C-note Fm

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 228:30:13
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Christian Rivera speaks, sometimes with guests, about mental health and mindset as it pertains to productivity and creativity.


  • Healing the Gender Divide: Liberating from Helplessness and Narcissism for Future Generations

    05/09/2024 Duration: 01h03min

    Show Notes:* Exploring how narcissism and victimhood dynamics impact gender relations and future generations* Understanding the psychological roots of narcissism and helplessness* Healing narcissism to foster healthier relationships between men and women* The generational impact of unresolved trauma and narcissism* How self-love can break the cycle and support the development of conscious, healthy children* Bridging the gender and political divide with compassion and understanding* Reach out to me for coaching support to explore how these dynamics may be affecting you and your relationshipsIn this episode, we delve deep into a topic that affects not only our personal relationships but also the future of our children and society as a whole: healing narcissism and helplessness. Narcissism, often fueled by deep-rooted trauma and shame, isn't just an individual issue—it’s a psychological pattern that, if left unresolved, gets passed on from generation to generation. In particular, we look at how these patterns cr

  • You're Not Special (And Why That’s Good for Mental Health)

    01/09/2024 Duration: 52min

    In today’s fast-paced world, feelings of loneliness and isolation are more common than ever. But what if your loneliness is rooted in the very idea that you’re “special”? In this article, we dive into the connection between narcissism, victimhood, and complex trauma, uncovering how shame spirals keep you trapped in cycles of self-sabotage. If you’ve ever felt alone, stuck, or consumed by shame, this might just be the key to understanding why.The Narcissism-Victimhood Paradox: Why You’re Not SpecialAt first glance, narcissism and victimhood seem like opposites. However, both are tied to a deep sense of self-focus that stems from trauma. When someone has experienced significant shame or rejection, they may develop a superiority complex or a persistent sense of victimhood. This isn’t about ego—it’s a defense mechanism born out of trauma. As we fixate on our pain, we reinforce the idea that we’re “special,” that our suffering is unique. But this kind of self-focus leads to feelings of isolation.Shame Spirals and

  • Avatars & Archetypes: Evolving Jung's Concepts on Persona and Anima/Animus to Find Your Whole Self

    08/08/2024 Duration: 34min

    Something I love about wrestling is that it creates this ability to look at a character, a person, and especially as a younger person, see yourself in that character. There are different personalities, expressions, stories, presentations, body types, colors that represent the person, pyro, theme music, and styles of wrestling - grapplers, brawlers, high flyers, agile people, ground and pound, etc. There are so many different types of characters that someone can go to a show and resonate with.When I took my kids to a wrestling show, my stepson in particular was really excited to basically try on every single character that came out. He saw them doing some sort of symbol or gesture or hand movement and he just tried them on, kept "putting on outfits to see what fit him." I recognized in myself the ability to do that when I was a kid - with video game characters, people on TV shows and movies. There's this exploration of "what do I resonate with?" This comes through sports too, seeing someone performing at a hig

  • Breaking the Chains of Victim Consciousness: Overcoming Internal Narratives and Embracing The Pressure to Grow

    06/08/2024 Duration: 52min

    In recent episodes, I've explored the intricate concept of victim consciousness—a mindset that subtly keeps us stuck, preventing growth and self-actualization. While discussing this topic, I delved into the triggers that figures like Jordan Peterson and Elon Musk evoke in me. Not personally knowing them, it's fascinating how their public personas stir something deep within, bringing to light the narratives I've carried for years.Victim consciousness is not merely a matter of feeling sorry for oneself; it's a complex psychological dance. It's about recognizing how certain beliefs and stories we've told ourselves over time hold us back. It's an internal narrative where we convince ourselves of our inadequacies, often manifesting as a fear of failure. This fear, in turn, keeps us from pursuing opportunities that could lead to growth and success.One striking realization is how this consciousness can create a superiority complex. It's paradoxical but true. The belief that we're not good enough, not lovable, or inc

  • Jordan Peterson Triggers Me: The Male Victim Identity

    02/08/2024 Duration: 07min

    The voiceover is produced in Eleven Labs.I'm currently processing The Victim Identity, which is not a Matt Damon film but a concept I learned from Eckhart Tolle. In this video, he describes it as a superiority complex disguised by inferiority—a tricky paradoxical complex. It’s worth watching if this concept connects with you.The Victim Identity takes moments or times in one’s life where they experienced being a victim and held onto it as a narrative for why things aren’t going how I’d like them to go now. The past becomes an excuse more than it becomes a natural karma. Eckhart uses the common example of attractiveness as an easy narrative to grasp why someone isn’t successful, hasn’t found a partner, or is struggling in some other way. It often arises when nothing happens in someone’s life because the ego needs something to grab onto as an identity, so it digs into the past for some sense of self. This differs from someone who has been a victim and/or healing, which involves releasing having been a victim to

  • Commitment

    18/05/2024 Duration: 23min

    Show Notes:* Examining the millennial generation's struggle with commitment in relationships, projects, and personal growth.* Understanding the paradox of choice and how it contributes to a lack of commitment.* Discussing the balance between discipline and surrender in the journey of commitment.* Introducing separate publications on Substack focusing on different aspects of personal development.Let’s dive deep into the theme of commitment that has been surfacing in my life lately. As I navigate various stories and personal experiences, I've been contemplating our generation's challenges with committing to relationships, projects, personal health, and overall growth.The narrative surrounding millennials often portrays us as a generation unable to pay attention or commit to anything. However, I believe this stems from a paradox of choice – the overwhelming abundance of options available to us, making it difficult to fully commit to any single path. We find ourselves waiting for the perfect situation, the ideal

  • Intimacy

    06/05/2024 Duration: 54min

    Today, I’m exploring the multifaceted topic of intimacy, a subject that touches upon the very core of our experiences as individuals and as members of the collective human experience.Show Notes:* Intimacy is a vast and intricate concept, encompassing various aspects of our lives, including sexuality, creativity, and personal connections.* Understanding the interplay between admiration and boundaries is crucial for cultivating respect and nurturing healthy intimate relationships.* The pursuit of intimacy is often intertwined with our existential quest for meaning, purpose, and a sense of belonging in the face of our temporary existence.* Navigating the spaces between connection and separation, individuality and union, is a delicate dance that requires self-awareness and a willingness to embrace uncertainty.* Releasing the attachments to blame, shame, and guilt can pave the way for more authentic and fulfilling intimate experiences.Intimacy is a vast and layered topic that touches on various aspects of our live

  • Fighting for Optimism: Embracing Positive Possibilities in Times of Fear

    20/04/2024 Duration: 49min

    Show Notes / Key Listening Points:* Countering common fear-based narratives about climate change, AI, war, and global events* The importance of not diminishing my optimism and willingness to see multiple perspectives* How fear can limit our thinking and block us from considering positive outcomes* Using imagination to conceive better outcomes, not just worry about worst-case scenarios* The adaptability and resilience of humanity in the face of drastic changes and challenges* Potential positive impacts of AI, technological advancements, and problem-solving innovations* Cyclical thinking vs. linear thinking, and embracing the natural ebb and flow of human existence* Finding gratitude, connectedness, and a sense of purpose amidst significant shifts and lossesMy friends, in a world often dominated by fear-based narratives surrounding climate change, artificial intelligence (AI), war, and global events, it can be challenging to maintain a sense of optimism and openness to different perspectives. However, as I pass

  • Give and Take: The Unconscious Dance of Projections and Introjections

    01/04/2024 Duration: 31min

    Show Notes:• Exploring the concepts of projections (unconscious agency) and introjections (unconscious receptivity) from the Stages model• Understanding the split ego state and how it relates to childhood development and trauma  • Recognizing unhealthy patterns of being more of a "taker" than a "giver" in relationships and life• Working on reciprocity, boundaries, and being more altruistic by offering value without expectationThe Unconscious Dance of Projections and IntrojectionsI recently came across a fascinating idea - that projections are an unconscious use of agency, while introjections are an unconscious form of receptivity. This stems from my recent dive into the Stages model and the three forms of shadow identified by Kim Barta: projections, introjections, and split ego states.Projections are qualities about ourselves that we place onto others, often showing up as judgments. Introjections are taking on qualities, feelings, or traits that aren't truly ours. A split ego state occurs when a childhood tra

  • Rooting Out Internal Corruption

    29/03/2024 Duration: 37min

    This episode is a difficult realization manifest in a long winding investigation into not just a wounding but an uncheck node in my internal system. Using the STAGES model created by Kim Barta and Terri O’Fallen I’ve been able to pinpoint where I need some important work, and how I’ve been undermining myself, misusing my intelligence, and not setting proper boundaries for myself. This episode shares that process and some real-time realizations about my impact on others and how this young childhood trauma has impacted my development into today.Show Notes:Introduction:* Christian Rivera shares insights from his personal journey of self-discovery and growth, drawing from Gene Key 50 and other developmental models.Main Points:* Body as Beloved Pet:* Rivera likens the body to a cherished pet, emphasizing the importance of nurturing and loving it for optimal health and happiness.* Exploring Personal Development:* Reflecting on personal growth, Rivera delves into the discovery of internal corruption and its impact o

  • Unburdening: From Savior to Steward

    28/02/2024 Duration: 13min

    I’m testing Wednesday Wisdom as a series of thought meditations to calm the mind from various angles to focus on presence and breath. If you enjoy this series let me know in the comments below. You can also now book a support session with me if you need more.I’ve been uncovering a Saviorism within myself. I need to prove myself disguised as confident and all-knowing of what people need to be doing with their lives. Lately, I’ve seen that this is an abrasive attempt to prove my value as a human by overdoing, overstepping, and forcing others who aren’t prepared to grow into a growth path, which usually only halts their natural growth. Forcing extra water on a plant because it needs to grow faster will only drown it. So, I’m learning to back off, not force my contribution, and put emphasis on both acceptance of presence with everything being perfect as it is and to also support the expansion of the light of human consciousness with my work as a garden to tend to as opposed to a belief to peddle. In my own explor

  • Navigating Victimhood: Transforming Trauma into Triumph

    22/02/2024 Duration: 35min

    Relevant Links:* The One-Sided Victim Story: Dive into the complexities of the victim narrative here.* The Victim/Entitled Balancing Act: Explore the balance between victimhood and entitlement here.* Discovering Your Brand Message: Uncover the essence of your brand with this course here.Welcome, thinkers and wanderers, to a journey of self-discovery and transformation with your guide, Christian Rivera. Today, we delve into the paradox of victimhood and its potential to either chain us to the past or propel us toward personal triumph. Strap in for an exploration of survival instincts, psychological resilience, and the path to self-sovereignty.The Paradox of VictimhoodVictimhood, while inherently linked to suffering, carries an unexpected power—the power to transcend. Yet, as we navigate from physical survival to psychological battles, the real challenge emerges: not allowing our stories of victimhood to define us but instead using them as stepping stones to empowerment and creation.Journey Through Psychologica

  • Learning from Whales: How to Adapt, Evolve and Survive Change

    15/02/2024 Duration: 19min

    What makes you adaptable? The podcast episode is a wonderful compliment to this prompt, so give it a listen before you journal to see what comes out for you. Also, consider what might hinder your adaptability and what might be in your way. Take 5 minutes to journal unfiltered and share your insights in the comments below!Episode Summary: In this insightful episode of DOPEamine, Christian Rivera delves into the concept of adaptability through the evolution of whales, inspired by a PBS Nova documentary. This scientific marvel becomes a metaphor for human adaptability, exploring how we, unlike our animal counterparts, use intelligence and innovation to navigate our environment and challenges.Key Points Discussed:* Discovery of Whale Bones in the Desert: The episode kicks off with a fascinating look at the PBS Nova documentary's findings in the Northern Sahara, challenging our perceptions of evolution and adaptability.* Human Adaptability Versus Genetic Evolution: Christian distinguishes between slow genetic evol

  • Finding Purpose Through the Balance of Discipline and Surrender

    12/02/2024 Duration: 14min

    In today's episode of DOPEamine, Christian Rivera dives deep into the intricate dance between seeking purpose and the continuous effort to balance discipline with surrender. Purpose, as Christian elaborates, is an ever-evolving quest that shapes our existence, guiding us through the complexities of life.The Quest for PurposeChristian begins by pondering the nature of purpose, a question that haunts many of us. Is purpose found in emotion, thought processes, belief systems, or is it something else entirely? The journey towards understanding purpose often leads us to explore the meaning of life itself. Whether you adopt a nihilistic view or believe in a more defined meaning, Christian argues that finding purpose is possible and necessary, even in a seemingly purposeless existence.Impact and PurposeA significant insight from the episode is the relationship between impact and purpose. Christian shares a personal reframe around the concept of impact, noting that the lack of impact can lead to burnout. Impact doesn

  • Embracing and Creating Emotional Boundaries

    22/01/2024 Duration: 28min

    In this new era of "Happy Chemicals," we delve into the foundational topic of emotional boundaries. Join us as we explore the significance of recognizing and setting healthy boundaries for personal growth and mental wellness. Drawing from insights in psychology, the Gene Keys, and personal experiences, we discuss practical ways to establish and maintain boundaries that honor our emotional needs and foster meaningful connections. This episode is not just about setting limits; it's about creating space for self-discovery, respect, and genuine interactions. Whether you're beginning your journey in self-coaching or looking to deepen your understanding, this episode offers valuable perspectives on navigating the intricate world of emotions and relationships.Christian Rivera dives into the importance of creating emotional boundaries in our lives. He shares his personal journey with understanding private vs public intimacy, and how a lack of modeling healthy boundaries growing up led him to oversha

  • Mental Wellness and The Big Picture

    16/01/2024 Duration: 28min

    In my latest video, I reflect on how mental wellness has been a throughline in my life and share my vision for being a "junction box" between people and the therapists, coaches, consultants, and creatives who can support them. Instead of being the expert, I want to diagnose where people are stuck and direct them to the right resources. There's so much potential for us to help each other if we connect authentically, individual to individual. What are your thoughts?I wrote a post this morning about where I"m going with mental wellness support: https://www.instagram.com/p/C2Aje14LotN/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link-----------------Christian Rivera creates videos and courses that support INTP personality type growth. These videos are for entertainment, self-diagnosis, self-assessment, self-experimentation, and expressions of Christian's own personal process and development. He is not a mental health professional so any actions taken from the content of these videos is the responsibility of the

  • Navigating Fear, Blame, Shame & Guilt

    16/01/2024 Duration: 30min

    Welcome to today’s episode where we explore CNote’s innovative approach to mental wellness and his four-quadrant strategy.The episode delves into the challenges of feeling diagnostically stuck and the journey towards clarity and self-understanding.Main Themes:Comprehensive Mental Wellness: We discuss CNote’s holistic strategy for mental wellness, focusing on overcoming the feeling of being directionless through personality profiling and alternative methods.The Emotional Roots: A deep dive into how fear, blame, shame, and guilt can impede personal growth and the importance of addressing these emotions to foster understanding.Fear and the Future: Analysis of fear’s connection to future uncertainties, survival instincts, and larger global issues such as climate change and the impact of billionaires.Societal Implications of Emotions:The cultural phenomenon of “canceling” as a social shaming practice.The evolutionary purpose of shame in maintaining social norms.Relationships and Self-Perception:The destructive eff

  • Which Spiritual Leaders are Trustworthy?

    11/10/2023 Duration: 13min

    I found myself asking about trust in spiritual leaders and why some activate some negative gut responses from me. So I share some of my thoughts on why we can or can't trust certain mentors or leaders and how they may prey on vulnerability. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/happychemicals/message Get full access to DOPEamine by Christian Rivera at dopeamine.substack.com/subscribe

  • Outsourcing Our Artificial Intelligence

    04/10/2023 Duration: 31min

    What's the future of Artificial Intelligence? What does it mean for creativity? What does it mean for humans? What does it mean for our collective future?Artificial intelligence is being used to automate tasks that were previously done manually, such as content creation and design work. This allows for faster and more efficient production of templates and presentations. While AI can handle the technical aspects of these tasks, human creativity, and discernment are still necessary for making aesthetic and effective design choices. The use of AI in various fields, including warfare, raises ethical and philosophical questions about human intervention and the potential risks associated with AI. However, AI also has the potential to free up human time and energy for more creative and imaginative pursuits. The emergence of the noosphere, the world of thought and ideas facilitated by social media, further expands the reach of human consciousness and the possibilities for discovery and connection. The future impa

  • Mid-80s Millennial Pathologies and Calming the Nerves

    21/08/2023 Duration: 38min

    I'm sharing some of my healing work around the Fearful Avoidant Attachment Style as a Millennial born in the 1980s to immigrant parents. I share how some of us are products of our parents' panic to fit into their Generation's culture and how that led to the millennial pathology of feeling like a bad person. I talk a bit about our access to the wild west of the internet at a young age and how that affected some of our relationship to sex and relating. I reference the show BEEF which is a must see if you resonate with some of these challenges. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/happychemicals/message Get full access to DOPEamine by Christian Rivera at dopeamine.substack.com/subscribe

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