Beery Good Entertainment



Podcast by S0rceress0


  • Dragons & Redshirts Ep 15 (The Bet)

    30/06/2021 Duration: 15min

    Welcome to Dragons & Redshirts, the podcast where I get to hone my writing craft on your ears and give you something pleasant to listen to. Yep, you're my practice buddies! Thanks to my friend Nici for being responsible for this lovely little story! Originally it was slated to be entered into a contest for Doomsday Diary on Vocal. However, I didn't realize that Vocal requires a subscription in order to enter their contests. So now it's a story for you! This is a Post Apocalyptic story that is less than 2000 words long with one requirement. It had to include a locket. I decided to make something that is only relevant for this time. A casual little story for the here and now here is "The Bet" Website: Twitter: @LTeppler My Books: Produced/Edited By: Che Dean

  • Dragons & Redshirts Ep 14 (A Mouse Tail)

    12/06/2021 Duration: 40min

    Welcome to Dragons & Redshirts, the podcast where I get to hone my writing craft on your ears and give you something pleasant to listen to. Yep, you're my practice buddies! I got the idea for this story after catching almost ten tiny little field mice in live traps in my apartment. After photographing each one, I then started to think about where they came from and what their little lives were like. As a child, Aesop and Watership Down were some of my favorite inspirations for my imagination, so it was no surprise to me when this story popped up into my brain. I hope my little invaders are happy in the field where I released them. Website: Twitter: @LTeppler My Books: Produced/Edited By: Che Dean

  • Dragons & Redshirts Ep 13 (She Wasn't Supposed To Survive)

    03/06/2021 Duration: 17min

    Welcome to Dragons & Redshirts, the podcast where I get to hone my writing craft on your ears and give you something pleasant to listen to. Yep, you're my practice buddies! This week is just a little different because I can't explain it until the end. This story is based upon a real-life experience. Website: Twitter: @LTeppler My Books: Produced/Edited By: Che Dean

  • Dragons & Redshirts Ep 12 (Change)

    24/05/2021 Duration: 01min

    A quick note and update from Linda Teppler. Website: Twitter: @LTeppler My Books: Produced/Edited By: Che Dean

  • Dragons & Redshirts Ep 9 (Only in my mind)

    07/05/2021 Duration: 17min

    Welcome to Dragons & Redshirts, the podcast where I get to hone my writing craft on your ears and give you something pleasant to listen to for about 20 minutes. Yep, you're my practice buddies! In my Valheim stories, I write a short story based on the streamed game that I've played. The main character of my Valheim game is Grillain, a viking woman warrior of little reknown who perished on the battlefield and is taken to Valheim to help Odin defeat all the enemies there. This week Grillain is facing fear. It seems so simple and straightforward. Stop being afraid of the big bad monster. Just another problem to be overcome...right? Website: Twitter: @LTeppler My Books: Produced/Edited By: Che Dean

  • Dragons & Redshirts Ep 8 (Come on!)

    29/04/2021 Duration: 25min

    Welcome to Dragons & Redshirts, the podcast where I get to hone my writing craft on your ears and give you something pleasant to listen to for about 20 to 30 minutes. Yep, you're my practice buddies! In my Valheim stories, I write a short story based on the streamed game that I've played. The main character of my Valheim game is Grillain, a viking woman warrior of little reknown who perished on the battlefield and is taken to Valheim to help Odin defeat all the enemies there. She is facing her second big Prey. The Elder. Website: Twitter: @LTeppler My Books: Produced/Edited By: Che Dean

  • Dragons & Redshirts Ep 7 (The Race to Nowhere)

    23/04/2021 Duration: 16min

    Welcome to Dragons & Redshirts, the podcast where I get to hone my writing craft on your ears and give you something pleasant to listen to for about 20 to 30 minutes. Yep, you're my practice buddies! In my Valheim stories, I write a short story based on the streamed game that I've played. The main character of my Valheim game is Grillain, a viking woman warrior of little reknown who perished on the battlefield and is taken to Valheim to help Odin defeat all the enemies there. This week, Grillain is rather quiet. Her whole target is to gather enough resources to get to her next prey, The Elder. She has no idea what this prey is, but she knows she's going to have to go a long LONG way to get to him. She's going to have to secure enough meat, enough weapons, enough wood, to get there and set up a raiding camp! Website: Twitter: @LTeppler My Books: Produced/Edited By: Che Dean

  • Dragons & Redshirts Ep 6 (Boats & Serpents & Leviathans Oh My!)

    14/04/2021 Duration: 17min

    Welcome to Dragons & Red Shirts. This podcast is where I get to hone my writing craft on your ears. Yep. You're my practice buddies! In Valheim stories, I write a short story based on the game that I play. In this episode, my character Grillain has her first experience with sailing. Other players of Valheim will recognize the heart pounding moments that poor Grillain is about to experience as she works out what to do next to fulfill Odin's command to wipe out the monsters of Valheim. Website: Twitter: @LTeppler My Books: Produced/Edited By: Che Dean

  • Dragons & Redshirts Ep 4 (Obsession?)

    06/04/2021 Duration: 16min

    In this stream, I was specifically asked about the current books that I was reading. I must admit, I gave a lackluster answer. Me, the queen of description can't talk about books I read, yet I can navigate my way through complicated scientific papers describing immunity, microgravity experiments, or genetic shifts in wheat. I don't think this is a problem in my expression, but rather my emotions while actively speaking. The best thing for me to do in this case, is to go back and try it again. Inevitably I do get better at it. So I will make you this promise. The next Valheim stream, I will go back to the subject and describe the books I am reading in much more detail than just "It's a good fantasy." For now, come and join me in Dragons & Red Shirts where I give you a look in at my writing by playing games and then writing about what happens during that game. Writers also need to challenge their own views and ways of thinking, much as scientists do. This gives us "the whole picture" as it were. So this week