Legally Enlightened With Lisa Fraley



The Legally Enlightened podcast helps to make law, life and YOU feel a little bit lighter and brighter. Lisa Fraley, an Attorney, Holistic Health & Life Coach, Speaker & Best-Selling Author shares bite-size legal tips in 20 minutes or less! - so you can feel safe, secure, confident and empowered as you grow (with grace!) in business and life. From trademarks to LLCs to disclaimers and more, Lisa deconstructs the law into plain English and adds a dash of spirituality, love and heart to share mini-legal tips and actions you can take to protect your business and brand with a lot of Legal Love. Have a legal topic or question that youd like Lisa to talk about? Share it at


  • EP40: 5 Money-Saving Year-End Tax Tips

    19/11/2018 Duration: 21min

    One of the most stressful parts of running a business is preparing for tax season. What do you need to know as you approach year-end? How can you potentially save money in taxes by making some smart moves before December 31st? In this episode, you’ll learn 5 valuable year-end tax tips and steps to take now on the money front. Why right now? Because what many business owners don’t know is that the way you wrap up your year financially can have a BIG impact on your taxes in the spring.   In this episode Lisa shares: 5 tax tips to save money in taxes 3 action steps to take to get organized around your business expenses A short list of legitimate business tax expenses A bonus money-organizing tip that will save you time during next year’s tax prep How long you need to keep your receipts What you need to know about recording your income Why you should hire an accountant (even if you’re just starting out) 5 examples of BIG purchases to make before year-end to save money in taxes How to plan for setting up a retire

  • EP39: 3 Things All LLCs Must Do

    12/11/2018 Duration: 17min

    An LLC, or Limited Liability Company, is one of the easiest corporate entities to set up for your business. However, there are several requirements you must follow to keep your status as an LLC. Many biz owners don’t know - or were never told about - these 3 key actions that all LLC owners must take to protect and honor your status as an LLC. Otherwise, you can jeopardize the very protection created for you by your LLC. I always say that “you always know when it’s time to go pro” when it comes to creating an LLC but be sure to also talk with an attorney and your accountant to make sure it’s the right time for you to create and maintain an LLC.   In this episode Lisa shares: The 3 “Must-Do”s that all LLC owners need to know and do How to make it obvious that you have an LLC Where you need to show your LLC designation   Why you need to inform people that you have an LLC Why you need to open a business bank account for your LLC How to pay yourself, your business expenses and personal expenses Why you can’t comm

  • EP38: Keri Nola on Giving Yourself Permission to Receive Abundance

    05/11/2018 Duration: 36min

    I’ve invited Keri Nolan to be a guest on the podcast because I have respected her work for so long. She is multi-talented and looks at the world from a beautifully grounded, energetic place, and she has hosted podcasts and retreats as well.   Keri shares that she is working with healing entrepreneurs around the topic of abundance and prosperity. She finds that healers have such open and giving hearts and tend to get a little stuck when it comes to giving permission to receive. What does it say about us if we’re willing to experience expansive abundance and resources and freedom and liberation in our business as a result of sharing our service with the world? Keri has created a free experience called the Abundance Activation Challenge which invites people into a 6 day journey of visiting some wounds they might have around money. She is excited to invite more people to join the journey of saying “Yes, I CAN heal and help and serve AND experience freedom and financial prosperity and abundance at the same time!”

  • EP37: Top 10 Questions to Ask When Hiring a Lawyer

    29/10/2018 Duration: 16min

    Let’s face it. Lawyers have a bad rap. A lot of people have had bad experiences with lawyers or sometimes associate lawyers with bad or sad events in their life – whether they’ve gone through a painful divorce, or they’ve had to handle a will or estate after losing a loved one, or maybe they bought or sold or foreclosed on a house, or created or ended a business and not always on such good terms. But lawyers aren’t all bad, and lawyers and entrepreneurs aren’t all that different. We’re both are tough on ourselves. We both feel we need to “do it right” and “not mess up”, and we ALL want to serve our clients well and care for them the best that we can. As a business owner, you need a lawyer, and you need to work with a lawyer to protect yourself, your business and your brand. You want to find a lawyer who truly understands your work. You want to work with an attorney who can help you take the right legal steps for your business at the right time so you feel safe, secure, confident and empowered – and not legall

  • EP36: Don't Miss These 5 Sections in Your Client Agreement

    22/10/2018 Duration: 18min

    You may already know that if you work with 1-on-1 clients you want to use a written Client Agreement to protect your income, especially if you have a high-end client program. But what does that Client Agreement need to say? Does your current Client Agreement have huge gaps leaving you open to liability or loss of income? It’s crucial that you include these 5 key components in EVERY Client Agreement. This podcast episode is devoted to helping you NOT miss these 5 key sections that should be in ALL of your Client Agreements. In this episode Lisa shares:  When to use a Client Agreement #1 reason to use a Client Agreement and how it protects you 5 crucial components of Client Agreements 8 profit-protecting points to not miss! Why Lisa aligns boundaries and Client Agreements with the sacral chakra   Freebie: Episode 36 Tip Sheet:  Resources: Easy Legal Steps - download the first book chapter free!   Mentions: Dr. Andrew Weil’s 4-7-8 Breathing Technique doTerra Lemon, Grapefruit and Wil

  • EP35: Which Laws Do I Follow as a Virtual Business?

    15/10/2018 Duration: 14min

    Do you have a business where you work with clients in other states or countries? Is your business solely online?  Do you have a “virtual office” or consider yourself a nomad without a “home base”? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might be wondering what laws you should follow as a virtual business. Whose laws do you follow? Whether you’re a jewelry designer, health coach, biz coach, life coach, spiritual healer, or any other type of holistic practitioner or entrepreneur with a “laptop lifestyle”, do you have to follow the law of the state where you are located - or where your client is located? And what if your clients are EVERYWHERE all over the world? How do you know which laws to follow then? Tune into this podcast episode to find out.   In this episode Lisa shares: Which laws you should follow as a business owner with a “virtual office” Two big reasons why you WANT to have a home base as an online business What should you ask a potential accountant when you’re interviewing them How to k

  • EP34: Erin Armstrong on Accounting & Tax Deductions for Small Business Owners

    08/10/2018 Duration: 29min

    In this episode, I interview Erin Armstrong, Small Business Tax & Money Coach, Entrepreneur, and Professional Speaker who has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs understand their business financials through her services and online course called Tax Deduction Clinic. She especially “gets” lifestyle business owners and mompreneurs, and understand there’s a particularly great need for financial information to be presented to small business owners in a digestible, non-fearmongering, and conversational way. Erin wants small business owners to feel like they can understand and make solid financial decisions in all aspects of their business. Erin’s goal is to maximize the money small business owners can keep in their pocket, and know what tax deductions they can legally take that will save them money and that will help them to have more money to continue to invest in their business.   In this episode Lisa and Erin discuss: The benefit of making the right tax deductions Transitioning to a higher tax bracket and opt

  • EP33: Trademarking Gone Wrong – Don’t Do This!

    01/10/2018 Duration: 17min

    One of the most complicated areas of the law that impacts entrepreneurs, coaches and holistic professionals is Trademarking. It’s trickier than it looks. Your Trademark Application description needs to be spot-on and really specific, or it may have holes that leave you vulnerable to others financially benefiting from your hard-earned brand identity and value. Listen in to this episode to learn from one entrepreneur’s mistake and use the lesson to protect your own unique brand. In this episode Lisa shares: What can happen when a federal Trademark Application isn’t done properly Two key elements of the Trademark Application - the Description and Classes Why you should work with an attorney when Trademarking The value of “Owning Your Power” as an entrepreneur and business owner Why Trademarking is the crown jewel for business owners and entrepreneurs Why Lisa aligns Trademarking with the crown chakra   Resources:Easy Legal Steps - download the first book chapter free! Trademark Search Trademark Application Men

  • EP32: 4 Steps That Made It Feel Safe to Film Videos

    24/09/2018 Duration: 17min

    Getting on camera can feel terrifying. Recording videos can make you feel visible and vulnerable and unsure of yourself – at least that’s how I used to feel. But not filming videos can hold you back from sharing your message, from reaching more clients and from having the business and life that you want. In this episode, I share the 4 steps that made me feel Courageous and safe to film videos and how you can work through your Fear to step in front of the camera too. In this episode Lisa shares: What it’s like to be successful but still experience Fear 4 steps that make it safe to film videos What Lisa did about technology, styling, set design and working through blocks Why you should keep filming videos (even if they’re not perfect!) What to do INSTEAD of trying to remove Fear altogether How to drop into your heart and focus on your “come from”   Resources:Easy Legal Steps - download the first book chapter free! Mentions: Episode 12 – 3 Tips to be More Visible, Vulnerable and Courageous Episode 4 – When to

  • EP31: How to Choose the Best Business Name

    17/09/2018 Duration: 16min

    What name should I choose for my business? Should it be my personal name? Something else? How do I know if the name I want is even available? How do I register my business name? There are several things to think about when it comes to selecting the right name for your business. The BEST business name is aligned with you, your brand and your messaging from a marketing standpoint AND it’s energetically aligned with you. How so? Listen in to this episode to learn how to choose the best business name right from the start. In this episode Lisa shares:       What to consider when choosing a business name      Whether to use your personal name or a more creative name      How to name a product-based company      Why your website should relate to your business name      Whether you own the business name when you purchase the website URL      How to know if the business name you want is available      Why Lisa aligns choosing a business name with the solar plexus chakra  Resources:
Easy Legal Steps - download the fi

  • EP30: 3 Reasons Not To Guarantee Results

    10/09/2018 Duration: 16min

    You want ALL of your clients or customers to get the results that they seek, feel happy and inspired, give you raving testimonials, and recommend you to their family and friends, right? However, there are several reasons why you may WANT results for your clients but you don’t want to GUARANTEE specific results. You’ll learn 3 reasons why you should NOT guarantee results - and why you’re not EVER actually responsible for your clients’ results. You’ll also learn about how to protect yourself by having a “No Guarantees” clause in your Client Agreement.  In this episode Lisa shares: Why shouldn’t you guarantee results for your client Why you’re not ever responsible for your clients’ results The difference between providing support and getting results How you can protect yourself with a “No Guarantees” clause in your Client Agreement Why Lisa aligns boundaries and Client Agreements with the sacral chakra   Freebie: Download Episode 30 Tip Sheet Resources: Easy Legal Steps - download the first book chapter free!

  • EP29: Copyright 101 & When to Use the Little C

    03/09/2018 Duration: 13min

    You may not know it, but copyright principles apply to EVERYTHING you do as an online entrepreneur or small business owner, including social media, blog posts, e-books, books, program materials, course handouts, emails, website content, sales pages…you name it! Copyright can seem confusing. You may be unsure what Copyright even is or when to use the Copyright symbol. In this episode, you’ll learn the basics about Copyright 101 – and you’ll get clear about when and where you can use the “Little C” Copyright symbol to honor your work. In this episode Lisa shares: What Copyright rights are - and when you can claim them When your Copyright rights REALLY begin When to use the “Little C” Copyright symbol Whether you HAVE to use the “Little C” to protect your work How to handle Copyright infringement What a DMCA Takedown Notice is and how it can help you The benefits of filing a Copyright with the US Copyright Office How to correctly write the Copyright symbol Why Lisa associates Copyright with the throat chakra F

  • EP28: Amber Lilyestrom & How She Reduced Missed Payments From Clients

    27/08/2018 Duration: 21min

    I’ve invited Amber Lilyestrom, to be a guest on the podcast to share how having her business legally protected allows her to stay in alignment with her beliefs when it comes to missed or default payments from clients. Amber shares her own story about when a client suddenly stopped paying her. She explains how she worked with the client to reach a solution by using her skills as a coach. She talks about how she approached the situation with her client to reach a positive conclusion that felt good both to her and to her client. More About Amber:Amber Lilyestrom is a transformational branding strategist and business coach, philanthropist and lifestyle entrepreneur. She has been featured in Entrepreneur, and Working Mother magazine and is the host of the Amber Lilyestrom Show. She helps women entrepreneurs position themselves as sought after experts and thought leaders through social media, engagement marketing and the creation of a soul-connected online brand presence. She's helped thousands of w

  • EP27: Legal Basics: Your First 3 Legal Steps

    20/08/2018 Duration: 17min

    Most coaches and business owners have NO idea where to start and wonder if they’re doing everything legally right. Do you feel that way too? If so, then you’ll love learning the first 3 legal steps that many entrepreneurs take when just starting out. You get the basics about 3 legal protections to help you feel safe that you’re not leaving yourself vulnerable or exposed as you work with 1-on-1 clients. Knowing the legal steps to take can eliminate worry, stress and lying in bed at night wondering if someone is going to come after you for doing something wrong.   In this episode Lisa shares: Why it’s important to take legal steps     3 reasons why legal documents support you in practical ways & energetically The first 3 legal steps for new business owners What you need as basic protection for your website What you need to protect your income when you work with 1-on-1 clients What you need to do when you’re making money to keep Uncle Sam away Which 3 chakras are supported by each legal step - and why it ma

  • EP26: Why Shifts are Gifts

    13/08/2018 Duration: 15min

    Sometimes we feel ourselves shifting. Shifting in our perspective, our priorities, or our desires. Shifts can sneak up on us when we least expect it, out of the blue, completely and unpredictably. When our energy shifts, or “up-levels” to a new frequency, the Universe reflects that same energy frequency back to us through different and new experiences. In this podcast episode, we’re talking about when and how shifts happen in business and in life – and how to find the gifts in the shifts - even when shifts are hard sometimes. Sit back, tune in to your own energy, maybe grab your journal and jot down a few thoughts, and enjoy the show! In this episode Lisa shares: How to sense that shifts are coming Why you can’t un-shift a shift    Whether the “Law of Attraction” draw us to certain shifts Why there’s room for logic AND spirituality What the concept of pivoting is    The 5 things you should say goodbye to How embracing shifts can create clarity and align with the root chakra    Resources: Easy Legal Steps -

  • EP25: How to Trademark in 2 Steps: The Search & The Application

    06/08/2018 Duration: 19min

    Want to trademark your business name or logo but have NO idea what steps to take? Maybe you’re not sure if you really need to do a full Trademark Search or what’s involved with filing a Trademark Application. Trademarking is a complex area of the law. Learning the ins and outs trademarking can take HOURS so this episode hits the high points about the Trademarking process, You’ll learn the 2 steps of Trademarking to protect your brand and keep it safe so you can stand tall as the king or queen of your business.   In this episode Lisa shares:   Why you should file for a registered Trademark.     The 3 main benefits of Trademarking. Why it can be risky to do a Trademark Search on your own.    The 4 key components to a Trademark Application. Why a Trademark is an asset for your business with financial value.   Why Trademarking is a “crown jewel” for a business owner. Why Lisa aligns Trademarking with the crown chakra. Freebie: Download Episode 25 Tip Sheet Resources: Easy Legal Steps - download the first book

  • EP24: What to Do When A Client Wants a Refund

    30/07/2018 Duration: 17min

    One of the most stressful parts of running a business where you sell products or services is when a client asks you for a refund – and you aren’t expecting it. If it’s ever happened to you, you know how helpless and angry you can feel when a client demands a refund and you don’t want to give one.  After all, your business – and your livelihood – depends on getting paid, so it can be stressful and scary when you are expecting income to come in and all of a sudden someone demands their money back. It’s every entrepreneur’s worst nightmare. That’s why in this episode you’ll learn the 3 steps you should follow - including what you can SAY and DO - when someone asks you for a refund. In this episode Lisa shares: The 3 steps you should take when people ask you for a refund The exact words you can say when someone isn’t happy with your program or service Why you should have a written refund policy The 3 types of refund policies Why Lisa aligns plugging money leaks with the sacral chakra Freebie: Download Episode

  • EP23: Melissa Pharr on Clients Making Chargebacks

    23/07/2018 Duration: 28min

    Ever had a client issue a chargeback to stop payment on a credit card purchase? As a business owner, it’s not much fun when this happens. I’ve invited Melissa Pharr, Online Marketing Strategist and Business Coach, to be a guest on the podcast to share her own story about what happened when she experienced a chargeback in her business. With a positive outlook during this unfortunate situation, Melissa was able to take the necessary steps to protect her income - allowing her to create clarity for her customers and peace of mind for herself. By changing her mindset, energy and legal approach, she was able to see the lesson and turn a challenging situation into a positive one that actually helped her grow her business. More About Melissa Pharr: Online Marketing Strategist & Business CoachMelissa Pharr is an online marketing strategist for female entrepreneurs looking to create a massive online following and global business that attracts consistent clients and makes an impact. She's supported hundreds of women

  • EP22: 5 Must-Have Terms When You Sell Online

    16/07/2018 Duration: 18min

    Selling your programs, products and courses online can feel scary if you aren’t legally protected. You might worry that someone will swipe your course content, ask for a refund or won’t make their payments on time. One of the most important steps you can take as an entrepreneur is to protect your programs, products and courses that you offer through your website. In this episode, you’ll learn 5 must-have sections to include in your Terms of Use to protect yourself. Your Terms of Use put your sales policies in writing and give you a strong legal backing to protect your income and products, which helps you feel safe, secure, and confident. Learn 5 key sections to create clarity for you and for your purchasers so you have fewer misunderstandings, fewer headaches and fewer Legal Pickles™ later on!   In this episode Lisa shares: What Terms of Use are What types of programs, products and services you should have Terms of Use for How exactly Terms of Use protect you and give peace of mind When your purchasers shoul

  • EP21: 4 Legal Tips for Selling Essential Oils

    09/07/2018 Duration: 16min

    Do you sell essential oils to clients or friends - or use them as part of your practice? Essential oils can be powerful and magical tools for healing. When it comes to selling essential oils, they can add value to your business as a naturopath, massage therapist, spiritual healer, health coach – and more. But, as you share the benefits of essential oils, you want to stay safe and not cross lines into making medical claims. In today’s episode, you’ll learn 4 legal tips to reduce your risk as you share and sell essential oils with clients. When you sell essential oils, you can get yourself into hot water. As you probably know, oil and water don’t mix! So today we’re going to talk about the words to avoid when using essential oils and how you can talk about essential oils so you won’t get into trouble. In this episode Lisa shares: 5 words to avoid using when talking about essential oils. How to share the benefits of essential oils safely.   If you can share your own story and experience with using essential oil

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