has a succesful make up career spanning 25 years but has also published her own book Eat Beautiful, launched a cold press juice, and was also recently appointed as Global Creative Director & Make-up artist for Max Factor.

  • S1 - Ep 1 "In Bed With Neil Moodie" with guest Linda Rodin

    21/03/2019 Duration: 39min

    My guest on this episode is the wonderful New York born Linda Rodin. She is a former model, fashion stylist and beauty brand creator, who recently launched her new range of dog accessories called Linda & Winks. Linda discusses what makes her entrepreneurial and keeps her motivated to constantly think outside the box

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