Mid-days With Lauree

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 30:38:11
  • More information



Lauree "Lo" Austin is Definitely Raw, Kinda Funny, and 100% Heart!


  • Forgiveness Is Freedom

    08/12/2020 Duration: 01min

    Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you had to forgive somebody for something that did some real damage to you? Chances are, it's happened to all of us somewhere along the way. Knowing you have to forgive is one thing, but doing is a different ballgame. If you find yourself there right now, we've got a piece of encouragement from Pastor Andy Stanley that may help get you across that finish line of forgiveness. He said, " In the shadow of my hurt, forgiveness feels like a decision to reward my enemy. But in the shadow of the cross, forgiveness is merely a gift from one undeserving soul to another." I know it doesn't make it any less painful or difficult to do, but because we have been given so much on the cross, we are called to extend that gift to others. Though it's tough, forgiveness really is freedom.

  • Maybe We're Christmas Shopping All Wrong

    03/12/2020 Duration: 01min

    When we're shopping for Christmas presents for money we don't really have, for people who are going to love you regardless of the present you give them, maybe we're doing it wrong. I'm looking in the mirror on this one. I know I've felt the pressure to go out and get the perfect gift for someone so I can "win" Christmas with an impressive gift. I think one of the things that this year has gifted us is a little more freedom when it comes to gift-giving. Here is my suggestion: Be honest with those you love if exchanging gifts isn't in the budget, but the gift is quality time being spent well. And isn't that the heart of Christmas anyway? It's not about the gift-giving, but more so about celebrating with your family and friends the gift that we have in Christ.

  • Festival of Lights! Lauree & Husband's Night Out That Would Make For a Perfect Family Christmas Outing

    03/12/2020 Duration: 02min

    If you are looking for special Christmas events for your family this season, I want to recommend the Festival of Lights at the Dallas Arboretum.  Over 1 million lights sparkle and dazzle and are a perfect setting with a hot cup of cocoa to wander through the 12 Nights of Christmas gorgeous displays. Can you name all 12 Days of Christmas...beyond 3 French Hens I get them all mixed up! But great scavenger hunts for kids to keep them engaged and plenty of photo opportunities to capture your loved ones and the pretty new scarf you've been wanting to show off!Don't miss the super realistic and charming Euro Christmas market that is modeled off of the Christmas markets in Europe. Plenty to see and do and the group rates make it affordable for you and your family!

  • 3 Creative Texts You Can Send To Support A Friend Who Is Stressed

    03/12/2020 Duration: 02min

    When your loved ones are going through a stressful time, your first instinct may be to drop what you're doing and be there for them. Sometimes, that just not possible but you still want to be able to show them you love and support them. Here are 3 creative texts you send right now to that person in your life that may make a world of difference to them. 1. "Just about to drop off cookies at your door" Doesn't matter if you bought them or baked them, a sweet treat can always brighten someone's day and it's the thought that counts. 2. "Hey, I'm at the store. Can I pick up something for you?" The question "Can I do anything for you?" can be overwhelming when someone's mind is already being pulled in a thousand different directions. This text could be a variation of things, but the point to be specific in your act of service.3. "I'm proud of you." Coping with stress takes up a ton of energy for any of us, so letting your loved ones know that you're well aware of what they're facing and that you're proud of them co

  • The Answer To This Question Will Make Today A Success

    03/12/2020 Duration: 01min

    What if we told you the answer to one question would make today a success? Would you want to know the answer? Of course, you would! Here the thing, you already hold the answer.Dr. Henry Cloud, one of the writers of the book 'Boundaries', proposes this statement: Ask yourself what is one thing I can do today that when I go to bed tonight, I can look back and say "I'm so glad I did that"? And then do it! It's that simple.

  • A New Christmas Tradition You Can Start With Your Family!

    03/12/2020 Duration: 01min

    What an amazing Christmas tradition idea! As we celebrate an Advent season like never before, let's be reminded that as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we also await excitedly for his return as our Warrior King to our rescue! “Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done.” - Revelation 22:12

  • No Offense, But I Think I Have The Best Neighbors!

    02/12/2020 Duration: 02min

    What's something we all have in common? Neighbors. You have good ones, bad ones, maybe ones you don't know at all. But would you go as far as saying you have the BEST neighbors? I would!We are 4 months into living in our new house and I truly believe our next-door neighbors are the best neighbors ever. They have been so incredibly welcoming to both Brian and me, but their most recent act of generosity won my heart (and my stomach!)I was sharing with my neighbor that I would be hosting Thanksgiving at our house for the very first time, which included my in-laws, so this was a big deal! The next day I got home and my husband told me that our neighbors had brought over something. It was this little box of delicious butter biscuit cookies with a note on the side that read as follows:"Happy Thanksgiving! For the moment this weekend when you need to be alone in a closet and eat secret cookies." Isn't that the sweetest? It not only filled my heart with joy knowing that I live in a community that cares for one anothe

  • Good is not always God's will, but God's will is always good

    01/12/2020 Duration: 01min

    One of the things we try to do here at KCBI is pop into your life from time to time and remind you of good things. We all need that reminder because it's really easy for all of us to lose perspective of what is good, especially when hard times come. Sometimes we get discouraged by thinking that if you follow God, then your life will be relieved from all troubles but if you've spent any time as Christ-follower, then you know that's just not the truth. Author Watchman Nee has this quote "Good is not always God's will, but God's will is always good." When we are walking through those difficult things, God doesn't waste those seasons in our life. They are for a purpose and more times than not, they're used to draw us closer to him. So when we face difficulty and the waves of life are crashing down around us, let's keep our focus on God. When we're so locked in and singularly focused on him, we have the opportunity to walk across the water instead of sinking in the waves below.

  • Thankful For God's Goodness In A Challenging Year

    25/11/2020 Duration: 01min

    From our family to yours, we want to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!It's been a challenging year for all of us in 2020, and that's been no different for Doug Hannah and the Hannah family. Both Doug's wife and mother were in the hospital for some serious circumstances in 2020, but they're both here to celebrate this Thanksgiving and for that, we show thanks to God for his grace. We know that today may look different than you hoped and you be celebrating in a distanced or virtual way with your family, but our hope is that today you are able to reflect on the things that God has done and that your heart is filled with gratitude. We're so thankful you are apart of our KCBI family and that we get to serve our community right alongside you. Happy Thanksgiving!

  • It's Not Too Early To Put Up Christmas Decorations

    23/11/2020 Duration: 01min

    We're days away from Thanksgiving which means you've surely seen someone on social media asking if it's too early to put up their Christmas decorations or listen to Christmas music. It commences the holiday season! Maybe you're the person who has asked and allows your friends here at KCBI to give you green (white and red) light on kicking off your decorating!

  • Speak To Yourself As If You Were Speaking To A Child

    23/11/2020 Duration: 02min

    Self-Talk is something we all do, and for most of us, we can be pretty critical towards ourselves. Doug has a challenge for you: With God's grace, speak to yourself as if you were speaking to a child. I know this may sound weird or you may not think it would be effective, but hear us out. Ask yourself the next time you hear that inner voice of yours, "This verbiage I'm using, would I say that to a kid? Would I say that to a kid I care about?"The reason we bring this up is that there are so many people that get derailed by their own inner critic. As Christians, the way we talk should be edifying and uplifting. So if you wouldn't say something to someone you care deeply about, why would you say that thing to yourself? As God's child, it's just something to think about today!

  • Looking Back At Afternoons with Lauree & Doug's Week of Celebration!

    20/11/2020 Duration: 08min

    Since we love to celebrate here on Afternoons with Lauree & Doug, we decided to recap everyone we featured during the 5 o'clock Celebration Hour this week! From people accepting Jesus as their savior to beating traffic, we're celebrating everything that God is doing in your life!If you'd like to be apart of the Celebration Hour here at KCBI, just give us a call at 214-787-1909 or text in your celebration through the KCBI App!

  • "Honey, There's A Coyote In Our Front Yard!"

    19/11/2020 Duration: 03min

    Lauree has a Texas-sized problem and she needs some advice on how to handle it!This morning she was at her house enjoying a cup of coffee when her husband walks in and just yells out "honey, there's a coyote in our front yard!" WHAT? In residential Dallas Country? Well, she goes out in her "Trophy Wife" robe and slippers. Sure enough, there's a coyote.That's where you come in. How should Lauree handle a coyote or bobcat if walking on the trail by her house? What is her best course of action.

  • God Is Writing His Story Through Your Story

    17/11/2020 Duration: 01min

    Doug is always good for tidbits of wisdom, and today he has a piece of wisdom that comes from Pastor Ray Ortlund."With Jesus, there is more to you than you."God has given himself to you and writing your story into his story with his grace as the truth of it all. So that means even if your story is one you're not proud of claiming, God is still writing his story through your story meaning it's not finished yet. I hope that is an encouragement to you today!

  • Where You Stare, You Steer

    13/11/2020 Duration: 01min

    Right now, we are living in a season where there is a lot to look at and a lot to be distracted by. And I think Doug has a wise reminder concerning times when things are fighting for our attention. "Where you stare, you steer."Where are we staring right now? Are we staring at the things of this world? Or are we staring at the things of eternity? The things that God desires us to keep our gaze transfixed on? Just something to think about today.

  • God Loves The Messy You

    12/11/2020 Duration: 01min

    As Christians, I think we buy into a colossal lie. The lie is that "God loves us, but what he really loves is our ability to get better." Somewhere along the way, we believed that God would somehow love us more if we were the cleaned up, less messy, presentable version of ourselves. And the truth is God loves the current day, exactly how you are, 1.0 version of you.Maybe you'll get better, maybe you won't. But God's love won't be conditioned upon that. "God will love us better if..." is a lie. Because 1) God's love is already perfect and 2) God doesn't see you through your lens, he sees you through Jesus's.

  • Find Out Who Is Offering You "Turkey Insurance" In Case It All Goes Wrong This Thanksgiving

    11/11/2020 Duration: 02min

    I think more than any other meal we make during the year, the Thanksgiving turkey comes with the most pressure attached. I believe the reason is that it's probably the meal we make the least so, for most of us, we're not super confident going in. And if you mess up the turkey on Thanksgiving, you're going to have quite a few hangry family members on your hands.But I've got some good news for you fellow Thanksgiving chefs out there: worry not, we've got "Turkey Insurance". Yes, I realize how silly that sounds but it's 2020 so all bets are off.If you buy your turkey this year from Whole Foods, Whole Foods and Progressive Insurance have teamed up to provide you a safety net in case that Thanksgiving turkey gets butchered in the process (no pun intended) you can head back into Whole Foods and they'll provide you with a $35 gift card to help cover the damages. I'm speaking it into existence that we're all going to have delicious turkeys for Thanksgiving, but just in case you don't, Whole Foods has you covered.

  • Doug Asks His Mom What It Was Like To Be A Woman In The Army

    11/11/2020 Duration: 02min

    Of all the veterans out there, my favorite veteran is my mom. She severed in the United States Army for 24 years and was honorably discharged back in the 90s. She is my hero and to celebrate her this Veterans Day, I wanted to get her on the phone so she could share her story with you. Happy Veterans Day, Mom!-Doug

  • Lauree Calls Her WW2 Vet Grandfather A "Stinker" Find Out Why

    11/11/2020 Duration: 01min

    I have got a 'stinker' of a Veterans Day story because my grandfather was a 'stinker'!I remember back to my freshman year of high school, I had to write a paper for my English class talking about someone who has been a hero in our lives and I knew just the person: My grandpa! Growing up he told all these stories of his time in the service and this was my time to tell the world about how my grandpa was a war hero! So that afternoon I went home and wrote a paper I was incredibly proud of, but I took it to my dad (my grandpa's son) to proofread it just to make sure the grammar was accurate. After reading it, he looks at me and says "Okay Lauree, is this supposed to be a fiction paper?" Turns out, Grandpa Erv may have embellished his story a little bit. Instead of being born in Germany under the nazi regime, he was born in Fresno, CA. Told you he was a "stinker"!

  • A Huge Celebration From Serbia

    10/11/2020 Duration: 01min

    As are most places across the world, COVID's impact has been felt and it's no different in Serbia. There is a group called "Josiah Venture" in Serbia that I spent about 5 years with while I was living in Europe and there is a good new story I knew I needed to share with you. In 2 Timothy, when Paul sent out letters of his hardship during his imprisonment, he said "God's word is not chained." I think this story a testament to that truth. One of the ways Serbia has been impacted is through ministry and there has been a worry of how they would be able to spread the gospel if they couldn't do so in person. Well a man named Nicholas, who had just accepted Christ as a young man when I had met him, decided to take to social media in his outreach efforts and created a Facebook group to share daily thoughts and devotionals. What started as a couple hundred people who were following along with Nicholas has now grown to over 25,000 Serbians who are hungry for the word of God. PRAISE GOD! Sometimes, all it takes is a sma

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