Chip's Tips




  • Sometimes Its Not Just What You Say


    There is something sometimes where not what you say but how you say it. Some things that it doesn't matter what you say as much as how you say it. For instance you know you might say someone you are a genius depending on the context when you say that it could be you know that you really think someone really you are a genius or you know someone just done something disremarkably(?) dumb we might sometimes you're a genius you know and depending on the context you know how it said you know how to interpret. That's why sometimes if you send somebody a text message or an email you know they might get really mad at you because they don't they don't really understand what ___ the tone of voice to it or like hey his grandmother made me cheat she had to say she'll say she'll say hush(?) but she doesn't hush cos she actually wants you to be quiet. She said hush cos she doesn't want you to be quiet and it does like you say like

  • Highland Hills Apologetically Yours


    There are a number of things that bug me and they're probably already everything when everything about you to bug ___ buddy. There are number of things that bug me. You know I'm calling my pet feeds and there is probably no pet feed I have and that is a bigger pet feed that the late Christians are portrayed in movies and TV shows. The life Christian are portrayed in movies and TV shows I find to be ___ almost every time they are portrayed in movies and TV shows. There are some, some exceptions you know and you probably on effective blind side portrayed the Christian family and they you know what, as I watched the movie I thought well they actually are acting like a loving Christian family interesting now but it's just it's just a variety(?) that when it happens we we note it and it bothers me. Particular it bothers me about the way Christians are portrayed

  • Breaking Through Barriers To Witnessing


    This morning as we as we move through our Psalms you'll notice that there are scripture references next to the next to the main points and if you like I will not be offended if you want to go ahead and mark all of them to make a little easier as you flipped through because I tend to go little bit fast from package to package and where is that. So right now yeah heads up. Cos I I already have them all marked up here and written down so I'm not having to flip through. So that's a little advantage so you all don't think I'm just back faster navigating through my bible. There was a man in the 20th century who's considerably one of the greatest minds of 20th century. His name was Albert Einstein you probably heard of him probably and one of the things that Albert Einstein did we'd like to think that he's probably the most famous for is his theory of relativity and that's overly complex theory that I don't completely understand but the basics of there it is

  • Walls To Witnessing


    It used to be at a time where I could I could lay back in the swimming pool close my eyes and just be so content and happy and just load around all day really then in these the kids came along and now a trip to the pool no longer restful. It is no longer a experience to be enjoy for me. It is it is a terrorizing. Just agonizing experience because I can't close my eyes in the swimming pool if my daughter is there. Most of you were parents yes I understand that but you know people say you know ___ to that touch joy your lives but not at the swimming pool. At the swimming pool children destroy all joy but my the way I used to it analyzed swimming pool in the day of swimming was how big is the pool how deep is the pool and how warm it is outside well that's where I used to look at. Now the only consideration that I have when I evaluate the swimming pool are the lifeguard. It's the only thing I can think of when I when I go.

  • Walls To Witnessing


    Lot of reasons for the things that they do. I for instance I hate Cheerios the, you know the little round cereal that the devil(?) makes that little Cheerios yeah. I, I absolutely cannot stand Cheerios and I've got a reason for it. My sister used to, my younger sister Dana she used to eat Cheerios and she would leave like 7 Cheerios left in the bottom of the bowl and just a little bit of milk and if you ever had any experience of coming home 7 hours after someone has left a few Cheerios and a little bit of milk it produces a smell that is almost indescribable(?) in its foulness(?) and my sister did this to me on a regular basis and because of that I cannot stand Cheerios. Now I could say well you know that my family pointed out just you don't like any cereal.

  • Journey Week 3


    What we hear from the Cardiologist is that usually if we have something wrong with our heart. If we have a disease of the heart that their usually one of two reasons why and the Cardiologist also scared because he uses a lot of machines by using a lot of stuff. Yeah I don't know if you've been to Cardiologist right. They they put all this like little thing on you ___ very gently tried of all the test later. Right now and they hook you in EKG's(?) and they they take this ultrasounds and they do all this take this pictures of it's size(?) and they they put you and put you on a thread mill right right. If going to doctor wasn't bad enough then they make you exercise, right. ___ and ultimately when they come back to you when they give you the good flash ok news they say that you're probably with your heart is maybe it's genetic may you have a family history. You have been ___ something that is wrong with your heart. Your Mom had high blood pressure. Your Dad had high

  • The Journey- Week 2


    This is the morning message from October 22 at Highland Hills Baptist Church by Pastor Chip Anthony.

  • The Journey - Week 1


    Highland Hills Baptist Church, Texarkana Arkansas, 10-16-11, Bro. Chip Anthony

  • Test



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