Academics Mean Business



Dr. Lindsay Padilla explores the academic and business lives of her guests, and how these two identities shape one another. Each episode traces the story behind their choices, the challenges they faced, and the mindset it takes to start a business (whether on the side or to leave academia for good). If you've ever felt bound by the walls of your institution, then you'll want to listen to these stories of your fellow academic misfits who are using their knowledge to build profitable businesses.


  • AMB 027 Echo Rivera: Community Psychology to Research Communications Specialist


    Echo and Lindsay discuss being unsure as a grad student, and creating a business focused on ending #DeathByPowerPoint. Join Echo and other guests in the AMB Facebook Community! About Echo: I am a community-based researcher/evaluator and effective research communication specialist with 15 years of multi-sector professional experience. I typically lead research/evaluation projects to improve the social and community response to intimate partner violence (IPV), though I also work on other social (in)justice topics. Through my company, Creative Research Communications LLC, I also help social justice-oriented academics, scientists, evaluators, and researchers create compelling and effective presentations through training, mentoring, and custom illustration services. My goal is to end #DeathByPowerPoint and to help others communicate their work in creative, engaging, and effective ways so that we can create lasting positive social change. https://

  • AMB 026 Amy Walsh: From Art Professor to Branding Specialist


    Amy and Lindsay discuss the parallels of being an artist and academic, and the oppressive nature of academic institutions. Join Amy, other guests, and fellow listeners at the AMB Facebook community! Sneak peak PHOTO of Amy's photoshoot of Lindsay! Amy Walsh is an artist, educator and branding specialist who, with her business the Bureau of Tactical Imagination, helps mission-driven entrepreneurs master the art of visual storytelling in all of their communications.

  • AMB 025 Lisa Munro: From a History PhD to a Writing Business


    Lindsay and Lisa discuss overcoming a fear of failure, and finding your power post PhD. Join Lisa and other guests in the AMB Facebook group! About Lisa Munro: I'm an entrepreneur with a PhD in history. I own a small, independent writing business called the Mérida Collective Writing Project. I help academic writers get more writing done with less shame and greater joy. I host writing retreats in Mexico and Guatemala to provide safe, collaborative spaces for writers to take creative risks in their work. I coach writers to help them use their own creativity and ingenuity to create strategies to reach their writing goals. I also provide academic editing services to scholars in the humanities.

  • AMB 024 Valerie Baker Using Psychology to Help Women Turn Crises Into Fuel


    Lindsay and Valerie discuss "patriarchal stress disorder" within academia, and the dangers of being a smart, successful woman. Connect with Dr. Valerie and other guests and listeners in the Academics Mean Business Facebook group! Dr. Valerie's podcast: Psychologist turned life and executive coach, Dr. Valerie helps women use adversity and crises as fuel for transformation, which she defines as moving from unconscious to conscious creation of your life — designed by your desires. Her system is based on her doctoral research on transformation and over 20,000 hours of facilitating people’s journeys as a holistic therapist and coach. On her podcast, Her Success Radio, Dr. Valerie has real and raw conversations with inspiring women on the journey of transformation. Join the conversation at and find yourself on the map of your own journey at

  • AMB 023 Cate Denial: History Professor and Pedagogical Coach


    Lindsay and Cate discuss the birth of Cate’s business in coaching educators at the beginnings of their teaching careers. They also touch upon the inspiration and support found in fellow academics running businesses. Find Cate and other AMB guests and listeners in the Academics Mean Business Facebook group! About Cate: Cate Denial is the Bright Professor of History, Chair of the History department, and director of the Bright Institute at Knox College in Galesburg, IL. A teacher for twenty-three years, Cate has published and consults on pedagogical innovation, was a participant in the 2017 Digital Pedagogy Institute, and is a member of the Educational Advisory Board of the Digital Public Library of America.  

  • AMB 022 Masha Evpak on the Emotional Toll of a PhD Program


    Lindsay and Masha discuss how graduate work affects mental wellbeing and what it feels like to be a generalist in a system that requires specializing. They get into growth mindset, anxiety attacks, and mental health struggles in grad school and describe how the hardships and lessons of grad school now translate into Masha's job at a community college and her business as a confidence coach.   Join Masha and other Academics Mean Business guests in the AMB Facebook community!   Links discussed in this episode: BoldAdulting Podcast Masha interviews two of her former students on the BoldAdulting podcast: Med Student Cuong Lieu and Scientist Mo Anderson  Masha's day job is at San Diego Continuing Education which has free career training including in small business Sharing Science - Masha's students' project to share science to non-scientists on Instagram Quirky Bingers, fat-positive binge-eating Facebook su

  • AMB 021 Yasemin Inal on Appreciating Others on a Human Level


    Join Yasemin, other guests, and over 100 listeners in the AMB Facebook group! Lindsay and Yasemin discuss how to authentically connect with others and where musical theater fits into business. Brenden Bruchard's High Performance Habits book: About Yasemin: Yasemin has been a big dreamer and doer ever since she was a little girl. At 17, leaving her parents behind in Istanbul, Turkey, she flew all the way to the US to study PR/Journalism. After losing her father at 18, she was left with a difficult decision to go back or to stay and follow her dreams here in the US. She chose the harder road and never looked back. Despite all the financial struggles she faced, she put herself through a private school without any student loans and graduated with the highest honors. After teaching for more than a decade, Yasemin founded her company Amplify Your Dreams when she

  • AMB 020 Barbi Honeycutt on Building a Business Through Your Academic Scholarship


    Lindsay and Barbi discuss how to turn your academic work into a business, and the importance of taking action with a business in education. Links from this episode: Lindsay's twitter: Academics Mean Business Facebook group: To Sell is Human, book: Barbi's Scholarly Entrepreneur blog: About Barbi Honeycutt: Dr. Barbi Honeycutt is a speaker, scholar, and author. Throughout the past 17 years, she has facilitated more than 3,200 professional development events for more than 17,000 faculty, graduate students, and postdocs around the world. She is the founder of FLIP It Consulting in Raleigh, North Carolina. The “FLIP” means to “Focus on your Learners by Involving them in the Process.” Barbi leads in-person workshops, teaches online courses, and writes books and articles for educators who want to learn more about how to engage students and improve learn

  • AMB 019 Marc Cordon on Taking Educated Risks When Leaving Academia


    Lindsay and Marc discuss the importance of being certified in the entrepreneur space. They touch on Marc's teacher's philosophy of flourishing in life while feeling good and functioning well. Join Marc and other guest in the Academics Mean Business Facebook group! Marc Cordon is the founder of Greater Good Strategic & Life Coaching which serves rebellious entrepreneurs, misfit coaches, and ostensible iconoclasts who are committed to changing history for the better. He has received several coaching accolades from the Institute for Professional and Excellence in Coaching including an Energy Leadership Index - Master Practitioner, Certified Professional Coach, and COR.E Dynamics specialties in Transitions, Leadership, Performance, and Wellbeing and a certification in positive psychology from WholeBeing Institute.. His book on entrepreneurship, coaching and positive psychology "Beyond Resilient: The Coach's Guide for Ecstatic Growth" recently reached international

  • AMB 018 Ashley Hampton on the Balance Needed to Start an Online Business


    Join Ashley and other guests in the AMB Facebook group! Lindsay and Ashely discuss the the transitions from academia, to private practice, to online services and how the academy prepared Ashley for the jobs at hand. They touch upon the missing external validation in the business world compared to degrees and tangible benchmarks in academia, and the money mindset holdovers after leaving a teaching career. Dr. Ashley Hampton helps successful women entrepreneurs improve their business mindset and productivity strategies to elevate their businesses without increasing the amount of hours worked and without sacrificing a healthy work-life balance.  

  • AMB 017 Kat Malinsky on What it Means to be a Coach


    Lindsay interviews her dissertation coach on what how coaching helps get past roadblocks in life, and specifically grad school. Join the conversation with Dr. Kat Malinsky and other guests at the AMB Facebook group! As a professionally certified coach, I specialize in mentoring dissertation writers to focus their topics, design and align the elements of their proposals and complete their dissertations. In addition to chairing over 100 dissertation committees during my 14-year tenure at Argosy University, I have coached over 50 clients through their dissertation journeys over the past 6 years.  

  • AMB 016 Sarah Fox on Putting Creative Writing Skills to Use in Business


    We have a Facebook group! Reach out to Sarah and other guests as well as your fellow listeners! Lindsay interviews Sarah Fox who puts her writing degrees to use in her editing and coaching business. Sarah shares her feelings of being creatively stifled by her institutions before leaving for the entrepreneur world. Sarah Fox is an editor and writing coach who helps ambitious authors start and complete their novels. When she is not helping others achieve their book dreams, she works on her own young adult book series.

  • AMB 015 Sarah Whitten on Academic Superpowers in Business


    We have a Facebook group! Come join the conversation with podcasts guests and fellow listeners! Lindsay interviews Sarah Whitten who turned her academic position as a vocal instructor into a business helping women find their true voice for the world to hear. Along the way, Sarah reveals the superpowers that she brings to her business to help get the job done. Sarah Whitten is a classically trained singer, voice teacher and certified yoga instructor with 15 years of experience. Her insatiable love of learning has lead her to study anatomy, physiology and biomechanics of the voice and body. A teacher, mentor and explorer of her own body, she’s focused on holistic, functional ways of moving and using the voice to find an optimal sound. She is a member of the National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS), Voice and Speech Trainers Association (VAS

  • AMB 014 Kelli Saginak: Transforming Education One Tenure-Track Mom at a Time


    Lindsay Padilla and Kelli Saginak discuss being frustrated with academic writing and the common-yet-unspoken anxiety of women in academia. Links discussed in this episode: AMB Facebook Group! Kelly Ruta: Profit First on Amazon (affiliate link): (Previously "Faculty Success Program") About Kelli Saginak: Professor turned certified life coach who teaches stressed out, overwhelmed, anxious tenure-track moms how to go from surviving to thriving. I'm on a mission to transform old, outdated, oppressive Ivory Tower paradigms one brilliant, amazing tenure-track mom at a time.

  • AMB 013 Dave Eng on Starting a Business Despite Institutional Constraints


    Lindsay interviews guest Dave Eng discussing his role on campus working in student services versus being a full professor, and the early stages of a new income stream within institutional constraints. Dave Eng, Ed.D. is an intellectual and creative educator, designer, and researcher who combines, games, theory, and technology to define NEXT practice. He is currently the Director of Student Activities and adjunct professor at St. Thomas Aquinas College. He has previously worked and traveled extensively with Semester at Sea. His research interests include learning theory, technology, and games.  

  • AMB 012 Makenna Held


    We have a Facebook group for listeners! Come join!   Start with a vintage, enameled cast iron Dutch Oven (teal is her favorite). Then sauté a mirepoix of business acumen, marketing, and strategy; pour in a good bottle of Integral Coaching methodology; add a cup of movement and spirituality; and a hearty handful of feminist theory. Whisk gently. Follow with a sprinkle each of intuition, wry comedy, and truth talking; and finally a dash of Tibetan theories of Emptiness. Place in the sun for two hours and VOILA! You have Makenna. In 2015, she followed the wild hair of her intuition and managed to purchase (with the help of investors) La Pitchoune, Julia Child’s former summer home in France. Since then, she has created The Courageous Cooking School at La Pitchoune, a recipe-free (EGADS!) experience that turns recipe bound cooks into creative masters of their home kitchen; created The HeartFirst Method–a movement and coaching methodology for leaders based on Integral C

  • AMB 011 Valerie Reed


    Valerie Reed has consulted for both new and established business owners in the areas of beauty/cosmetics, wholesaling, identifying ideal clients, marketing, health and wellness industry, fitness, education, fashion and real estate. Valerie is the founder of Valana Minerals, an all. natural and vegan cosmetics company that founded over ten years ago. Mrs. Reed has since expanded Valana Minerals to include Unapologetic Rejuvenation Hawaii Retreats and Safer Cosmetic Consumer Education. Mrs. Reed's experience also involves twenty years teaching-administration and mentoring in the areas of culture, society, professional and personal development. The support, guidance and consulting solutions provided are enhanced by certifications as a master business coach, business coach, life coach, Neuro-linguistic practitioner, and online education,  in addition to multiple degrees in sociology and fashion-design and merchandising. Valerie continues to create her 'ideal life' and helps others do the same. She splits her time

  • AMB 010 Jessica Wayman


    Jessica Wayman is a Marketing Mentor + Strategist to high achieving and creative women entrepreneurs who are looking to speak their ideal client's language and make a difference with their work. She has helped large and small companies gain clarity in their messaging, present their ideas in creative ways, and reach their ideal clients using well crafted funnel strategies. Jessica infuses her years of education and experience in psychology, business & marketing, and education when working with her clients to offer an enriching experience of transformation. She understands the value of creating freedom in your business, as she is a mother to a very busy little boy.

  • AMB 009 Nadine Crespo


    Nadine helps female entrepreneurs that need to find their voice and hone their skills so that they deliver exceptional results to their clients and set themselves apart as industry leaders. By using proven methods she helps clients to transform from playing it safe to arriving and standing in their power that makes them both unique and highly sought out. She specializes in tailoring plans that work for clients that transcend both their personal and professional life; no one deserves to be put in a one size fit all plan!  

  • AMB 008 Lizette Ojeda


    Dr. Lizette helps women step up with confidence in their zone of genius, create an in-demand brand, and attract clients using proven psychology strategies. She leverages her experiences as a tenured psychology professor, nationally recognized behavioral scientist, licensed psychologist, and consultant to help women build a booming business that lets them live their life their way.

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