Embrace Grace



The Embrace Grace Podcast is a way for people around the world that is happening with Embrace Grace ministries. This program is hosted by Amy Ford and consists of candid in-studio recordings, audio blogs from the road and spontaneous guest from around the world (or around the house and office.)


  • A Wife's Secret to Happiness with Jen Weaver

    06/03/2017 Duration: 28min

    The path to marital happiness is different than you think. When our plans for marriage improvement begin with ''If my husband would . . .'' or ''If, as a couple, we could . . .'' we're missing the secret. Despite her man's flaws and failures, the Lord plans to bless a wife's marriage through her husband. Join Amy as she chats with author Jen Weaver about her new book release, A Wife's Secret to Happiness. In this book, Jen shares eleven powerful, practical blessings that God wants to pour into your lap like sweet spiritual confetti, and the wifestyle habits that will attract or reject this divine provision. No matter your title--from stay-at-home mom to business executive to ministry leader--you can celebrate God's role for you as a wife and learn how to: - Embrace vibrant marital roles without getting stuck in gender ruts - Reduce stress and busyness by building intimacy and strength - Boost love, support, and encouragement in your communication - Deepen your spousal connection so you won't feel alone - Rest

  • Chosen Ones with Vickie Akins

    27/02/2017 Duration: 29min

    Have you ever wondered how the Foster System works and had questions about how you might could be a foster family for a child in need? Tune in to the podcast show and listen as Amy chats with Vicki Akins about her ministry for foster families called Chosen Ones. Currently, there are more than 400,000 children living in foster homes in the United States with over 31,000 children in foster care in Texas alone, many of whom have been abandoned or removed from their homes due to abuse or neglect. Chosen Ones is dedicated to assisting current and future foster families by providing them resources to be successful.

  • Come Away with Me with Paige Henderson

    20/02/2017 Duration: 30min

    Through Jesus we have access to the ancient paths of God. It is through the basics of who we are, who He is and what our relationship is together that we are restored and renewed.  Join Amy as she chats with Paige Henderson, co-founder of the ministry Fellowship of the Sword. Hear about their ministry events that give you the opportunity to find rest for your souls as you intensely pursue God's heart in fresh and dynamic ways.

  • Finding the One with Alan Smith

    13/02/2017 Duration: 25min

    Marriages often don't make it. Despite the best intentions going in, couples often find themselves in a place of relational crisis at some point in their marriage. Lacking the tools to cultivate health, those marriages often fail. The solution for this epidemic isn't mere crisis intervention. We must equip singles to think differently about relationships and choosing a spouse. We must move beyond the normal criteria of attraction, shared faith and common interests and begin to intentionally leverage the dating season to demonstrate and discover the relational components that will actually build and sustain connection over time. In this podcast, Alan and Nancy Smith introduce Self-Control, Honor and Vulnerability as the key attributes of healthy and sustainable relationships and talk to singles about how to powerfully and purposefully exercise wisdom in their pre-marriage season. You can dive even deeper into Alan and Nancy's e-book, Finding the One: Thinking Differently About Choosing A Spouse - grab on Amazo

  • Women in Leadership with Nancy Smith

    06/02/2017 Duration: 24min

    Join Amy as she chats with her friend and Pastor of Catch the Fire DFW, Nancy Smith about Women in Leadership! We love these quotes from a blog Nancy wrote:  "Instead of leaning on cultural mores for our way of doing things, let’s ask questions. Dig in. Discover what the Bible really says about women. Let’s invite women into the discussion; they have a little bit invested in that process, after all. Let’s begin to take the “neither male nor female” thing Paul talks about in Galatians 3:28 seriously, allowing women to become all—and I mean all—they are created to be. And let’s create a safe environment in which they can become themselves. Let’s develop leaders of both genders, training them in Bible study (not just someone else’s Bible study, but how to really dig into the Word), leadership principles and communication skills, and then give them some opportunities to practice and grow in these skills. Let’s call those women who are already functioning in their calling by the labels we would use for men: Leader

  • For Real with Kerrie Oles

    30/01/2017 Duration: 27min

    In the midst of trials, do you ever question God, and long for a real answer? People are looking for real now more than ever before. True answers to hard questions. • How to have great faith? • Why me? • And, how to hold on to hope? Join Amy as she discusses Kerrie's new book, For Real: Navigating the Truth through Trials. Kerrie helps us understand how to navigate through the turbulent seas of this life with great faith. She offers life-transforming insights how God will reveal His faithfulness and build our faith through each and every trial. We suffer in this life, but inside each of us is an overcomer, that can grow from hurtful experiences, and be equipped and empowered to help others. And, along the way, to our destination, it will build great faith! Come with us. Get on board, let’s journey to being-For Real.

  • Love in a Box with Madeline

    22/01/2017 Duration: 48min

    We have another alumni testimonial. This one is so special because she saved her baby because of the Love in a Box program. She shared her story at Embrace Grace Annual Benefit Dinner last November. It's BEAUTIFUL! This might be one of our favorite podcasts ever in the history of Embrace Grace podcasts!  Please tune in and share with your friends! You will just love this!  "Love in a Box saved my baby. Embrace Grace saved me." - Madeline M. 

  • Joy in the Journey with Bekah

    16/01/2017 Duration: 25min

    When we have one of our very own alumni come in and share their story, that just makes our day - or even our week! Sweet Bekah did Embrace Grace a few years ago and has a powerful story of grace, love, and JOY! Join Amy as she talks with Bekah about her story - from when they first met and her journey with Embrace Grace - and the birth of her sweet daughter JOY! And now she is married and in school and doing amazing! You will be so blessed by her story!     

  • Embrace Haven with Salina Duffy

    09/01/2017 Duration: 27min

    Tune into hear from the Co-Founder of Embrace Grace, Salina Duffy, and how God is dreaming down a new dream into her heart for Embrace Haven! Amy and Salina chat about this amazing new mission that is in the works as well as chatting about our "Words of the Year" for 2017! God is already moving this year and the team at Embrace Grace is ready for all that God has for us this year! We are so excited! 

  • A Beautiful Mess with Shanese

    24/10/2016 Duration: 31min

    Tune in this week to hear an Embrace Grace testimonial of how a young mom with an unintended pregnancy thought her life was turned upside down but how God turned ashes into beauty. She now is the mother of a precious baby boy and is passionately pursuing God's will for her life. You will be inspired!     

  • An Adoption Miracle with Ali Alltop

    17/10/2016 Duration: 32min

    During an adoption process, there can be so many unknowns - so many hills and valleys. There are times when you see hope and you can see God working right before your very eyes, and then other times it seems like maybe God can't hear ... but later you see how God was working all along, even behind the scenes.  Join Amy as she chats with the new staff member of Embrace Grace, Ali Alltop! Ali is working as the Creative Director and is just what this organization needed. Ali shares about her role in the ministry as well as her recent adoption earlier this year of baby Miracle. It's an amazing story that you will not want to miss!  Tune in and share with your friends! 

  • Hearing God with Kerrie Oles

    10/10/2016 Duration: 34min

    One of the most commonly asked questions in Embrace Grace and Life is, "How can I hear God?" With all of the distractions of the world, it's easy to find other things to drown out God's voice and replace with counterfeit. We desperately want to hear the one voice that matters the most.  Join Amy as she chats with her friend and author, Kerrie Oles about Hearing God. Kerrie teaches on Hearing God frequently at Gateway Church and shares about how we can disconnect from the world and connect into Jesus. There isn't a formula or secret code on how to talk to Him - He is creative in many ways on how we can hear His voice in our lives!  You can follow Kerrie and her travels at www.kerrieoles.com !     

  • Doulas for Life with Cessilye Smith

    26/09/2016 Duration: 30min

    Women everywhere have been exploited and deceived into thinking "pro-choice" extends to the birthing room, giving them choices and options, but the truth is, women are maligned and abused in birth, by their doctors, by nurses, even by family. Women aren't getting the encouragement and affirmation deserved and so needed before, during, and after birth. A Pro-Life ethic covers it all, from conception, to birth, to beyond. Doulas support women at the very beginning of their motherhood journeys, affirming, supporting, and educating. Being truly Pro-Life means supporting a birthing mother's choices and respecting her right to consent or refuse certain proceedures, not to be pressured into accepting substandard healthcare. The USA has one of the highest maternal and fetal mortality rates in the developed world, and this is a travesty. Join Amy Ford as she chats with Cessilye Smith with Pro-Life Doulas and hear about how they stand up for change and education, promote evidence-based care, support the gestating, bi

  • Remnant Generation with Isaac

    19/09/2016 Duration: 33min

    Remnant Generation is a non-profit in Uganda, Africa that has a goal to see a generation of thriving, healthy, empowered, and God-fearing young people living out their full potential and their vision is to empower young people in Uganda with knowledge, information and skills that will enable them to make life-affirming and healthy choices. Tune in and hear Isaac Mukisa chat with Amy about what the Remnant Generation is doing in Africa and how they are on the front lines saving lives! They have a home for girls with unplanned pregnancies and they lead Embrace Grace within the home. Their heart to not only save babies but restore the hearts of the mommies is inspiring!  To see more about what Remnant Generation is doing, check out www.RemnantGeneration.org!     

  • Embrace Life with Jackie Fox

    12/09/2016 Duration: 45min

    Join Amy as she chats with Jackie Fox, the author of the latest program from Embrace Grace - EMBRACE LIFE! The Embrace Life program is a two semester program for young, single moms to provide hope and encouragement as well as help inspire them to draw close to God. Being a young mom can feel hard and overwhelming at times but providing community and support for single moms can make a huge impact on their life by cheering them on and reminding them that God has equipped them with everything they need to thrive and flourish through this season.  In Embrace Life, these moms will unearth their capabilities, passions and dreams they may have put behind them after having a baby. They will learn essential skills and character traits all great adventurers possess. They will build within their heart and spirit a confidence in embracing both the highs and lows of life, because they are designed and equipped to do so. And in attaining each purposeful and exciting piece of the journey, they will pass down a legacy to the

  • Word of Encouragement with Gail Gause

    05/09/2016 Duration: 32min

    Have you ever gotten a scripture or heard a sermon at a time when you just KNEW that God was talking to you through it? You felt like He said it just for you. That’s what a “now” word feels like – a word of encouragement that was just what you needed right NOW. Maybe it was an encouragement to trust God with the difficult situation you were worried about, or maybe it was a push for you to step out into the new thing that had just been placed before you, but you were nervous to try, or maybe it was a word just to tell you how much God loves you so very much. God can use creative ways to love on His sons and daughters! Join Amy as she discusses with her friend Gail Gause about what prophetic and a word of encouragement. They discus the new pro-love initiative by Embrace Grace called BloomWord.com. Bloomword is a place where you can go to receive a word of encouragement. We have a volunteer prayer team and staff that pray over every name that is submitted through our BloomWord.com website. After praying for you,

  • Think Differently LEAD Differently with Bob Hamp

    28/08/2016 Duration: 33min

    For too long we have looked for leadership lessons from experts who only believe in fifty percent of reality. As Christ followers we believe in both a visible material realm, and an invisible spiritual realm. We must stake our claim as those who live and walk in both the visible and invisible worlds simultaneously. To lead the unique organism that is the body of Christ, whether in a church, a business or our families, true spiritual leadership must know how to navigate both of these realms, and in particular, understand the intersection between these two worlds. Knowing only how to impact the world we see may actually impair our ability to impact the world we do not see. If all of our knowledge and experience is from and about the visible world, we are operating half-blind as kingdom citizens. Join Amy as she chats with Bob Hamp about how to LEAD differently. His latest book Think Differently, Lead Differently is that guidebook that points us toward the intersection of the material and spiritual realms, and t

  • This Thing Called Home with Brooke Sailer

    22/08/2016 Duration: 26min

    Longing to be a good homemaker but not knowing if it’s even possible? (It is.) Feeling like a failure amidst chaos and mess? (You’re not.) Looking for motivation and inspiration at home but have no idea where to start? (I have some ideas.) Then you will LOVE this podcast! And you NEED this e-book! Dive in to a heart-wrenching conversation full of stories, evidences, questions and answers with the author of This Thing Called Home, Brooke Sailer. You will not be disappointed! If home is chaos. If home is mess. If home is doubt and overwhelm. If home is defeat and failure. If home is despair, discouragement, and disappointment. Let’s… Rebuild a new framework. Rewrite the narrative. Construct a different layout. Re-set the space. Ponder a different theory. You have choices. You have options. You aren’t as stuck as you think you are, and you are not hopeless. You are just beginning. You have permission to begin or begin again at home. Successful home-making, start to finish woven into real life home order and

  • Hope Prevails with Michelle Bengtson

    15/08/2016 Duration: 30min

    As a board-certified neuropsychologist, Dr. Michelle Bengtson sees the devastation of depression. Early on, she practiced the most effective treatments and prescribed them for her clients. But when she experienced depression herself, she found that the treatments she had recommended were lacking. Her experience showed her the missing component in treating depression. Join Amy as she chats with Dr. Bengtson about her brand new release, Hope Prevails. This book is written with deep compassion, blending Michelle's training and faith, to offer readers a hope grounded in God's love and grace. She helps readers understand what depression is, how it affects them spiritually, and what, by God's grace, it cannot do. The result is an approach that offers the hope of release, not just the management of symptoms. For those who struggle with depression and those who want to help them, Hope Prevails offers hope for the future. Tune in today and forward to a friend that needs to hear this podcast! Purchase Hope Prevails

  • FOR PREGNANCY CENTER WORKERS - Strengthening Church Relationships

    10/08/2016 Duration: 43min

    We interrupt our weekly podcasts to bring a special podcast just for Pregnancy Center Staff & Volunteers, as well as Maternity Home Staff!  Amy has taught workshops at conferences titled "Strengthening Church Relationships" and is now doing a special podcast for you to share with your staff. In this show, you will hear about great topics such as:  • How can centers/orgs benefit from church relationships?  • How can pregnancy centers/orgs strengthen church relationships?  • Which pastor is best to connect with?  • What are bridge building ministries that can help pro-life centers/orgs partner with churches?  • What is Love in a Box?  This is a 45 minute podcast full of helpful information that you can share with your staff and volunteers!   

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