Toy Photographers Podcast



The official podcast of!


  • 109 - a conversation with Empire Toy Works with Oliver

    26/07/2021 Duration: 01h12min

    Oliver talks toys with Chris Shaylor of Empire Toy Works, a toy maker, customizer and photographer who is doing amazing things in Rotgut Station Spaceport, a fully realized, room-filling world he continues to build and evolve above his garage. As always the full show notes and images referenced in this episode can be found on the Toy Photographers Blog. You can also find more articles on creativity and toy photography on our website, Find us on Facebook, Twitter, MeWe and Instagram. Subscribe to our weekly email roundup so that you never miss a post, and join our communities on MeWe and Flickr. 

  • 108 - I am Spiderman

    28/06/2021 Duration: 48min

    What does a self-portrait mean when you use a toy as a stand-in for yourself? In a sea of the same object, how can someone’s image stand out? When there are multiple versions of a toy/identity, which one do we claim as our own? Do we leave a little bit of ourselves in our photos? Sounds like an existential crisis waiting to happen, right? If you agree, then rest assured: you’re not alone!    In this episode of the Toy Photographerspodcast, Shelly Corbett welcomes back member of the Toy Photographers team Sabrina Perry (@theperrylegoadventures) for a discussion of the I am Spider-Man self-portrait challenge (#tp_iamspiderman). Over the course of 30 days, Sabrina journeyed with Spidey to create not one but multiple identities—because, after all, aren’t we all more than just one identity—and came to a profound realization: we are all Spider-Man.  We hope you’re inspired to take on the challenge and consider your own “I am Spider-Man” image. Or, perhaps you’d choose another toy to capture your true self—who/wh

  • 107 - A conversation with F-Stop Rebel

    14/06/2021 Duration: 01h37s

    If you read Scott Metzger’s post on the Toy Photographers blog, you’ll find this description under the “About the Author”: “I was a photographer. Then I wasn’t. Then I was again. Be present.” Beginnings, middles, and ends. We can apply that arc to just about anything—from a movie’s or book’s plot to where we find ourselves on this journey of life. Scott Metzger is drawn to this arc, to trilogies, and to symphonic movements. He thinks in threes (or multiples of), as evidenced by his Instagram feed, where his past life curating art converges with his desire to offer not only a collection of photos but what he calls a “visual experience” for his followers/viewers. In this episode of the Toy Photographers Podcast, Scott and I dig into his journey to toy photography and what it means to follow one’s curiosity to see where it might lead.  As always the full show notes and images referenced in this episode can be found on the Toy Photographers Blog. You can also find more articles on creativity and toy photography

  • 106 - a conversation with Tobias Schiel

    07/06/2021 Duration: 47min

    As the old saying goes, there are no original stories. Perhaps that’s true; however, what IS new and unique is the way in which a story is told. As toy photographers, we’re also storytellers. The toys might be our characters, but we, the photographers, create and tell those stories through our images just as authors and narrators might. But the relationship between story and image might be as confounding as the chicken and egg question: which comes first? Story and then images to match? Or images and a story created to fit?  As always the full show notes and images referenced in this episode can be found on the Toy Photographers Blog. You can also find more articles on creativity and toy photography on our website, Find us on Facebook, Twitter, MeWe and Instagram. Subscribe to our weekly email roundup so that you never miss a post, and join our communities on MeWe and Flickr.   

  • 105 - Creativity roundtable with Alan, Trevor, Arielle and James

    24/05/2021 Duration: 01h02min

    On this episode of the Toy Photographers Podcast, Alan Rappa hosts a roundtable featuring James Garcia (@thereelJames23), Arielle Nadel (@ariellenadel), and Trevor Williams (@onesix_shooter). The topic? All about creativity: Where to find it, how to harness it, and what to do when it gives you trouble. Creativity is a pretty abstract concept. Can you define it? What does it look like? Is creativity something that’s tangible? Or you just know it when you feel it or see it? Does seeing others’ creativity inspire you or make you jealous? And does creativity only exist in artistic endeavors or can one express creativity through, say, spreadsheets? You might be surprised at the answer!   As always the full show notes and images referenced in this episode can be found on the Toy Photographers Blog. You can also find more articles on creativity and toy photography on our website, Find us on Facebook, Twitter, MeWe and Instagram. Subscribe to our weekly email roundup so that you never miss a

  • 104 - 365 Photo Challenge

    03/05/2021 Duration: 01h02min

    In this episode Shelly talks with Matthew Wyjad and Terri Greene Henning about their respective 365 toy photography projects. Why would anyone challenge themselves in such a way? What can be gained in this madness? Check out the episode and maybe you too will leave inspired to challenge yourself. Maybe not with a photo-a-day, but something more manageable like a 30 day challenge. Matthew and Terri have lots of great tips to keep you inspired! As always all the images talked about in this episode can be viewed on the blog.  You can find articles on creativity and toy photography on our website, Find us on Facebook, Twitter, MeWe and Instagram. Subscribe to our weekly email roundup so that you never miss a post, and join our communities on MeWe and Flickr. 

  • 103 - Surrealism: a conversation with Shelly and Sabrina

    12/04/2021 Duration: 01h08min

    We're back!! After an extended break Shelly and Sabrina take a look at the intersection of toy photography and surrealism. Inspired by a recent photo challenge in our MeWe community, our hosts look at their images, as well as community images, through this unique lens. Do you think toy photography is surrealistic? Check out the conversation and let us know what you think on the blog. As always all the images talked about in this episode can be viewed on the blog.    You can find articles on creativity and toy photography on our website, Find us on Facebook, Twitter, MeWe and Instagram. Subscribe to our weekly email roundup so that you never miss a post, and join our communities on MeWe and Flickr. 

  • 102 - Favorite photo of 2020

    08/02/2021 Duration: 01h34min

    In this marathon episode Kristina and Shelly talk about the images submitted from attendees of the 2021 Virtual Toy Photographers meet-up. With 23 images to get through, there isn't a lot of time to talk about the details of each image. But there are plenty of threads running through the group. Themes of loss, struggle, and hope are seen in many of the images. We invite you to stop by the blog ( and look at the slide show of all the images as your listening to this episode.    You can find articles on creativity and toy photography on our website, Find us on Facebook, Twitter, MeWe and Instagram. Subscribe to our weekly email roundup so that you never miss a post, and join our communities on MeWe and Flickr. 

  • 101 - A conversation with Chris Lynch

    25/01/2021 Duration: 01h14min

    On this episode, Oliver Peterson chats with toy photographer Chris Lynch, aka @chezpics66, about Star Wars, shooting outdoors, fatherhood and much more   You can find articles on creativity and toy photography on our website, Find us on Facebook, Twitter, MeWe and Instagram. Subscribe to our weekly email roundup so that you never miss a post, and join our communities on MeWe and Flickr. 

  • 100 - Digital minimalism: a conversation with Janan and Shelly

    18/01/2021 Duration: 54min

    In this episode of the Toy Photographers Podcast Janan Lee (@spideygoeshygge) and Shelly Corbett discuss Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport. Why? Because the new year is often accompanied by New Year's Resolutions. While new year's resolutions can be controversial, the chance of the years is a great time to examine certain habits. But what happens when Shelly's new year's goal to use social media less runs head long into her favorite high value activity: toy photography. We hope you enjoy the discussion!    You can find articles on creativity and toy photography on our website, Find us on Facebook, Twitter, MeWe and Instagram. Subscribe to our weekly email roundup so that you never miss a post, and join our communities on MeWe and Flickr. 

  • 99 - Mythology is a deep well of inspiration for the toy photographer.

    28/12/2020 Duration: 01h11s

    In the latest conversation between Shelly Corbett and Kristina Alexanderson they discuss Mythology and their potential to inspire toy photographers. Armed with their own photos as well as samples from @verysmallworlds, Tobias Schiel and @zekezackzoom, they show the potential these ancient stories contain.    You can find articles on creativity and toy photography on our website, Find us on Facebook and on Instagram. Subscribe to our weekly email roundup so that you never miss a post, and join our communities on MeWe and Flickr. 

  • 98 - A conversation with Vesa Lehtimäki

    07/12/2020 Duration: 56min

    In todays episode Shelly Corbett talks with Vesa Lehtimäki about his current and past projects. Ships and space travel suffuse much of this legendary toy photographers work. The conversation covers his earliest LEGO models and spaceships all the way to his current work in progress: a K-Spinner. Their conversation also touches on Vesa's inspiration and where he finds it, even during a global pandemic. Check out the post for all the visuals discussed in the podcast.    You can find articles on creativity and toy photography on our website, Find us on Facebook and on Instagram. Subscribe to our weekly email roundup so that you never miss a post, and join our communities on MeWe and Flickr. 

  • 97 - Traveling with Toys a roundtable discussion with Alan Rappa

    30/11/2020 Duration: 43min

    Alan Rappa hosts a round table discussion about traveling with toys. He's joined by Matt Frederick, Joshua Kittleson and Shelly Corbett to discuss how best to pack toys and how to manage travel and toy photography. They share their personal stories, adventures and mishaps all the while planning what they will do as soon as we can all travel safely. Take a trip down memory lane as we remember those heady days when travel was possible.  You can find articles on creativity and toy photography on our website, Find us on Facebook and on Instagram. Subscribe to our weekly email roundup so that you never miss a post, and join our communities on MeWe and Flickr. 

  • 96 - Photographs Not Taken: a book discussion

    23/11/2020 Duration: 48min

    Kristina and Shelly take a step back from toy photography and look at the bigger picture of being a photographer. In this episode they take a close book at the classic book: Photographs Not Taken" a collection of Photographers' Essays edited by Will Stacey. Has their been a time when you've put down the camera and let the photo pass? Whether you're a street photographer or a toy photographer, we make choices about when and what we photograph. It is this idea that dives this episodes discussion. I hope you will join us. As always you can join the discussion on the blog and leave your own thought on these ideas in the comment section.     You can find articles on creativity and toy photography on our website, Find us on Facebook and on Instagram. Subscribe to our weekly email roundup so that you never miss a post, and join our communities on MeWe and Flickr. 

  • 95 - A low key discussion on low key photography with Kristina and Shelly

    26/10/2020 Duration: 01h11min

    Kristina and Shelly discuss low-key and how this lighting challenge can really be used to create a moody image. Just like in past episodes they take a critical look at their images as well as images from the community. On this episode we feature work by Scott Metzger, Tpbias Schiel, Sunny Ang and Janan Lee.    You can find articles on creativity and toy photography on our website, Find us on Facebook and on Instagram. Subscribe to our weekly email roundup so that you never miss a post, and join our communities on MeWe and Flickr. 

  • 94 - Lets talk lighting! A roundtable hosted by Alan Rappa

    20/10/2020 Duration: 51min

    Let's talk lighting! Alan Rappa hosts a lighting round table. He's joined by Dave DeBaeremaeker, Oliver Peterson and Adam Burke to demystify the topic of studio lighting and toy photography. They share their personal tips and tricks to create toy photographs and attempt to demystify a complex topic.  You can find articles on creativity and toy photography on our website, Find us on Facebook and on Instagram. Subscribe to our weekly email roundup so that you never miss a post, and join our communities on MeWe and Flickr. 

  • 93 - Talking LEGO with Marco and Shelly

    27/09/2020 Duration: 59min

    Lets talk LEGO! Shelly goes down a LEGO rabbit hole with Marco from BrickCentral in this episode of the podcast. They have a far ranging conversation about set reviews that have inspired them and what they look for in a LEGO set before they purchase. They also touch on ways to save money on LEGO sets when the photo is more important than the set as well as what sets they are looking to purchase next. Listen in and then join the conversation on the blog.    You can find articles on creativity and toy photography on our website, Find us on Facebook and on Instagram. Subscribe to our weekly email roundup so that you never miss a post, and join our communities on MeWe and Flickr. 

  • 92 - Depicting Kindness in a Toy Photo Is Difficult

    26/08/2020 Duration: 01h09min

    Kristina and Shelly discuss the concept of Kindness and discover that depicting this nebulous concept is really tough using only toys.  They look closely at their own images as well as images submitted by Tomek Skog and Doug Gary. As always this is a fascinating discussion of toy photography between two friends as they take the time to look for deeper meanings in their work as well as the work of the community.   You can find articles on creativity and toy photography on our website, Find us on Facebook and on Instagram. Subscribe to our weekly email roundup so that you never miss a post, and join our communities on MeWe and Flickr. 

  • 91 - Abyss - a series of choices

    02/08/2020 Duration: 01h03min

    Kristina and Shelly discuss the concept of Abyss through the lens of toy photography. They look closely at their own images as well as images submitted by The Grey Klerik and ZekeZachZoom. As always this is a fascinating discussion of toy photography and the deeper meanings that can be found when you take the time to look.      You can find articles on creativity and toy photography on our website, Find us on Facebook and on Instagram. Subscribe to our weekly email roundup so that you never miss a post, and join our communities on MeWe and Flickr. 

  • 90 - Hope and toy photography - a conversation with Kristina and Shelly

    05/07/2020 Duration: 59min

    Kristina and Shelly go deep and personal as they discuss the idea of Hope and how to portray the concept using toys and macro photography. Besides discussing their own submissions on the topic, they look at the work of two community members: Matthew Wyjad and Chris Rose.  You can find articles on creativity and toy photography on our website, Find us on Facebook and on Instagram. Subscribe to our weekly email roundup so that you never miss a post, and join our communities on MeWe and Flic

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