Selling!! #1 Real Estate Agent Marketing, Leads, Coaching, Advice, Training, Tom Ferry, Brian Buffini, Gary Vaynerchuck, Gra

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 367:26:13
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The #1 podcast for agents. We talk with Real Estate Agents who sell more than 50Million dollars a year in volume and find out how they do it. We uncover their stories, secrets and tips & tricks.


  • The iBuyer feeding frenzy--how to compete

    02/03/2019 Duration: 52min

    Its all over the media--it seems like the iBuyer movement is actually effecting the traditional real estate agent but, is it? Too many agents are worried about being dis-intermediated by new technology and systems when they should really be focused on perfecting their business core......... Join the conversation on twitter @superagentslive

  • Zero to 112 Units the First Year - Joe McCabe

    22/02/2019 Duration: 47min

    I get sick of hearing the same thing all the time. Find your value proposition, be different, add value and take more action.  That very same person will also tell you to be a master closer, lead generator, social media expert and have 45 hours in each day. Life is not like that----to succeed in business you need to wear a lot of hats but, you dont need to be the end all be all in every field.  At the end of the day all you need to succeed at a high level is one measure of competency and a truckload of grit. Todays guest show us how he has built a team of 40 agents and 3 companies doing 112 transactions at the very young age of 26.    

  • Taking Your Biz to the Next Level - Joe Gigletti

    05/02/2019 Duration: 01h03min

    Todays guest shares with us what he learned after spending 5 million dollars in advertising on various platforms.  He explains how he builds facebook campaigns to earn a 100X ROI and how to automate your follow up. Join the conversation on Twitter: @superagentslive Level up your game with radio--- go to and fill out the getting started sheet

  • More Leads this year with these online and offline tips and tricks - Toby Salgado

    22/01/2019 Duration: 20min

    Todays episode we talk about lead generation in both the online world and offline.  Which is best?  Where can you get the most leads? Where can you find the highest quality and most importantly --how much does it cost? We cover everything from online marketing to email marketing to radio and television ads. Twitter @superagentslive

  • Video Ad Campaigns for Facebook To Get More Listings - Josh Anderson

    17/01/2019 Duration: 01h22s

    Todays episode we talk about launching video ad campaigns on Facebook---how to use them, what to say and when to launch them.  In  this hyper-competitive market we need to be more focused on building an omni-channel marketing platform rather than rely on just one pillar. Twitter: @superagentslive Want more listings? Sign up at

  • Brand Identity and Closing More Deals - Toby Salgado

    01/01/2019 Duration: 34min

    Todays episode I talk about a few things near and dear to my heart.  The first being how to find high quality leads in an over- competitive market and how having a clear brand identity will help you close more deals and create a life that is in alignment with your core beliefs. Hit me on twitter @superagentslive Subscribe to the show here

  • 325: IF you do this one thing--Find Your USP

    14/12/2018 Duration: 17min

    Today’s show is another episode in the December daily category.  Today I want to talk about differentiation.   Being different is super important but, I think most people have a difficult time being different.  Some of this may stem from how we were when we were kids----kids strive for conformity not differentiation.  Some of this may stem from the belief that by being different we alienate a group of people.  I say that we must differentiate or die.  Whether we like it or not –we all migrate toward that thing which is different.  I would propose that every single company or artist rises to the top dependent on the level of differentiation in the product.  Cars are notorious in seeking out differentiation.  This brand has the best mileage, this brand is the safest and the other brand is the best value.  Can you name one industry where differentiation is not rewarded?  Art?  No.  Music? Nope; Fashion? No way—in fashion being different is just the start.  In art---- there is sameness everywhere but, it’s the ar

  • 324: How I lost $450,000 Dollars - Toby Salgado

    14/12/2018 Duration: 23min

    Today I am going to share a story about marketing and how I lost $450,000 dollars by not knowing the right questions and how many of us "dont know what we dont know" Go to and subscribe to the show

  • 323: How resilient Is your Business

    13/12/2018 Duration: 14min

    I hate fee’s.   I hate late fees, overage fees, carry fees, booking fees -----I hate anything that can be considered a “fee”. I hate them because I am paying for nothing.  Recently, I deposited cash into my Wells Fargo bank account and later I saw that they actually charged me for using cash!  Isnt that why banks were created?   I should have closed that account on the spot especially, since they charge me a monthly account fee but, I didn’t-----want to know why?  I didn’t close the account for a very dumb reason.  I didn’t close the account because I had a bunch of checks that my bookkeeper had printed.  For some reason I made a business decision to keep a bank account open (and pay fees) just so a few thousand pre-printed checks didn’t go to waste.   This is a very flawed reasoning but, its common.  I am sure there is some kind of term for this kind of thinking-----I just don’t know what its called but, I see it all the time.  I see this kind of thinking everywhere-----you want to cancel that 300 dollar a m

  • 322: Make Small Changes for Big Results in your Real Estate Business

    11/12/2018 Duration: 10min

    Today has been one of those days.  My alarm clock didn’t go off---I spilled coffee all over myself in the car---dropped my kid off late and in the bathroom  realized there was no toilet paper just when I needed it.  Yeah---that was gross but, its those kind of days that we just need a mulligan.  We need a redo ---a fresh start.  For me---the New Year is new start—fresh beginnings.  It’s the little things that can have the greatest impact.  A really smart guy once told me that if I could get just 1% better each day---at the end of the year I would be 365% better----that stuck with me.  I’m trying to find the little things I can change.  The things I can do right now---today.  That might be something personal like doing 25 pushups today or something that impacts me financially like changing the coverage on my auto policies.  I just did that and saved about 1200 bucks a year----1200 dollars isn’t going to change my life but, it all matters.  How about you?  What is something structural that you can change today?

  • 322: Whats Your Plan for 2019? - Toby Salgado

    10/12/2018 Duration: 20min

    2019 is going to be an incredible year to make lots of money.    Let’s first go back to 2018 and let me ask some questions.  Did you accomplish your goals for the year?  Is your business growing as fast as you wanted?  Are you hitting your milestones or are you spinning your wheels?   2019 is going to be very different than what we saw in 2018.  As we wrap up the year we are already seeing market conditions changing.  In most areas of the country we are seeing slower home appreciation.  We are also seeing increased days on market for listings as sellers slowly adjust to the new “normal”.    We are at a 50 year low with unemployment rates.  The stock market is higher than it’s ever been although; the last 3 trading sessions have been horrendous from both a point drop and volatility levels and the federal reserve has been concerned about inflation and has reacted with 3 rate hikes this year and will most likely raise rates again in their next meeting December 18.   I am definitely NOT predicting the future but,

  • 321: Chasing New Opportunities

    08/12/2018 Duration: 33min

    Todays episode we talk about how to develop your brand.  Where to spend your money and how to prioritize your energies.  Most people will have only one or two lead generation sources and they wonder why they fail---others will have seven or eight lead generation sources and wonder why they go broke. We talk about where to start---where to spend your money and how to put it all together. If you want to talk about joining my national team --send me an email at If you want to get more listings with radio go to  

  • 320: Social Media Marketing - Toby Salgado

    09/11/2018 Duration: 01h05min

    Before we get to the show-----there are a few things that have been on my mind. Why do some people get rich in real estate and why others just have a job----maybe they are thriving --maybe they are just surviving. There are two things when it comes to real estate that matters and sadly--these two things many times get forgotten or just never spoken about.  The first is this-----business is a game of margins---not about production. Too many times in this industry-----people strive to sell 100 units or to make 1 Million in GCI and at many brokers (Im not going to name names) it is those people that get into the exclusive masterminds--those are the people that get on stage to tell others how they did it.  They wont tell you that they spent 800,000 dollars to make that 1 Million GCI. They will stand on stage and accept the award. Aftwer the ceremony---people will buy them drinks and ask how they did it. I don’t care what your Gross income is---I want to know what your net income is---how much did you put in the b

  • 319: Goals, Accomplishments and Being Present - Toby Salgado

    29/10/2018 Duration: 32min

      One thing we all struggle with is how do we get the most out of our day—in business and in life we are constantly seeking the low hanging fruit.  What is the thing that will give us the most bang for our buck?  How can I best use our time---a quote that I often requote is this----money is a renewable resource---time is not.  That quote can have massive impact not only on our businesses but, our personal life.  We work hard so that our family—our significant others and kids can have a better life but, often we work---make money and often prioritize family below our business successes.  Its sad but, true and I am guilty of this same thing. This summer I took some time off from the world----I didn’t check my email---I didn’t take many calls----I checked out---I did yoga and meditated.  I lost some clients---my wife got mad at me but, I think I earned a new perspective on living and operating my business.  Below are some of the ideas. First------Man lives by time. Inventing the future has been his favorite game

  • 318: Spotting New Opportunities- Larry Goins

    29/10/2018 Duration: 36min

    Todays guest shares how to see new opportunities in your current pipeline------there are other ways to find deals by utilizing your current marketing.    

  • 317: More Listings from New Business Lines

    19/10/2018 Duration: 58min

    Todays guest explains how smart marketing and new business lines will improve  your business, decrease stress and allow you to build the business you deserve. @superagentslive --- join the conversation and let us know what you want to hear. --Lets supercharge your business with radio advertising.  

  • 316: Life gets in the way of living

    10/06/2018 Duration: 12min

    This is just a quick update and a quick talk about delivery speed

  • 315: Don't Push Girls - Jason Sinard

    29/03/2018 Duration: 38min

    Todays episode ---we explore a significant social factor in why many people are unable to compete at the highest levels.  We discuss why most people have a disconnect between what they want and actually getting it---even though----they know how to do it.

  • 314: How to go from 0 deals to 100 in a year - Jason

    17/03/2018 Duration: 49min

    How do you start a business and take it from zero to 100 million dollars in just a few years?  Todays guest tells us why and how he did it--I have to be honest I was a little skeptical and I think you will hear me trying to drag it out of him.

  • 312--Don't do this - James Rembert

    02/03/2018 Duration: 01h13min

    There are so many people trying to get you to spend you money here and there-----hear two digital experts disagree on what to do and how to do it. twitter @superagentslive

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