Machine Learning

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 281:18:19
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Machine learning is the most important technological breakthrough in the 21st century. Listen to my views on the future of machine learning



    02/08/2022 Duration: 06min

    The issuer of a security must ensure that its securities are owned by €œqualified institutional buyers (QIBs), which are defined as institutions that have $100 million or more in assets under management Furthermore, the issuer must ensure that at least half of the securities are held by QIBs While a pension fund and insurance companies are not QIBs, they are not prohibited from owning the bonds However, if the issuer does not have at least 50% of its bonds owned by QIBs, it risks the downgrade of the bonds by the rating agency When pension funds buy bonds to rebalance their portfolio yields drop and likewise when they sell bonds yields climb. Falling yields bring in investors buying growth stock chasing profits. Pension funds hold about 125 billion dollars of bonds. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF PENSION FUNDS AND INSURANCE COMPANIES


    01/08/2022 Duration: 02min

    What if The US government announced a range of initiatives to attempt to reduce the $28 trillion of outstanding debt The most significant of these tactics could be a delay in the payments of $329 billion dollars of interest payments on the debt for the first time in history The yield on the 30-year bonds was 2.96 per cent, which is the highest since January This is the highest level since January, reflecting the continuing concern about the US's financial health --- Send in a voice message:

  • Opportunity for growth in Nigeria

    01/08/2022 Duration: 12min

    Where populations will grow in the next 100 years --- Send in a voice message:

  • Lstm with multiple input and multiple output for equipment failure prediction

    30/07/2022 Duration: 19min

    Predicting with lstm long short term memory networks --- Send in a voice message:


    30/07/2022 Duration: 03min

    This question is very subtle Capitalism is often vilified for being a zero sum game€ The idea is that if someone succeeds, someone else must necessarily fail This is a gross oversimplification of the way markets actually work Ironically, it is precisely because of capitalism that we have such a powerful engine of innovation in the first place The reason why so many of us have so many innovations to choose from is because capitalism is a market system that empowers entrepreneurs The marketplaces€ of ideas is constantly evolving and improving Societies that embrace capitalism will have the most powerful engine of human ingenuity, while those that reject capitalism will be left behind It is true that many innovations are the result of collaboration and thus have multiple innovators The most successful innovations were the result of many minds working on the problem together Sometimes, it is a matter of pure luck But we should not dismiss the role of pure innovation and entrepreneurship in th


    30/07/2022 Duration: 12min

    At $28 trillion dollars, The US government does not collect enough in taxes to directly pay for its spending with cash on hand, so it must take on debt and sell bonds. Typical buyers of bonds are institutional investors (like pension funds), foreign countries (often sovereign wealth funds or financial institutions serving foreign nationals), and individuals (usually through mutual funds and 401(k) accounts). If the government defaults or comes close to defaulting, credit rating agencies would likely downgrade the rating of Treasury bonds. In 2011, the mere threat of default prompted the credit rating agency Standard & Poor’s to downgrade the United States from its AAA rating to AA+ for the first time in 70 years. Default would mean the cost of borrowing for the US government would increase, perhaps dramatically. And when its more expensive for the government to borrow, it will be more expensive for individuals to borrow. For every 1% decrease in GDP growth, there is roughly an 0.5% increase in the unem


    29/07/2022 Duration: 06min

    The government-controlled bank has been selling dollars in the foreign exchange markets to stem the yuan€™s rise and prevent it from falling too fast But the yuan kept rising, stoking a rally in global stocks and commodities that helped inflate bubbles in emerging markets China said it would allow the currency to trade more freely The yuan rose 0 1 percent to 6 2295 per dollar as of 4:16 p m in Shanghai, after gaining as much as 0 3 percent The currency has appreciated 1 3 percent so far this year The PBOC said the one-way appreciation of the yuan was not sustainable€ and that it wanted to break the trends€ of increasing volatility The PBOC said it would fine-tune the yuans value The PBOC said it would strengthen its operations in the spot foreign-exchange market to keep the renminbi exchange rate stable around the equilibrium level, according to a statement on its website WHAT WOULD THE PBOC NEED TO DO TO WEAKEN THE YUAN? The PBOC would need to buy a lot of dollars to weaken the yuan, meanin

  • Energy 1.0 black light power 250 megawatt power plants

    26/07/2022 Duration: 06min

    The Rayney catalyst causes the atomic hydrogen to drop to a lower energy level forming a hydrino. The net energy released my be 100 times the energy of fossil fuel. Water as fuel. The technology is being applied to heating and electricity production. In Dec 2008, Black light power licensed Estacado too produce gross thermal power up to a maximum continuous capacity of 250 MW or convert this thermal power to corresponding electricity Jan 2009, Black light power licensed Electric Cooperative, Inc. of New Mexico, to use Blacklight power for the production of thermal or electric power up to a maximum continuous capacity of 250 MW or convert this termal power to corresponding electricity Blacklight power completed a “successful independent replication and validation of its 1,000 watt and 50,000 watt reactors based on its proprietary new clean energy technology.” On October 20, 2008, BLPI made a statement that Peter Jansson of Rowan University had completed a three month test of their reactors and validated excess


    26/07/2022 Duration: 06min

    This is where it gets interesting If you own a bond, you are lending money to a company or a government While the company or government pays you a fixed interest rate in exchange for your loan, the interest rate on bonds is fixed and the bond holder receives the interest payments at specific times If the interest rate on bonds rises, the price of the bonds must adjust to compensate for the higher interest rates, resulting in a lower price for the bond The reason for this is that if you bought a bond at a lower price, the next payment will be worth more in dollar terms The opposite is true when the interest rate on bonds falls If the interest rate on bonds falls, the bond price must increase to compensate for the lower interest rate, resulting in a higher price for the bond This is a very simple example of how interest rates affect the price of bonds and how interest rates affect the price of bonds affects the price of stocks The same is true when it comes to the stock market If the interest rate on

  • why criticize a stock index and attempt to find stocks and make them more diversified

    26/07/2022 Duration: 07min

    Most people don't have the time or skill to look at dozens of different stocks and have the knowledge to know what they are doing So they should just buy an index fund The average person doesn't have a lot of stock choices It's not like they can make high risk bets on Asian stocks or European stocks Also, the average person doesn't really have the time to research stocks I mean you can do it but unless you are an investor of some sort for a living or you have nothing else to do but read about stocks then you probably don't have the time to do it So I'm going to be honest here I think the average person should just buy an index fund The average person doesn't have the time or knowledge to choose stocks The same goes for gold and other precious metals The average person should just buy an index fund It should be noted that I'm not saying the average person should never buy individual stocks or gold I'm saying that most of the time for most people it's better to invest in an index fund A lot of peo

  • Energy 1.0 lmt crossfire fusion reactor 10x7 ft

    25/07/2022 Duration: 14min

    How the Crossfire Fusion reactor uses helium 3 Fact: 1. The ingredients for fusion are deuterium, tritium, and isotopes of Helium 2. Electrons are shared between atoms 3. Deutrium + He3 -> proton(14.7 MeV) + He4 (3.7 MeV) + 18.4 MeV (Mass converted to energy) 4. A Deuterium + He3 reactor is optimal at 100 KeV. Crossfire fusion reactor: Electrons go to the ground and positive ions are accelerated in an electrostatic way against a negative potential. Meaning little power is required to reach a great kinetic energy (600 KeV for Boron hydrid). The Crossfire reactor uses a superconductor magnet 4.5 tesla to focus confinement; a superconducting magnet for exhausting plasma, a dielectric mirror for reflecting electromagnetic waves back to plasma. Plasma positive ion will attract electrons from neutralizers. The system will receive energy from plasma allowing the flux of electrons from ground to positive potential. The system will transfer energy to plasma pulling electrons from ground to negative potential. (Refere

  • Extreme ownership

    23/07/2022 Duration: 39min

    Leadership is a skill Lessons learned 1.listen and keep quiet 2.detached and looked around then I knew what to do 3.detach from the mayhem detach from your emotions breath 4.I am looking forward to working with you. New leader 5.give ownership with guidance 6.alignment the team is moving in the same direction calm don’t let your emotions get out of control . Keep an open mind to learn. Balance is critical. Be humble. Don’t attack the strengths directly. Training is how you fight. Prepare and you will be ready. Outsmart and outmaneuver flanking move. Listen respect and influence. I ask earnest questions rather than attacking head on. Cover and move Simple Prioritize and execute Decentralized command 1. Understands the goals and mission 2. Why they are doing what they are doing 3. Empowering the individual 4. No excuse I am not going to blame 5. It is on you 6. Your the one to fix those problems 7. The silent leader: indirect 8. Everyone knew what their job was 9. Ego wants to talk 10. Create more

  • Energy 1.0 shale in Situ process could provide millions of barrels of oil cheaply

    21/07/2022 Duration: 04min

    1. Harold Vinegar is the oil industry leading expert on complex petroscience of transforming solid oil shale into synthetic crude. 2. Shell is convinced that shale oil is not myth. Shell says Vinegar technology will produce large quantities of high quality oil without ravaging the local environment and be profitable around $30 a barrel. 3. The Department of Energy believes that the Green River formation could produce 2 million barrels of oil a day by 2020 and three million by 2040. There is enough shale oil to maintain oil production for hundreds of years. 4. Vinegar process is called “In Situ Conversion Process” (In place) and it works like this: a. shell drills 1,800 foot wells and then inserts heating rods that raise the temperature of the oil shale to 650 degrees Fahrenheit. B) freeze walls are created by coolant piped deep into the ground preventing the oil from escaping. C) the heat transforms the kerogen into oil and natural gas. D) the natural gas is separated and oil is piped to a refinery to be co

  • Energy 1.0 Thorium provides a endless source of energy

    21/07/2022 Duration: 06min

    1. Thorium is slightly radioactive metal (actinide) 2. Highest melting point of any oxide (3573 K) 3. Atomic number: 90 4. Melting point is 3182 F 5.Density 11.72 g/cc 6. Mohs hardness: 3.0 7. Largest liquid range of all elements. 8. US has 20% of thorium reserve 9. One site in Idaho produced 4500 Metric tons of Thorium per year 10. Replacing all the US electrical energy consumption would require 400 Metric tons of thorium. 11. There is 160,000 tones of extractable thorium in the US. Thorium is virtually limitless energy. 12. Thorium gives a good signal from space, so mining is very easy. 13. Thorium holds a similar promise too Fusion: safe, sustainable energy, minimal radioactive waste, and environmentally friendly. 14. thorium 232: thermal process, chemical processing system, and electricity generating system. Thermal breeding is safe and no extra material. 15. Why wasn't this done? It was a liquid system and existing system had to be broken. Uranium produced plutonium used for weapons and poli

  • Energy 1.0 Terrapower nuclear reactors that burn spent fuels for 100 years

    21/07/2022 Duration: 08min

    In October 2020, the company was chosen by the United States Department of Energy as a recipient of a matching grant totaling between $400 million and $4 billion over the next 5 to 7 years for the cost of building a demonstration reactor of their "Natrium" design, which uses liquid sodium as a core coolant (this reduces the cost by having a non-pressurized primary loop). It then transfers that heat to molten salt which can be stored in tanks and used to generate steam for electricity production on demand, enabling the reactor to run continuously at constant power while allowing the electricity generation from the power station to be dispatchable --- Send in a voice message:

  • Energy 1.0 Shale oil in 600 deposits representing 3.2 trillion barrels of oil, energy non crisis

    21/07/2022 Duration: 06min

    1. India is not producing Shale Oil at this time. 2. Shale oil reserves in India are estimated at 15 billion tons: Assam and Arunachal Pradesh deposits 3. Potential findings include Naga Schuppen Belt and Assam-Arakkan Fold Belt 4. MECL of India will partner with BRGM (France) and DGH (India) to assess oil shale resources in three adjacent blocks 5. Retort structures be formed by a combination of explosive fracturing and mining. Hot air or gases and steam cause shale oil to be collected at the bottom of the in-situ retort where it can be pumped to the surface. 6. India will create projects that extract coal and oil shale deposits at the same time. Coal is found in the Barail Formation. Shale and coal have been found together. Rock-Eval pyrolysis has been used to produce oil from coal and shale, a scaled down retort process. Rock-Eval yields for coal and shale indicate the potential of 280 kgs of hydrocarbons per ton of rock. US technology is needed to create the retort. Currently, the shale is dumped as a

  • Energy 1.0 Energetics super wave breakthroughs in fusion

    20/07/2022 Duration: 09min

    Energetics new cold fusion, superwave technology, and history Fact: 1. In 2005 water left at room temperature two days earlier had boiled for more than five hours 2. Energetics Technologies saw evidence that 25 times more electric energy was being released than had been put in. Low energy nuclear reaction began to look promising. 3. Naval Research laboratories loaded microscopic nano-particles of palladium with deuterium and in thousands of experiments measured excess heat every time. 4. In 2001, Shaul Lesin and University of California-Berkeley nuclear engineer Ehud Greenspan tested low-energy nuclear reactions in electrolytic cells with varied results. 5. The Energetics used a modulated electric current (superwave) developed by Irving Dardik, who believe that by layering waves of electric current within each other, he could load deuterium into palladium at a great level. “Waves waving within waves” drives the LENR. Superwaves are defined as a low frequency carrying wave with several successive stages of am

  • Unreasonably hospitablity

    19/07/2022 Duration: 18min

    The power of vulnerability. Extend an invitation. The purpose is not what you do but what happens in others from what you do. It is absurd to think there is one best entity. What did they do that impacted to the world? What are you great at? Human desire to feel welcome? Serve yourself first. Put the oxygen mask on then the masks your kids. Brainstorm what you want to accomplish . Never underestimate the ideas and creativity of every member of your team. Hospitality genuine pleasure helping other people. Learn and teach their peers . Passion. You can be perfect at many components. Be really nice to people who come through your doors. You don’t need absolute clarity to start moving Serve people the way they want to be served If you are striving for human connection you must be vulnerable to establish genuine connection. Recognize one size fits one Actively listening then do things Empower teams with ownership Satisfaction goes up Give gifts as a part of the job The more thoughtful it is t

  • Energy 1.0 Wf8. The future of low cost fusion

    19/07/2022 Duration: 04min

    1. An 8X increase in field strength implies a 64 X increase in power. 2. If the coils are cooled by Liquid Nitrogen 2 or better yet Liquid Helium. 3. A polywell consists of electromagnet coils arranged in a polyhedral configuration and positively charged to 10s and low 100s of kilovolts, called MaGrid 4. Electrons are introduced outside the MaGrid and are accelerated into the MaGrid due to the electric field. 5. Within the MaGrid, the magnetic field contains most of the electrons. The electrons get trapped in the middle of the device which produces a virtual cathode, or negative potential well. 6. The polywell confines positive ions through their attraction to negatively charged electrons. The negative charges reside in the inner region of the reactor by magnetic fields. 7. The magnetic field vanishes at the center by symmetry and the magnetic flux that enters the volume through the coils. 8. Bussard claimed if superconducters were used for the coils, the only significant loss channel is through electr

  • Energy 1.0 Low energy nuclear reactions results from neutron capture

    19/07/2022 Duration: 13min

    it’s not possible to get nuclear fusion from proton capture transformations . The conditions required are so extreme that it is not practical. Rossi process of low energy nuclear reactions is neutron capture --- Send in a voice message:

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