


A podcast for female online service providers and entrepreneurs hosted by Miranda Nahmias


  • #022: My May 2020 Income Report: This is a Huge Win!

    15/06/2020 Duration: 20min

    In this episode, I’ll be going over my income report for May 2020! If you’re curious about what the monthly numbers look like when running a 6-figure business, then you’re going to love this episode! I’m diving into how all of my income and expenses broke down, plus sharing details on how my month went, things I learned, and anything I would’ve done differently. What you can expect with these reports is honesty and transparency — I never hold back! Let’s dive in! Learn more about the systems I use to run a profitable business at https://www.thesystemssociety.com Read the full income report blog post here: https://www.mirandanahmias.com/may-2020-income-report

  • #021: 3 Effective Retention Strategies That Will Make Your Clients Love You (ft. Yael Bendahan)

    08/06/2020 Duration: 30min

    Join me and special guest expert Yael Bendahan! Today, we’ll be talking about client retention. This month I’m diving deep into client onboarding and it’s such a great tool for client retention, so I thought I should spend some time talking about client retention in general and why it’s so important. Yael Bendahan is a marketing and visibility coach (and mom of 4.5) who helps female entrepreneurs grow and scale their income and impact through the power of consistent selling and smart automation! Check her out here: https://www.yaelbendahan.com Grab her client retention training here: https://bit.ly/vipclientmv (Get 50% off with code “MIRANDA”)   Join Yael’s Facebook group here: bit.ly/powerhousegroup   Check out the Giftology book Yael mentioned: https://amzn.to/2ZEdc4c Want all the templates, tools, and trainings you need to create an automated client onboarding system? Join Miranda’s The Systems Society today: https://www.thesystemssociety.com

  • #020: How to Automate Your Client Onboarding System for Free

    01/06/2020 Duration: 34min

    If you’re looking to uplevel your business as an online service provider (and save a bunch of time while doing it), introducing a client onboarding automation is one of the best ways to do it. Setting this system up is super helpful for you AND it can also go a long way to project your professionalism to your clients.  Get access to all of the templates, tutorials, and trainings you need to build your own client onboarding system inside of The Systems Society: https://www.thesystemssociety.com

  • #019: How to Easily Handle Objections from Prospective Clients

    25/05/2020 Duration: 33min

    As much as we probably all wish it wasn’t (I know I do!

  • #018: My April 2020 Income Report: Month 2 of Quarantine

    18/05/2020 Duration: 20min

    In this episode, I’ll be going over my income report for April 2020! If you’re curious about what the monthly numbers look like when running a 6-figure business, then you’re going to love this episode! I’m diving into how all of my income and expenses broke down, plus sharing details on how my month went, things I learned, and anything I would’ve done differently. What you can expect with these reports is honesty and transparency — I never hold back! Let’s dive in! Learn more about the systems I use to run a profitable business at https://www.thesystemssociety.com Read the full income report blog post here: https://www.mirandanahmias.com/april-2020-income-report/

  • #017: 5 Things You Need to Do to Crush Your Discovery Calls

    11/05/2020 Duration: 34min

    Join me and special guest expert Gigi from One6Creative and the host of the Create Connect Convert podcast! Today, we’ll be talking about 5 things that you can do to start crushing your discovery calls. When you’re building your Discovery Call System, you can’t just have a bangin’ system — you need to make sure that your actual discovery calls are effective and converting, too! Gigi walks us through exactly how you can do that.  Grab Gigi’s Client Onboarding Checklist here: https://one6creative.com/resource-library-access Join Miranda Nahmias’ The Systems Society to get all the templates, tutorials, and trainings you need to set up a high-converting Discovery Call System! https://www.thesystemssociety.com

  • #016: How to Build a Powerful Discovery Call System That Will Help You Make Sales

    04/05/2020 Duration: 41min

    Not gonna lie — when I first started my business, just the thought of doing a discovery call scared the HECK out of me. I knew I had to do them in order to get clients, but I am an introvert! I absolutely hated getting on calls because I always felt put on the spot and like I needed to sell myself. It was awkward and uncomfortable and just...awful. But here I am today, telling you all about how awesome they are! What changed? Well, it was really two things that helped me get over my fear of discovery calls.  The first thing that helped was time and practice. Fine, that’s technically two things, but they go together! Just like anything else, you aren’t born knowing how to do a discovery call. But over time and with practice, you will get better. Within 6 months of starting my business, I became so good at them that I converted at least 90% of my discovery calls — and that still holds true today! The second thing that was a HUGE help was developing a Discovery Call System. This is basically a system for com

  • #015: Behind the Scenes of an Amazing Content Marketing Funnel

    30/03/2020 Duration: 14min

    Are you ready to utilize organic content marketing in your business?  Good — because it's one of the most powerful tools out there! Paid search and ads are awesome, but nothing beats utilizing organic content to drive traffic to your website, capture people’s attention, and convert users into customers.  It can seem like there are a lot of steps to organic content marketing. Where do you start and how do you end up with sales?  Don’t worry, I got your back. I am going to walk you through the 5 stages of an organic marketing funnel. With my guidance and case studies as an example, you’ll be ready to create one for your very own biz!

  • #014: Which Types of Marketing Should You Focus On?

    27/01/2020 Duration: 11min

    When you first launch your business, it can be difficult to determine what types of marketing to focus on. There are so many options! There are a ton of different ways to promote your business online but how do you determine which one to start with? I am going to demystify marketing by giving you the step-by-step list I use with my clients! A lot of my Systematic Marketing School students ask me, “what do I post on social?” or “how do I grow my email list?” My answer always seems to come back to the order of what you should be doing and when.  Listen to the podcast to find out my tried-and-true recommended order for your marketing plan!

  • #013: How to Gain Clarity in Your Niche and Nail Your Brand Messaging

    05/01/2020 Duration: 10min

    You have a new business and you’re reading all these articles about having a strong brand, knowing your target audience, and staying within your niche market. You’re nodding your head in agreement, but in actuality, you’re freaking out.    You don’t have a niche yet! You don’t have the perfect brand messaging yet!    If you aren’t sure exactly how you’re going to specialize or what your brand voice will be, there are probably two reasons you are struggling.    I am sharing these because I struggled with them as a new business owner and I repeatedly get this feedback from entrepreneurs who think they are ready to have it ALL figured it out… but they don’t yet.    Let’s talk about the two obstacles to gaining clarity in your niche and nailing your brand messaging.  Blog Post URL: https://www.mirandanahmias.com/brand-messaging

  • #012: How to Create a Client-Attracting Lead Magnet

    25/11/2019 Duration: 07min

    You’ve heard that you need a lead magnet for your sales funnel, but what does that mean? Is it just explaining everything you do? Actually, one of the biggest mistakes is sharing too much info. I will go over what mistakes to avoid, how to pick a topic, and how to create the lead magnet in 5 easy steps! 

  • #011 How to Outsource Social Media to Save TONS of Time

    28/10/2019 Duration: 09min

    Who wants to save time on small tasks so you can focus on the big picture of your business?

  • #010 5 Ways You Need to be Using Pinterest for Business

    07/10/2019 Duration: 13min

    Want to know my secret for driving quality traffic to my website organically? I’m sharing how I use Pinterest for business and how you can too!

  • #009: How to Easily Delegate Your Sales Funnel Creation

    26/08/2019 Duration: 15min

    I have worked on many sales funnel creation projects for myself and for my clients. These are big projects with a lot of moving parts! Fortunately, I have worked with a team for years and have learned some valuable lessons on delegating tasks. Now, I’m sharing my five steps to delegating sales funnel creation projects with you! These steps will help you organize your project, finish on-time, free you to do the work you love, and be successful.

  • #008: How to Save Time with a Blog Writing Checklist

    29/07/2019 Duration: 08min

    In this video, I’m going to show you exactly how to create a blog writing checklist that you can follow every time you write a blog post. But keep in mind that you don’t have to do it exactly like I do it! Simply use this as an example or inspiration, and then build your own checklist or system that will help you create blog posts faster and more easily! Read the post: https://www.mirandanahmias.com/blog-writing Grab the FREE content marketing idea spreadsheet template in the post above ^^ Join my Facebook group: www.growlikewoah.co Sign up for the FREE 5-Day Client Challenge: https://www.5dayclient.com Sign up for the FREE Build Your Biz Bootcamp: https://www.buildyourbizbootcamp.com Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more tips on systematic marketing for your service-based business.

  • #007: How to Get Amazing Ideas for Your Content Marketing Strategy

    11/07/2019 Duration: 22min

    Content is crucial to engage your audience and keep your business relevant. Need help with content ideas? Here are 7 excellent idea generators to use for your content marketing strategy! Read the blog post + grab the FREE content marketing ideas spreadsheet template: https://www.mirandanahmias.com/content-marketing-strategy/ Join my Facebook group: www.growlikewoah.co Sign up for the FREE 5-Day Client Challenge, which will help you get your first or next client in 5 days or less: https://www.5dayclient.com

  • #006: How to Stop Being Taken Advantage of by Your Prospective Clients

    01/05/2019 Duration: 15min

    I am a BIG believer in overdelivery. I want to give my clients as much value as possible, even before they sign a contract with me. This has become a signature feature of my business and my brand. However, it can lead to being taken advantage of.     The million dollar (or $50? $500? $5,000?) question when you’re prospecting for a client is: how much work beforehand is “too much”?   The important thing here is to know your worth and figure out where to draw the line.   Think about it — what is “too much” for you? This can be a different level for everyone.  There are no hard and fast rules. What’s crucial is that you value your time.   Figure out what your limits are (whether that’s a time frame, certain number of emails over a fixed amount, or something else) and stick to those boundaries, no matter what! Read the full post here: https://www.mirandanahmias.com/being-taken-advantage-of

  • #005: 7 Ways to Improve Your Money Mindset

    21/03/2018 Duration: 17min

    Try to imagine what your life would look like if you got to a place of true wealth and abundance, and the feelings that would give you. Think about what you really want from money. What does wealth and abundance look like to you? In this episode, we’re talking money mindset: change your outlook on finances and income, and it’s guaranteed that you will achieve business success. Read the blog post and watch the video here!

  • #004: Finding Your Passion in Business ft. Jaimie Myers

    07/02/2018 Duration: 25min

    Do you ever wonder if you’re pursuing the best life? Sometimes we get in a head space where we question whether or not we are living out our dreams, or simply following a path that we aren't all that in love with. It's important to find your passion in life, and strive to live in a way where you can pursue that passion. This doesn't mean that we will all live amazing lives with our fantasy jobs and end up marrying Prince Charming. Life isn't a fairytale. But we do not need to be unhappy with our lives. It's possible to live a "normal" life and still be actively pursuing things you're passionate about. Download Jaimie Myer's Instagram Roadmap! 

  • #003: Negativity Around Goal Setting

    07/02/2018 Duration: 10min

    I’m all about setting goals and achieving them, but let’s be honest…goal-setting can lead to a lot of negative thoughts. Do I enjoy setting goals? Sure. Can it be fun? Absolutely! Yet, the negative thoughts still come forward sometimes. It’s easy to feel stuck in a place of resentment. You get frustrated when your business isn’t where you want it to be, or worse — where you think it should be at this stage. This has definitely happened to me before. And I’m sure you’ve found yourself in that same boat at one time or another, right? You’ve likely felt stuck just like I have, and you’ve even thought about giving up on your online business dreams. And that’s what we don’t want! We want setting goals to be fun, and we want achieving them to be fun, too! Because I feel like we could all use a healthy dose of positivity when it comes to our businesses, today I have 4 tips for you guys on how to set goals positively, stay patient with yourself, and reduce any negative thoughts you might be having.

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