Dr. Carolyn Dean Live

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Meet award-winning doctor, naturopath and best-selling author of Death by Modern Medicine and The Magnesium Miracle Carolyn Dean MD ND. Hear a wealth of information designed to empower listeners and callers to pierce the veil of traditional (allopathic) medicine and discover how to improve health, vitality, and emotional well-being through natures perfect nutrients and picometer mineral supplementation. Enjoy weekly featured segments including: a review of news from around the health world, Dr. Deans Mail Bag, and a variety of guests and call-in listeners who share experiences of their quest for optimal physical, mental, and emotional health. Co-hosted by life coach Ginney Gunther, Dr. Carolyn Dean Live fills your prescription for inspiration, information and success in achieving the next level of health, vitality and wellness!


  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Summer may bring increased exposure to more than just the sun. Summer gives us longer days, BBQs, pool parties, campfires, more alcohol, and sweet beverages, road trips with the car windows and top-down, and home improvements. Harmless as they seem, these factors and more increase our exposure to multiple environmental toxins. One particular toxin that affects millions in the population is acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde belongs to the larger chemical family of aldehydes, which are pervasive environmental toxins. The human body possesses enzymes that convert it to a less-harmful substance and therefore is protected from small exposures. However, acetaldehyde at toxic levels can make its way into the brain from sources such as alcohol consumption, breathing air contaminated with acetaldehyde from cigarette and other smoke, smog, vehicle and factory exhaust, synthetic fragrances and perhaps the most common of all, Candida sp. (yeast) overgrowth. Yes, for many women and their families, the exposure route to tox

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    The journal Neurology published a paper called “Prospective Study of Restless Legs Syndrome and Total and Cardiovascular Mortality Among Women.” This study proves to me that your leg cramps are telling you that your magnesium deficiency is serious and needs to be remedied.  Why? Because I’ve seen countless people eliminate their symptoms of leg cramps / Restless Leg Syndrome when they take ReMag and when people have magnesium deficiency they are at risk for CV disease. The highest amounts of magnesium in the body are in the heart so if there is magnesium deficiency, the heart is at risk. The association between restless legs and CV disease places the blame on magnesium deficiency as the shared cause. RLS is said to be a sleep and a neurological sensory disorder, which tells me nothing about its cause. In fact, medicine has no idea what causes RLS or how to treat it. This latest study just makes people with RLS more anxious because they have been told there is no cure for RLS and now they are told it increa

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    The journal Neurology published a paper called “Prospective Study of Restless Legs Syndrome and Total and Cardiovascular Mortality Among Women.” This study proves to me that your leg cramps are telling you that your magnesium deficiency is serious and needs to be remedied.  Why? Because I’ve seen countless people eliminate their symptoms of leg cramps / Restless Leg Syndrome when they take ReMag and when people have magnesium deficiency they are at risk for CV disease. The highest amounts of magnesium in the body are in the heart so if there is magnesium deficiency, the heart is at risk. The association between restless legs and CV disease places the blame on magnesium deficiency as the shared cause. RLS is said to be a sleep and a neurological sensory disorder, which tells me nothing about its cause. In fact, medicine has no idea what causes RLS or how to treat it. This latest study just makes people with RLS more anxious because they have been told there is no cure for RLS and now they are told it increa

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    One in three Americans—including half of those age 60 and older — have a silent blood sugar problem known as insulin resistance. Insulin resistance increases the risk for prediabetes, type 2 diabetes, and a host of other serious health problems, including heart attacks, strokes, Alzheimer’s and cancer. Insulin resistance is when cells in your muscles, body fat, and liver start resisting or ignoring the signal that the hormone insulin is trying to send out. Insulin’s job is to open up receptor sites on cell membranes to allow the influx of glucose, the cell’s source of fuel. Cells that no longer respond to the advances of insulin and refuse the entry of glucose are called insulin-resistant. As a result, blood glucose levels rise and the body produces more and more insulin, to no avail. Glucose and insulin rampage throughout the body, causing tissue damage that results in overuse and wasting of magnesium, an increased risk of heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. How do you know if you’re insulin resistant?

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Today over 80% of all chronic health conditions are caused by food choice, toxic food ingredients, nutritional deficiencies and lack of physical movement. If that statement resonates with you then you are going to really resonate with our special guest tonight on Dr. Carolyn Dean Live. Health Ranger Mike Adams will be joining us to talk about his role in consumer activism for food choice and nutritional education as well as many other topics. As the Health Ranger Mike is an outspoken consumer health advocate, award-winning investigative journalist, internet activist and science lab director. He is the founder and editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet’s most-trafficked natural health news website. Natural News is a science-based natural health advocacy organization! The mission of Natural News is to empower consumers with factual information about the synthetic chemicals, heavy metals, hormone disruptors and other chemicals found in foods, medicines, personal care products, children’s toys and other

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Today over 80% of all chronic health conditions are caused by food choice, toxic food ingredients, nutritional deficiencies and lack of physical movement. If that statement resonates with you then you are going to really resonate with our special guest tonight on Dr. Carolyn Dean Live. Health Ranger Mike Adams will be joining us to talk about his role in consumer activism for food choice and nutritional education as well as many other topics. As the Health Ranger Mike is an outspoken consumer health advocate, award-winning investigative journalist, internet activist and science lab director. He is the founder and editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet\'s most-trafficked natural health news website. Natural News is a science-based natural health advocacy organization! The mission of Natural News is to empower consumers with factual information about the synthetic chemicals, heavy metals, hormone disruptors and other chemicals found in foods, medicines, personal care products, children\'s toys and oth

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    When people take a drug or a supplement they take it with the expectation that it will make them feel better. We know that’s not always the case with drugs but what about supplements? Because so many people are reading Dr. Dean’s book, The Magnesium Miracle (2017 edition is now available) and hearing about magnesium more people are taking magnesium than ever before and a few people are wondering why it makes them feel worse. In about 1 out of 100 people there can be a shift in your symptoms that you don’t understand. Here’s how one radio show listener put it, “My obvious magnesium deficiency symptoms, cramping, muscle aches, headaches, etc., are worsening slightly rather than getting better. Anxiety is the only thing that has gotten better. Is this normal? I’m using magnesium oil and magnesium citrate but not yet able to tolerate more than 200-300mg without getting diarrhea.” Actually, it’s not magnesium that’s making you worse but just the way you are taking it or other things you are or aren’t taki

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    When people take a drug or a supplement they take it with the expectation that it will make them feel better. We know that’s not always the case with drugs but what about supplements? Because so many people are reading Dr. Dean’s book, The Magnesium Miracle (2017 edition is now available) and hearing about magnesium more people are taking magnesium than ever before and a few people are wondering why it makes them feel worse. In about 1 out of 100 people there can be a shift in your symptoms that you don’t understand. Here’s how one radio show listener put it, “My obvious magnesium deficiency symptoms, cramping, muscle aches, headaches, etc., are worsening slightly rather than getting better. Anxiety is the only thing that has gotten better. Is this normal? I’m using magnesium oil and magnesium citrate but not yet able to tolerate more than 200-300mg without getting diarrhea.” Actually, it’s not magnesium that’s making you worse but just the way you are taking it or other things you are or aren’t taki

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    The gastrointestinal (GI) system is made up of the GI tract plus accessory organs that include salivary glands, pancreas, liver, digestive enzymes and gallbladder. The function of the GI system is to process nutrients and energy from food and fluids that you ingest. In people with GI problems, these functions are impaired. GI conditions include irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) such as Crohn\'s and ulcerative colitis, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), gluten intolerance and SIBO. While many of these conditions have gotten the full attention of mainstream medicine there is a hidden factor in many of their diagnosis that is either unrecognized or dismissed - leaving its victims unable to resolve their digestive conflicts. On tonight\'s radio show we speak with Dr. Carolyn Dean about Candida albicans, the hidden factor in many of these conditions, and we review how to identify its influences and how to dismiss its dominance in your digestive system. How Candidiasis is

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    The importance of magnesium sufficiency to human health is as readily overlooked today in 2018 as is it was in 1980 when magnesium researcher Mildred Seelig wrote her landmark thesis, Magnesium Deficiency in the Pathogenesis of Disease. In this comprehensive book, she begins in the life of a fetus and traces magnesium deficiency through its progression from a mild disturbance to an epic factor in human mortality. The signs and symptoms of magnesium deficiency are vast. Some are subtle, while others can cause serious health problems. Many people who have a deficiency don’t even know it, and a lot of health issues are blamed on something else or remain unexplained if a potential magnesium deficiency is overlooked. In today\'s world, it\'s all too easy to become magnesium deficient. You can have a magnesium deficiency if you don’t consume enough of the nutrient in your diet or if your body doesn’t absorb enough when it goes through your system. Other things, like consuming too much alcohol, sugar, and cert

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Anxiety can cause symptoms that lead to more anxiety. This is one of the main reasons that anxiety and panic attacks are so hard to stop – once you have anxiety, it can often lead to symptoms that cause anxiety to develop further. What is an anxiety attack? An anxiety attack is an abrupt chemical imbalance in the body that produces intense fear or discomfort. While an anxiety attack can reach its peak within a few minutes, it’s a combination of threatening symptoms and chemical after-burn can leave a person reeling for hours or even days. The most common symptoms of anxiety or panic attacks include: Palpitations, pounding heart, or accelerated heart rate Sweating Trembling or shaking Sensations of shortness of breath or smothering Feelings of choking Chest pain or discomfort Nausea or abdominal distress Feeling dizzy, unsteady, light-headed, or faint Chills or heat sensations Paresthesia (numbness or tingling sensations) Derealization (feelings of unreality) or depersonalization (being deta

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    This month Dr. Dean will be talking with ROBY MITCHELL, M.D.  Roby graduated with honors from Texas Tech University School of Medicine in Lubbock, Texas. While attending Texas Tech, he was selected to be the first medical student in an exchange program with Jinan University Medical School in mainland China. This was Dr. Mitchell\'s first exposure to Alternative Therapies. Dr. Mitchell also studied Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine at the University of Alberta, Canada. While at Texas Tech, he was awarded a Fellowship in Cardiovascular Pharmacology and did Ph.D. work under the world-renowned Physiologist PKT Pang, Ph.D. Dr. Mitchell worked with Dr. Pang on the Patho-Physiology of Hypertension. Following his residency, Dr. Mitchell became an ER Physician. It was during this time that he developed hypertension and arthritis. Suffering from severe side effects from the prescription medications, he revisited the philosophies he had learned in China of biochemical rebalancing with diet and supplements and was

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Minerals play a huge part in the rehabilitation of two major hormone systems in the body. The three major hormone systems in the body: adrenals, thyroid and sex hormones, I refer to as a three-sided stool. When one of the legs of the stool is shortened, it affects the other two. This can be seen on blood testing; when cortisol levels go up, thyroid hormone levels go down. There is an ongoing debate among natural medicine practitioners about what comes first, adrenal fatigue or thyroid insufficiency and what do you treat first? Dr. Dean has commented that think it’s a moot point because they are often not looking at one of the main causes of both conditions – mineral deficiency, which means you can treat the two conditions simultaneously. The standard treatment for thyroid, even for natural medicine practitioners, is to give thyroid replacement therapy. It may be the more natural form of Armour thyroid, but it’s still treating with hormones instead of treating the reason the thyroid became weakened in th

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Minerals play a huge part in the rehabilitation of two major hormone systems in the body. The three major hormone systems in the body: adrenals, thyroid and sex hormones, I refer to as a three-sided stool. When one of the legs of the stool is shortened, it affects the other two. This can be seen on blood testing; when cortisol levels go up, thyroid hormone levels go down. There is an ongoing debate among natural medicine practitioners about what comes first, adrenal fatigue or thyroid insufficiency and what do you treat first? Dr. Dean has commented that think it’s a moot point because they are often not looking at one of the main causes of both conditions – mineral deficiency, which means you can treat the two conditions simultaneously. The standard treatment for thyroid, even for natural medicine practitioners, is to give thyroid replacement therapy. It may be the more natural form of Armour thyroid, but it’s still treating with hormones instead of treating the reason the thyroid became weakened in th

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