Anne Ortelee Weekly Weather Astrology

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 168:30:00
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Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology configurations above our heads, Anne discusses the energy we can expect to experience on Planet Earth during the upcoming week. She offers a brief astrology lesson! You can always book a private consultation with Anne to discuss your personal questions and your chart.


  • Anne Ortelee's October 17, 2022 Weekly Weather

    17/10/2022 Duration: 39min

    The eclipses are coming!  The eclipses are coming!! Another very crazy week ahead as the intensity grows.  We are in eclipse season with a new Moon eclipse Tuesday October  24. The next 5 weeks feature powerful eclipses on the Nodes of Fate as other planets dance and sing wild songs in the heavesn.  Sun and Venus enter Scorpio on Sundayt to get ready for the eclipse.  Saturn stations direct Next Sunday so we'll feel quite blocked and held back as he stalls in the sky.  He's back to February 26 and his retrograde June 6.  Juno stations direct right after Saturn so we'll get clear about our partnerships and relationships ~which ones do we keep or get rid of?  She went retrograde June 24 and entered her shadow May 13.  We feel the Saturn station 5 days before and after so he's featured in the eclipse energy next week too. There's an intense cardinal cross in the sky offering us stark choices. Take advantage of Mars in Gemini to look and listen to both sides of the story.  Explore the depths of ideas passing i

  • Anne Ortelee October 9, 2022 Weekly Weather

    09/10/2022 Duration: 48min

    The eclipses are coming!  The eclipses are coming!! A very crazy week ahead.  Cray-Cray indeed!!  We enter eclipse season on Sunday. The next 6 weeks feature powerful eclipses on the Nodes of Fate as other planets dance and sing wild songs in the heavesn.  Mercurys enters Libra and continues to clear his retrograde shadow.  Pluto turned direct on Saturday October 8, bringing us back to January 5, 2022. When he stations,we have five days of chaos, change and ahha moments this week. Pluto stations are transformative and intense! Any planet at 26 in your chart feels his reverberation.  Sunday October 9, there is a full moon in Aries/Libra taking you back to April 8, 2021. That full moon launches us into eclipse season where we release things and turn towards our fate. There is a huge configuration in the sky that unfolds over the week ~ A finger of god, a hammer of thor, a Mars Neptune square and a grand trine in air.  Watch early Libra for where the heavens are asking you to follow your heart path and encour

  • Anne Ortelee's October 2, 2022 Weekly Weather

    03/10/2022 Duration: 46min

    A quiet week ahead (after the last few weeks of crazy).  Mercurys stations to turn direct October 2, after his retrograde since September 10.  Mercury trines stationing Pluto for the third time.  Pluto turns direct on Saturday October 8, bringing us back to January 5, 2022. Evolution takes place!  Pluto stations are transformative and intense so we feel his station for five days before and after. He's stopped at 26 Capricorn so any planet at 26 in your chart feels him. Sunday October 9, there is a full moon in Aries/Libra taking you back to April 8, 2021.  Vesta stations direct and wants to change your home, office, car or health. Ride with her!    Mercury is the boss of the sky! He's dotting the i's and crossing the t's.  Mars in Gemini is answering to instructions from Mercury. Mars is in Gemini for 8 month until the end of March 25, 2022. Two choices. Two options. Two of everything! Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her C

  • Anne Ortelee's September 25, 2022 Weekly Weather

    25/09/2022 Duration: 44min

    The new Moon in Libra is ruled by Mercury retrograde through Venus in Virgo.  it is positive and strong energy of competency involved with the new Moon.   Mercury turns direct at the end of the week.  As it slows down, we receive important Mercury trines Pluto for the second of three times. Venus trines Pluto and pushes forward with her building plan. Talk to ghosts that appear in your life ~ even in your dreams!  There are a few hammers of Thor this week that make things happen!  To a hammer, everything looks like a nail. If you see it coming, duck. If you swing it ~ do so with caution as Jupiter amplifies the Hammer.  Act in a direct, straightforward way.  Lots of activity organizing, removing and releasing. Make plans. Revise plans. Ghosts appear! People from the past approach about new projects.   With Venus now in Virgo, Mercury is the boss of the sky! He's dotting the i's and crossing the t's.  Mars in Gemini is answering to instructions Mercury retrograde. Mars is in Gemini for 8 mo

  • Anne Ortelee's September 18, 2022 Weekly Weather

    18/09/2022 Duration: 49min

    Sun enters Libra and has a new Moon in Libra.  Before that we wrap up the Sun's journey in Virgo with a lovely closing harvesting trine to Pluto.  The nodes remain at the world point of 15 Scorpio/Taurus marking changes that last for 19 years.  Mercury is retrograde in Libra moving back into Virgo. Talk to ghosts that appear in your life ~ even in your dreams!  Lots of action. Venus forms a very powerful Finger of God with Saturn and Eris the goddes of discord ~ anger can fuel you to change things.  Act on it!!  Act in a direct, straightforward way.  The Sun works hard his last week in Virgo as Mercury and Venus point out places to change things.  Lots of activity organizing, removing and releasing. Make plans. Revise plans. Ghosts appear! People from the past approach about new projects. Mercury in Libra makes communications about love, good, and what fills our hearts after he shifts into Virgo you firm up the details.  With Venus now in Virgo, Mercury is in mutual reception so organizing is quick, fast a

  • Anne Ortelee's September 4, 2022 Weekly Weather

    06/09/2022 Duration: 42min

    A week of shifts and changes! Venus enters Virgo until September 28. Mars enters his retrograde shadow in Gemini. He will let you know this week what the 8 months ahead are going to be about. Mercury is in Libra, stationing to go retrograde this week. The Sun works hard in Virgo. Lots of activity particularly around organizing, removing things and releasing. Making plans. Revising plans. Your ghosts are appearing! People from your past approach you about new projects. Mercury in Libra makes communications about love, good, and what fills our hearts. With Venus now in Virgo, Mercury is in mutual reception so organizing and getting things set up is quick, fast and fun. Changes, changes and more changes!!! Mars in Gemini settles down for his 8 month VRBO in Gemini. Mars will be in Gemini until March 25, 2022. Two choices. Two options. Two of everything! All the outer planets are retrograde in the heavens. Revisions, revisions, revisions! Sun in Virgo gives specific instructions! Anne Ortelee, a nationally (

  • Anne Ortelee's August 21, 2022 Weekly Weather

    21/08/2022 Duration: 40min

    Here is the Sun!  This week we continue  with lots of changes as Sun enters Virgo as Mercury enters his retrograde shadow. Your ghosts start appearing!  Mercury enters Libra making communications about love, good, and what fills our hearts.  Changes, changes and more changes!!!  Mars in Gemini settles down for his 8 month VRBO in Gemini.  He also squares the Noew Moon in Virgo!!  Action indeed!  Mars will be in Gemini until March 25, 2022.  Two choices. Two options. Two of everything!  Uranus stations to go retrograde until January 23, 2023.  All the outer planets are retrograde in the heavens.  Revisions, revisions, revisions!  Sun in Virgo gives specific instructions! Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology configurations above our heads, Anne discusses the energy we can expect to experience on Planet Earth during the upcoming week. She offers a brief astrology lesson! You

  • Anne Ortelee's August 14, 2022 Weekly Weather

    15/08/2022 Duration: 53min

    Here is the Sun!  This week we continue  with lots of changes as Sun forms a finger of God with Neptune and Pluto mid week.  Changes, changes and more changes!!!  Mars enters Gemini this week where he stays until March 25, 2022.  Time for decisions and moving forward.  Two choices. Two options. Two of everything!  Sun was super active last week. He squared the Nodes and Uranus and opposed Saturn.  There was a Full Moon so secrets were revealed. More secrets to come out this week!  Lots of Fire taking over the heavens!  Yes that means lots of fire and passions here on earth. Mercury is in Virgo until August 24.  Great time for getting tasks in order and developing your plans for the future.   Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology configurations above our heads, Anne discusses the energy we can expect to experience on Planet Earth during the upcoming week. She offers a brief

  • Anne Ortelee's August 7, 2022 Weekly Weather

    08/08/2022 Duration: 46min

    Here comes the Sun!  Lots of changes in the sky!!!  Sun is super active this week. He squares the Nodes and Uranus and opposes Saturn.  There is a Full Moon! And Venus enters the sign of the Sun, Leo too. Break through! Illumination! Ah ha moments that feel and are deeply important. Focus on the Love. Listen to Here comes the Sun by the Beatles. Venus enters Leo on August 11 and will stay in Leo until September 5 when she goes back to work! Mars and Uranus meet the Nodes of Fate by declination.  They bring the changes outline on August 1 to 3 into sharp relief. They help initiate new 19 year and 2 year cycles.   Lots of Fire taking over the heavens!  Yes that means lots of fires here on earth. Mercury is in Virgo until August 24.  Great time for getting tasks in order and developing your plans for the future.   Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology configurations above our

  • Anne Ortelee's July 31, 2022 Weekly Weather

    31/07/2022 Duration: 39min

    Lots of changes in the sky!!!  Mars and Uranus meet up on the North Node of Fate!  They initiate a new 19 year and 2 year cycle.  As the Node of Fate is involved, this is a huge change in your perspective on life in the house where 18 Taurus lives.  Lots of Fire taking over the heavens!  Yes that means lots of fires here on earth. The bright and shiny new moon took place last Thursday as Jupiter stationed to go retrograde.  There is still time for a juicy new moon ritual on the Virgo Moon Sunday and Monday. Abundance of fire passion is promised with Sun, Mercury and Ceres in Leo.  Venus is still in Cancer.  Venus will change her emotional focus every two and a half days as the moon changes.  Mercury enters Virgo on August 4 until August 24.  Great time for getting tasks in order and developing your plans for the future.   Remember to pause before responding.  Folks are not listening very well ~ you included.  A difficult week ahead of revelations, ideas and oh wow moments. Lots of emotional changes that g

  • Anne Ortelee's July 24, 2022 Weekly Weather

    25/07/2022 Duration: 40min

    Lots of changes in the sky!!!  A huge shift in energy as Fire takes over the heavens!  Yes that means lots of fires here on earth. A bright and shiny new moon takes place on Thursday as Jupiter stations to go retrograde on the day of the New Moon in trine to it so abundance of fire passion is promised. Sun, Mercury and Ceres are in Leo.  Venus in Cancer.  Venus will change every two and a half days as the moon changes.  Jupiter and Juno station to go retrograde ~ until November 24 and October 22 when they turn direct respectively.   A difficult week ahead of revelations, ideas and oh wow moments. Uranus meets up with the North Node followed by Mars next week.  This is a once every 8 year conjunction.  Big doings!  Uranus North Node conjunction runs throught Moscow ~ what's happening with Putin?  Oh what a week it is going to be! Oodles of energy! Pace yourself.  It is a marathon not a spring.  Focus. Make a list of what you want to accomplish this summer!!  Practical rules!    .  Anne Ortelee, a nationall

  • Anne Ortelee's July 17, 2022 Weekly Weather

    17/07/2022 Duration: 43min

    Lots of changes in the sky!!!  A huge shift in energy as Cancer Water shifts into Leo Fire!  Sun, Mercury and Ceres move into Leo.  Venus shifts into Cancer.  Venus will change every two and a half days as the moon changes.  Eris and Chiron station to go retrograde ~ until January 10 and December 23 when they turn direct respectively.   Oh what a week it is going to be! Easier than than last few weeks eek but still oodles of energy! Focus. Make a list of what you want to accomplish this summer!!  Practical rules!    .  Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology configurations above our heads, Anne discusses the energy we can expect to experience on Planet Earth during the upcoming week. She offers a brief astrology lesson! You can always book a private consultation with Anne to discuss your personal questions and your chart. Follow her on Twitter @anneortelee, instagram @anneort

  • Anne Ortelee's July 11, 2022 Weekly Weather

    12/07/2022 Duration: 30min

    A huge shift in energy continues this week as our personal planets move through Earth and Water. Venus shifts at the end of the week into Cancer.  Every two days, Mercury will be shifting his strategy based on the moon's sign, joined by the Sun, Ceres and Lilith.  Mercury, Ceres and Lilith are all out of bounds so emotions are intense!!  A literal Roller coaster of emotions.   The Sun, Mercury, Ceres and Lilth are answering the daily changes of the Moon.  Emotions shift and swirl. .  There is a full moon in Capricorn illuminating understanding.  Think back to January 2021 and October 2021 for earlier parts of the story before you now.   Also stories from 1989 are wrapping up as Sun, Mercury and Venus form aspects to Saturn and Neptune.  Let go. Let go. Let go!!  Oh what a week it is going to be! Easier than than last few weeks eek but still oodles of energy! Focus. Make a list of what you want to accomplish this summer!!  Practical rules!    .  Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and

  • Anne Ortelee's July 3, 2022 Weekly Weather

    05/07/2022 Duration: 42min

    A huge shift in energy this week as our personal planets move from Fire and Air into Earth and Water.  Mars shifts from fiery passionate Aries into slow, steady, reliable and dependable Taurus.  Mercury shifts from his ruler, Gemini, into emotional, fluid, feeling Cancer.  Every two days, Mercury will be shifting his strategy based on the moon's sign.  Roller coaster of emotions riding the bull of Taurus.    Plus Pallas Athena gets more strategic as she enters Gemini!  We've been moving like a ROCKET!! Now we slow down and get practical, strategic and emotionally involved.  The Sun, Mercury, Ceres out of bounds and Lilth are answering the daily changes of the Moon.  Emotions shift and swirl. .  Oh what a week it is going to be! Easier than than last few weeks eek but still oodles of energy! Focus. Make a list of what you want to accomplish this summer!!  Practical rules!    .  Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Wee

  • Anne Ortelee's June 26, 2022 Weekly Weather

    27/06/2022 Duration: 53min

    We've been moving like a ROCKET!!  This week Venus and Pallas Athena control the heavens as the feminine energies continue to be active! Watch for the feminine energy to move front and center.~ only this week the feminine energies are angry and out of bounds!   Pallas Athena traces Venus' steps.. Athena faces control by Pluto and is on algol the fixed star of beheading. Neptune stations to go retrograde until December 4, 2022. All Neptune things begun since March 7 are up for review. Mars, the planet of war meets up with Eris and squares Pluto in Capricorn ~ never easy aspects with the goddess of discord fuels Mars' anger.  The skies are full of fierce energy reflecting into your chart. The Sun is answering to out of bounds Moons so emotions will run high.  Apply common sense to all you hear.  Reread Thomas Paine's book on "Common Sense".   Listen to what women or the feminine energies are saying!  Lots of planets on the world points so action can be expected indeed!   Oh what a week it is going to be!

  • Anne Ortelee's June 19, 2022 Weekly Weather

    20/06/2022 Duration: 38min

    We've been moving like a ROCKET!!  This week Venus and Pallas Athena control the heavens as the feminine energies continue to be active! Watch for the feminine energy to move front and center. Pallas Athena traces Venus' steps and moves through a square to Saturn and a sextile to Neptune. Venus faces control by Pluto and is on algol. Sun enters Cancer for the summer season.  A fierce chart, the Sun is in mutual reception with the Moon in Aries. ~ expect passion, heat and drama ALL SUMMER long!  Apply common sense to all you hear.  Reread Thomas Paine's book on "Common Sense".   Listen to what women or the feminine energies are saying!  Lots of planets on the world points so action can be expected indeed!   Mercury is out of his shadow and moving fast in Gemini! Look at both sides of the story!  Pay attention to what you learn, hear or come to understand.  Oh what a week it is going to be! Harder than last week but still oodles of energy! Focus.    .  Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA,

  • Anne Ortelee's June 12, 2022 Weekly Weather

    13/06/2022 Duration: 31min

    Last week we took off like a ROCKET!!  This week Venus continues to control but now she's joined by Pallas Athena!l! The feminine energies gets active! Watch for the feminine energy to move front and center. Pallas Athena and Venus meet up in Taurus on June 14. Sun squares Neptune and Trines Saturn.  Venus does the EXACT energetic opposite later in the week as Venus squares Saturn and sextiles Neptune.  Apply common sense to all you hear.  Reread Thomas Paine's book on "Common Sense".   Listen to what women or the feminine energies are saying!   Mercury enters Gemini on June 13 and leaves his shadow on June 18. Talk your ghosts! All sorts of things get revealed!  Pay attention to what you learn, hear or come to understand.  Oh what a week it is going to be! Easier than last week but still oodles of energy! Focus.    .  Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology configurations

  • Anne Ortelee's June 5, 2022 Weekly Weather

    06/06/2022 Duration: 28min

    Last week we took off like a ROCKET!!  This week Venus takes control! The feminine energy gets active! Watch for the feminine energy to move front and center. Pallas Athena in Taurus meets up with Uranus on June 6. Venus is in Taurus goes over the world point of 15 Taurus mid week. She meets up with Uranus on June 11. Explosions and surprises    Mercury trines Pluto for the third time on June 10.  The first trine was April 28 right after Mercury entered his retrograde shadow on April 25.  The second trine was May 25 when Mercury was retrograde!   All sorts of things get revealed!  Pay attention to what you learn, hear or come to understand.  Mercury forming a minor grand trine with Pluto and the Neptune. Mercury has the Ghosts return. Stories change. Things are revealed. Secrets are told!  He'll be in Gemini until July 6!     Oh what a week it is going to be!  Hang on to your hat! Intense energy alert! Focus.    .  Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) cer

  • Anne Ortelee's May 29, 2022 Weekly Weather

    29/05/2022 Duration: 34min

    Mars and Jupiter meet up to start a new 2 year cycle of action, change and go.  Taking off like a ROCKET!! Mercury stations to go direct. Saturn stations to go retrograde.  . Venus is in Taurus, her RULER starting a growth and expansion cycle untile June 23.   There is a fierce new Moon in Gemini that ends eclipse season with a cliff hanger!  Vesta goes into Pisces encouraging you to embody your dream in your body, home, work and life.  She'll be in Pisces until February 9, 2023!  Yes you read that right.  Great time for health, wealth and dream projects that enhance your life!  Living (Vesta) the Dream (Pisces) quite literally!!  Mercury stations to turn direct after he retrograded back into Taurus.  He's formaing a minor grand trine with Pluto and the Neptune. Mercury has three trines to Pluto ~ the first was April 28, the second was last week and third is June 10. Mercury s retrograde until June 3, 2022. Ghosts return. Stories change. Things are revealed. Secrets are told!  He'll be in Gemini until Ju

  • Anne Ortelee's May 22, 2022 Weekly Weather

    23/05/2022 Duration: 30min

    The eclipses are here!  The eclipses are here!  Four planets change signs this week!  Mars goes into Aries, his RULER on May 24 until July 5 starting a new two year action cycle. Venus goes into Taurus, her RULER on May 28 starting a growth and expansion cycle untile June 23.   Vesta goes into Pisces encouraging you to embody your dream in your body, home, work and life.  She'll be in Pisces until February 9, 2023!  Yes you read that right.  Great time for health, wealth and dream projects that enhance your life!  Living (Vesta) the Dream (Pisces) quite literally!!  Mercury stationed to go retrograde on May 10. This week he's retrograding back into Taurus on May 22!!  He's formaing a minor grand trine with Pluto and the Neptune planets. It is his second of three trines to Pluto ~ the first was April 28, and third is June 10. Mercury s retrograde until June 3, 2022. Ghosts return. Stories change. Things are revealed. Secrets are told!  He'll be in Gemini until July 6!  Retrograde alert!  During the eclipse

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