Chip's Tips




  • The Existence of God


    You may have heard and said that enough is enough except from when it is ___ last week we said that enough is enough we said that they are some things in this world though that even though we say enough is enough there's something that we just can't get enough of you might remember some of those things we talked about last week we said that you know it doesn't matter how much money you have that enough is never enough sometimes we're that way about food no matter how much food we have you don't have to we've have enough ___ like you were here last week as our our ice cream social point of which most of us should have said enough is enough and then some of us went a little farther but there's something's where we say enough isn't enough you know like I can never have enough of a good time I always you know we always want more there's something that we say enough isn't enough last week we said there's one thing that certainly that enough is enough and that is god's word we said that god's word is sufficient we

  • The Sufficiency of Scripture


    We live in a culture where enough is just host ___ enough we come to food we don't eat until we are no longer hungry we eat until we are stop right like we fill our ___ you just can't hook anything else in there cos enough food isn't enough for using. We don't wanna have this morning ___ till like you know provide the essential for parents we want you know have one at the bank we have money ___ I mean we built is not enough money you know it's not about here probably here an offer 10 thousand dollars with that you know what I don't know I got enough money you just keep that money that you'd want to get ___ like there was enough isn't enough in a lot of different ways and a lot a lot of different part of our lives enough isn't enough but there's one lemon in the Christian live way enough is enough and that is the word of God it is enough and we got a hard.

  • The Necessity of Scripture


    The television show and I gotta say when I saw the preview work, I got a little excited because I really like Sherlock Holmes. I like I read when I was a kid I read the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. I've seen the Sherlock Holmes movie. I like, one of the things, here's the thing I really like about Sherlock Holmes I love that you know that as he sees someone and he can just meet somebody and instantly from what he sees, he knows all about it. Alright. You know he sees somebody based on the details of what he picks up from, he knows what they do for a living. He knows for what state been on. You know he can just tell all the history of a person just in the thing that he very quickly see that I don't know if there are actually people like that. And I hope there aren't ___ with that, you know that's just, that's kinda creepy to think there's somebody who could have a bad amount of you know completely see and know. But I like the idea that when we see some thing and we know some things based on what we see but t

  • The Authority of Scripture


    Websters dictionary defines authority as a power to influence, as the dictionary commands or defines authority as the power to influence or command thought, opinion or behavior, that is the way that Webster defines authority and of course I asked well, who this Webster think he is to define a word for me, right away, what are you thinking off? Deciding(?) what all these words mean. But what power does he have to say that the word that I used have to be ___ to think of course what I'm doing is I am challenging the authority of the dictionary which seems to be rather foolish, foolish thing to do because without words having ___ definitions without them(?) being some authority to say what things mean, that all language would speaks to it, making a sense to ___. For us authority

  • The Clarity Of Scripture


    My niece. If you don't hear this is ok. My niece is 22 years old I mean it's Kara when she was a young child she lives across the street from a little boy named Billy who was now also 22 years old and he does not talk that way that he used to talk. But when he was three four five six years old, he was talking and talk and talk and you will really love him if you understood one or two words that he says. I mean he he got very ___ enthusiastic about communicating. He was he was very excited to be talking to you in telling you something but as far as the content of what he was saying, no clue. You could not. He was run up ___ ok, I'm starting to ___ better find Horada(?). Alright. Yah. And like all you do that are still that of that was yeah

  • Chip's Tips - talking about gonna answer, dad, ya


    Is that John. Thank you. This morning on your way in or after you're sitting down, Mathew should've given you a card like this said hello my name is and I I don't know if this is ever a problem for ya'll but sometimes ___ when I get these sort of things I don't know exactly what I should put on my name is, do somebody you know shut(?) on first and last, first middle last just last to be you know what and then it's doubly difficult for me because my my legal name is Dylan Anthony and so nobody but nobody calls me Dylan it doesn't if somebody call Dylan Anthony you know even now I've been out of my house for 14 years and somebody calls and says can I speak with Dylan Anthony I say hold on let me get my dad right he doesn't even live with me but I'm not Dylan but sometimes if I'm gonna answer them like do I put Dylan, do I put Chet(?), what what is it that I should put on on it and really is

  • Forgiveness - Week 4


    There are sometimes when it's hard to understand Jesus. Not just ___ he did it but sometimes the things that he said are very difficult for us to understand there be sets of things like it'd be easier for a Campbell to go to the eye of a needle that will be then for a rich man to get in the heaven and you know it's confusing. I've heard totally a half a dozen different sort of interpretations and what Jesus was what Jesus meant when he said that and there you know a lot of them a lot of sins but we have to interpret something like that it doesn't on space(?) just make a lot of sense to it. He said things like you have to give up if you're gonna follow and be my disciple. You have to sell everything you own you have to give up all of your earthly possession and we look the handful of people pushes ___. Is that really what it's called as is and it doesn't miss

  • The Seed and Soil of the Gospel


    Jesus used a lot of parables to describe the Gospel. One of His favorites was that of the seed. In this message Pastor Chip will explain these parables so that we can share the Gospel victoriously.

  • Discovery


    What is the role of mercy ministry in the modern church?

  • Discovery Week 4 - Commission


    Everyone has a unique set of gifts given by God. Join us this week as we examine the gifts of the spirit and how we can use them in the church today.

  • Discovery


    discovering community at highland hills baptist church

  • Counsel


    discovery series message 2

  • Discovering Highland Hills


    Alright I don't know if ya'll have ever had the experience of trying to describe someone or introduced two people that that don't know each other but there's really kind of 2 ways that we describe people or even though describe ourselves. The first way is to talk about the things they have talk about things they have oh he has blue eyes she has brown hair. He has you know you know he has a birth mark that's what I think you know we describe people things that have or maybe even he has a big nice house out in Pleasant Grove(?). He has a big a big back fishing boat. He has a jet ski but wait we thought about people or the things that they have right and sometimes thought we talked about people not for what they have we talked about people about what they do. You know he has this habit he has this sort of thing he's always doing

  • Highland Hills


    So a couple of years ago. My wife and I had a child a daughter in Brinway(?) and afterwards. We realize that we weren't watching television any more that this stuff called free time which is suddenly gone and so we we cut off our cable and now I don't have cable and so I found that sometimes I'm a little slow to kinda hear about stuff. Sometimes I'm little slow to catch on so what people are watching and talking about so you may have thing to show a long time but I just recently become aware of the show called Storage Wars(?) anything that show were this this people they go and they buy like the content of storage building. It's I was I'm fascinated by it like the ideas there are people and this is what they do to make a living if they buy other people's old junk.

  • It Can Be Redeemed


    This is perhaps Bro. Chip's finest sermon.

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