Anne Ortelee Weekly Weather Astrology



Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology configurations above our heads, Anne discusses the energy we can expect to experience on Planet Earth during the upcoming week. She offers a brief astrology lesson! You can always book a private consultation with Anne to discuss your personal questions and your chart.


  • Anne Ortelee's Part Two February 19, 2023 Weekly Weather

    21/02/2023 Duration: 15min

    Part Two: Yes, that darn Mercury square Uranus was right on my ascendant. First I didn't share the PowerPoint on the screen. Second, the audio died when I hit the microphone with my hand while telling the story. Mars Out of Bounds in Gemini ~ two, count them two adventures. And that is what the week will be like!!! So here is the back end of the Weekly Weather for February 19, 2023. And here are the screens from the front end. Gotta love that astrology!! We can go through it or we can grow through it. Choose growth! Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology configurations above our heads, Anne discusses the energy we can expect to experience on Planet Earth during the upcoming week. Follow her on Twitter @anneortelee, instagram @anneortelee, Facebook AstrologerAnneOrtelee. Book a consultation on her website: Get daily updates from Patreon/AnneOrtelee for $17

  • Anne Ortelee's February 19, 2023 Weekly Weather

    20/02/2023 Duration: 42min

    A week of endings, sudden upsets and changes.  Uranus on the world point!  Uranus receiving aspects from Mercury and Venus on world points. There is a square from Mercury and a semi-square from Venus in Aries.  The New Moon in Pisces took place bright and early Monday morning.  Venus moved into Aries shorty after that, forming a semi-square to Uranus. Action and stress as a new cycle starts.  Lots of endings.  Another earthquake in Turkey and President Biden visiting the War Zone in Ukraine in Kyiv.  Lots of fiery, war energy this week. Ooodles of activity with all planets moving direct.   Mars in Gemini is out of bounds and now answering to Mercury in far seeing Aquarius. Fying high in Aquarius, state your dreams clearly!! You'll feel the energy shift as Mars reports to Mercury and suddenly he become airborn too. Venus in Aries answers to that out of bounds Mars so women are in the news this week!  Out of Bounds planets this week ~  Mars in Gemini, and Lilith in Leo!   We can go through it or we can grow

  • Anne Ortelee's February 12, 2023 Weekly Weather

    13/02/2023 Duration: 40min

    A week of endings.  Uranus on the world point!  We move towards a New Moon in Pisces next Monday, releasing, releasing, releasing.  Lots of ending.  On a world axis, we had Chinese balloons and the devastating earthquakes in Syria and Turkey. Ooodles of new activity this week as all planets are moving direct.   Mars in Gemini is out of bounds and now answering to Mercury in far seeing Aquarius.  Mid week, Mercury squares the nodes of fate, asking you to make choices. Fying high in Aquarius, head for your dreams. . You'll feel the energy shift as Mars reports to Mercury and suddenly he become airborn too.  Sun meets Saturn and ends things. They or you have known this day is coming.  Well it is here.  Make choices that enhance your life.  Endings that signify time for new beginnings are many this week.  Venus exalted in Pisces meets up with Neptune to bring her energy of love to the new dream.  Sun enters Pisces for his last sign of the season.  Dream time!   Out of Bounds planets this week ~  Mars in Gemi

  • Anne Ortelee's February 5, 2023 Weekly Weather

    06/02/2023 Duration: 37min

    The Full Moon starts the week as a t-square to Uranus ~ echoing the Eclipse from November 7, 2022 and encouraging us to look back to the New Moon in Leo in August 2021, the opening square in Taurus in May 2022.  On a world axis, we had the Chinese balloon (Aquarius rules Air) flying over the USA and shot down.  Ooodles of activity this week as all planets are moving direct.   Mars in Gemini is out of bounds and forming a mutual reception with Mercury in stern Capricorn. Mid week, Mercury shifts into Aquarius, his exaltation, taking off from earthy Capricorn and flying high in Aquarius. You'll feel the energy shift as Mars reports to Mercury and suddenly he become airborn too.  Lots of negotions as the week proceeds with Moon in Virgo working the plan and the deal.  Uranus and Neptune invite our personal planets to shif their focus and take their new positions. Mercury meets up with Pluto for a firm goodbye energy.  Endings that signify time for new beginnings are many this week.  Venus exalted in Pisces has

  • Anne Ortelee's January 29, 2023 Weekly Weather

    30/01/2023 Duration: 36min

    Tons of Activity this week as all planets are moving direct.  The beginning of the week makes decisions, the end of the week takes action. 2023 here we go!!!! Mars in Gemini is out of bounds and forming a mutual reception with Mercury in stern Capricorn. By being conscious. we can shift their energies into a new form.  That makes Mercury full of ideas in Gemini and we are able to take action with Mars exalted in Capricorn. Continue negotions and move it forward!   Sun in Aquarius trines Mars in Gemini and squares Uranus to take action and make choices.  At the end of the week, we have a full moon on the same degrees as the eclipses in November 2022 wanting to resolve things. The New Moon in Leo on August 21, 2021 started the story which was tested on May 8, 2022. Now you see the story in it's ripeness. Uranus is involved and inviting you to make positive changes for the next chapter.  Venus exalted in Pisces has numerous aspects this week encouraging you to look through Rose colored glasses, ask for help a

  • Anne Ortelee's January 22, 2023 Weekly Weather

    22/01/2023 Duration: 39min

    The New Year launches this week!  HAPPY bright and shiny 2023!!! Uranus stations to go direct!  All the planets are moving forward. Lots of quick, fast energy!!  Mars in Gemini is still out of bounds and forming a quincunx to Mercury continuing negotions!!   Jupiter and Juno meet up to form a partnership and get things rocking and rolling!!!  Neptune and Vesta partner to launch the next 13 years of dreams coming forward.  Venus and Saturn meet up in Aquarius for their annual union and start a new serious commitment energy.    Sun in Aquarius had a new moon launching the year of the water Rabbit.  The last water Rabbit year was 1963. Rabbit years are fun, frisky and full of adventure.  Time to join our rabbit hutch and find our next community.  There is a lovely new Moon at 1 Aquarius on Saturday, January 21 so make sure to do a new moon ritual to harness the fun energy of the week ahead.  Out of Bounds planets this week ~  Mars in Gemini, Pallas Athena and Lilith in Cancer!   We can go through it or we

  • Anne Ortelee's January 15, 2023 Weekly Weather

    16/01/2023 Duration: 41min

    HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Here's to a bright and shiny 2023 Mercury stations to go direct on January 18, shifting the energy with Mars in Gemini who went direct last week.  Negotiations commence!  Pluto and the Sun meet up to exercise power. It's their second to last meeting while Pluto is in Capricorn but significant because Saturn is in his rulership.  Next year Saturn will be in Pisces so the energy is softer. This is a raw power grab kind of energy.  Watch for it and lessons from January 2008 when Pluto entered Capricorn.  Sun enters Aquarius on January 20 shifting our focus to our community.  There is a lovely new Moon at 1 Aquarius on Saturday, January 21, starting a whole bunch of fast moving changes in  your groups, communities, children of olther people and associations Uranus stations to go direct on January 22 and offers us visions of the future as he is on a world point.. Venus meets up with Saturn in Aquarius to finish a story and start a new one.  .  Out of Bounds planets this week ~  Mars in Gemin

  • Anne Ortelee's January 1, 2023 Weekly Weather

    02/01/2023 Duration: 51min

      HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Here's to a bright and shiny 2023 Venus bids farewell to Pluto in Capricorn.  A kiss for luck and she's on her way.  Out of Bounds planets this week ~  Mars in Gemini, Pallas Athena and Lilith in Cancer!   Saturn forms a closing semisextile with Neptune, taking us back in time to 1989 when the two of them met up for a conjunction.  The wall fell in Berlin, unifying Europe, collapsing the Soviet Union and shifting the physical power structure of the world. This week, we look at those changes yet again as the war in Ukraine wages on. Mercury retrograde combined with Mars retrograde in Gemini is the information dump we are experiencing.  Two retrograde planets make a positive.  Remember math -1 times -1 is equal to1?  Same idea. Look at all the transcripts being released by the January 6 committee as well as Donald Trump's taxes for the years he was a candidate and president. The devil is in the details!!!  Gotta love that Mercury!! And don't for get Venus kissing Pluto goodbye in Caprico

  • Anne Ortelee's December 25, 2022 Weekly Weather

    26/12/2022 Duration: 49min

    We start with a brief analysis of the charts from last week's intense energy.  Three planets entered new signs last week : Sun into Capricorn; Jupiter into Aries; and Ceres into Libra with Out of Bounds planets this week ~ Mercury, Venus in Sagittarius, Mars in Gemini, Pallas Athena and Lilith in Cancer!   Sun  forms a t square with Jupiter and Ceres as well as a Hammer of Thor with Uranus swinging the handle. We look at the January 6 committe vote and document release as well as Ukraine President Zelenskyy's speech to Congress.  Still time for a New Moon in Capricorn ritual. The New Moon was on December 23 but you can harness that energy beautifully on the Cap, Aquarius, Pisces or Taurus moons. Skip the Aries Moon unless you want to banish stuff from your life.  We can go through it or we can grow through it.  Choose growth!     Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology confi

  • Anne Ortelee's December 18, 2022 Weekly Weather

    19/12/2022 Duration: 43min

    Three planets enter new signs this week.  Sun into Capricorn.  Jupiter into Aries. Ceres into Libra.  Action packed with five Out of Bounds planets this week ~ Mercury, Venus in Sagittarius, Mars in Gemini, Pallas Athena and Lilith in Cancer!  Lots of wild energy!!   Sun  forms a t square with Jupiter and Ceres as well as a Hammer of Thor with Uranus swinging the handle.  Ouch. Remember to duck.  Ceres leaves Virgo the sign of work, work, work and begins to connect with friends and family.when she's in Libra. Party time. Saturn and Uranus both aspect the Nodes of Fate by declination ~ a very definite and finite energy.   Action, action, action!!  There are numerous quintiles this week.  Fifth harmonic aspects are fun, flirty and creative.  Lots of zoom in the heart and the sky.  Enjoy. The week finishes with a New Moon in Capricorn on December 23....New beginnings amid all the ending energy.   We can go through it or we can grow through it.  Choose growth!     Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level

  • Anne Ortelee's December 11, 2022 Weekly Weather

    12/12/2022 Duration: 26min

    Action packed with five Out of Bounds planets this week ~ Mercury, Venus in Sagittarius, Mars in Gemini, Pallas Athena and Lilith in Cancer!  Lots of wild energy!!   Sun squares Neptune helping the illusions and deceptions fall from our eyes.  Ceres leaves Virgo the sign of work, work, work and begins to connect with friends and family. Action, action, action!!  There are numerous quintiles this week.  Fifth harmonic aspects are fun, flirty and creative.  Lots of zoom in the heart and the sky.  Enjoy. Health matters that surfaced during eclipse season get solutions or plans of approach.  Pay attention.  Move on your dreams! It is a very powerful, deep and profound new beginning.  We can go through it or we can grow through it.  Choose growth!     Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology configurations above our heads, Anne discusses the energy we can expect to experience o

  • Anne Ortelee December 4, 2022 Weekly Weather

    05/12/2022 Duration: 30min

    A forward motion shift as a mutable cross continues to activate our choices ~ Mercury and Venus opposite Mars, square to Neptune and Opposite to Ceres in Virgo. Sun moves into a t-square with Mars and Neptune. Action, action, action!!  A Full moon takes place Wednesday.  Think back to June 7, 2021's new moon and March 7, 2022 opening square to see the story continue.  Things come to light. Mars Out Of Bounds and on the MOON.  There are five Out of Bounds planets this week ~ Mercury, Venus in Sagittarius, Mars in Gemini, Pallas Athena and Lilith in Cancer!  Lots of wild energy!!   Neptune stationed direct and activates the plans and dreams from April 12 for the next 13 years when he met up with Jupiter in Pisces. Move on your dreams! It is a very powerful, deep and profound new beginning.  We can go through it or we can grow through it.  Choose growth!     Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. B

  • Anne Ortelee's November 27, 2022 Weekly Weather

    28/11/2022 Duration: 20min

    A forward motion shift as a mutable cross activates our choices ~ Mercury and Venus opposite Mars, square to Neptune and Opposite to Ceres in Virgo.  Action, action, action!!  A New moon took place last Wednesday, ending a potent and power eclipse season.  A few more days of releasing leading to a new beginning with Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius.    Neptune stations to go direct and activates our inspiration from last April.  It is a very powerful, deep and profound new beginning.  Sun in Sagittarius form a hammer of Thor this week with Eris and OOB Pallas Athena. Acting on Venus and Mercury's hammers from last week, you can see clearly now.  Knock stuff out of your life in home runs or line drives into the stands. The energy gets definitely fired up!  Mercury, Mars, Pallas Athena and Lillith are out of bounds making it a wild and crazy ride.  We can go through it or we can grow through it.  Choose growth!     Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (IS

  • Anne Ortelee's November 20, 2022 Weekly Weather

    21/11/2022 Duration: 37min

    The eclipses are leaving!!  The eclipses are leaving!! A New moon takes place Wednesday, ending a potent and power eclipse season.  A few more days of releasing leading to a new beginning with Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius.  I offer a New Moon ritual on my website and discuss the upcoming Moon and what it brings us over the next 2 1/2 years.  Jupiter stations to go direct 6 MINUTES after the New Moon in Sagittarius making it a very powerful, deep and profound new beginning.  This week, the huge grand trine in Water adds Sun and Moon in Fire to the Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces and Ceres and Lilith in Cancer OOB.  The grand trine in fire and water dumps into Pluto who forms a kite configuration.  Emotional energy taking on power fueled by Jupiter Stopped in the sky.  Stand back!     Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius form a hammer of Thor this week with Eris and OOB Pallas Athena.  New strategies emerge to knock things out of the park in home runs or line drives into the stands. The energy gets

  • Anne Ortelee's November 20, 2022 Weekly Weather

    21/11/2022 Duration: 37min

    The eclipses are leaving!!  The eclipses are leaving!! A New moon takes place Wednesday, ending a potent and power eclipse season.  A few more days of releasing leading to a new beginning with Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius.  I offer a New Moon ritual on my website and discuss the upcoming Moon and what it brings us over the next 2 1/2 years.  Jupiter stations to go direct 6 MINUTES after the New Moon in Sagittarius making it a very powerful, deep and profound new beginning.  This week, the huge grand trine in Water adds Sun and Moon in Fire to the Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces and Ceres and Lilith in Cancer OOB.  The grand trine in fire and water dumps into Pluto who forms a kite configuration.  Emotional energy taking on power fueled by Jupiter Stopped in the sky.  Stand back!     Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius form a hammer of Thor this week with Eris and OOB Pallas Athena.  New strategies emerge to knock things out of the park in home runs or line drives into the stands. The energy gets

  • Anne Ortelee's November 13, 2022 Weekly Weather

    16/11/2022 Duration: 41min

    The eclipses are leaving!!  The eclipses are leaving!! A potent total Lunar eclipse starts to ebb and leave over the next week and half.  The enormous t-square that fired all last week long as Venus, Sun and Mercury first oppose Uranus and the Moon in Taurus and square Saturn in Aquarius.  This week, a huge grand trine in Water forms, including Venus, Sun and Mercury in Scorpio, Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces and Ceres and Lilith in Cancer OOB.  The grand trine in water dumps into Pluto who forms a kite configuration.  Emotional energy taking on power!   Mercury and Venus enter Sagittarius this week until the first week in December.  The energy gets definitely lighter and more fired up!  Mars, Pallas Athena and Lillith are out of bounds making it a wild and crazy ride.  We can go through it or we can grow through it.  Choose growth!     Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrolog

  • Anne Ortelee's November 13, 2022 Weekly Weather

    14/11/2022 Duration: 41min

    The eclipses are leaving!!  The eclipses are leaving!! A potent total Lunar eclipse starts to ebb and leave over the next week and half.  The enormous t-square that fired all last week long as Venus, Sun and Mercury first oppose Uranus and the Moon in Taurus and square Saturn in Aquarius.  This week, a huge grand trine in Water forms, including Venus, Sun and Mercury in Scorpio, Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces and Ceres and Lilith in Cancer OOB.  The grand trine in water dumps into Pluto who forms a kite configuration.  Emotional energy taking on power!   Mercury and Venus enter Sagittarius this week until the first week in December.  The energy gets definitely lighter and more fired up!  Mars, Pallas Athena and Lillith are out of bounds making it a wild and crazy ride.  We can go through it or we can grow through it.  Choose growth!     Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrolog

  • Anne Ortelee's November 6, 2022 Weekly Weather

    07/11/2022 Duration: 38min

    The eclipses are here!  The eclipses are here!! A potent total Lunar eclipse takes place bright and early election morning, November 8.  It has an enormous t-square that will fire all week long as Venus, Sun and Mercury first oppose Uranus and the Moon in Taurus and square Saturn in Aquarius.  The eclipse on the South Node of Fate lets loose and releases a number of energies as the other planets dance and sing wild songs in the heavens. The t-square started last week with Venus, gets amplified with the eclipse energy and revolts and objects to the world's energy all week long.  Mars, Pallas Athena and Lillith are out of bounds making it a wild and crazy ride.  Sun, Venus and Mercury sitting on the South Node of Fate release, release, release. Eclipses bring encounters with fate. Fated events happen this week.   .  Saturn is direct and moving forward, away from Uranus. The moment for changing your habits has arrived. For the past year and nine months, Uranus and Saturn's square has been urging you to chang

  • Anne Ortelee's October 30, 2022 Weekly Weather

    31/10/2022 Duration: 37min

    The eclipses are here!  The eclipses are here!! A very crazy week ahead as eclipse season unfolds.  The next 3 weeks feature powerful eclipses on the Nodes of Fate as other planets dance and sing wild songs in the heavens.  Sun, Venus and Mercury form three separate Hammers of Thor with retrograde Mars out of bound in Gemini and Neptune in Pisces as the business end of the hammer.  They will knock out whatever is preventing or blocking you from your dream.  Sun, Venus and Mercury also dive into the South Node of Fate and release, release, release. Your Leo, Taurus, Libra, Gemini and Virgo ruled houses all let something go.  Eclipses bring encounters with fate. Fated events happen this week.   .  Saturn is direct and moving forward, away from Uranus. The moment for changing your habits has arrived. For the past year and nine months, Uranus and Saturn's square has been urging you to change your life. Time to go for the dream. Think back to February 26 and his retrograde June 6 to see Saturn resume those sto

  • Anne Ortelee's October 23, 2022 Weekly Weather

    23/10/2022 Duration: 51min

    The eclipses are here!  The eclipses are here!! Another very crazy week ahead as the first eclipse arrives. We are in eclipse season with a new Moon eclipse Tuesday October  24. The next 4 weeks feature powerful eclipses on the Nodes of Fate as other planets dance and sing wild songs in the heavens.  Sun and Venus enter Scorpio on Sunday followed by Mercury at the end of the week.  Saturn stations direct Sunday so we'll feel quite blocked and held back as he stalls in the sky.  He's back to February 26 and his retrograde June 6.  Juno stations direct so we are clear about our partnerships. We feel the Saturn so he's VERY featured in the eclipse energy.. There's an intense cardinal cross in the sky offering us stark choices. Take advantage of Mars stopping in Gemini and retrograding on October 30 to listen to both sides of the story.  Explore the depths of ideas.. . At the end of the week, Jupiter retrogrades back into Pisces to soften the energy and make us clear about emotional issues. All sorts of thin

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