Journey To Organization With Rebekah Saltzman



Welcome to Journey to Organization with Rebekah Saltzman, where we talk about getting organized, zero waste and it's relationship to Judaism.


  • 086: Shira Gura - The S.T.U.C.K. Method

    01/01/2019 Duration: 42min

    Do you feel stuck?  If you do, this week’s podcast episode is for you! My guest Shira Gura has pioneered the S.T.U.C.K. method and today she is telling us all about it and how it helped her get decluttered. Shira has graciously offered all the listeners of the Journey to Organization Podcast a free copy of her book- which I highly recommend you read.  In the episode we talk about how Shira got started and how the method helps her move past any negative feelings she has. Listen to the podcast here or wherever you listen to podcasts - please like it, subscribe to it, and share it.  You can contact Shira directly through her website and join her Facebook Group: Getting Unstuck. Starting this January Shira is starting an online group program called, The Getting unSTUCK and Living Deliberately Journey". She also offers training for groups on her method and one on one consultations and she would love to come and speak to you in your community so reach out to her and schedule h

  • 085: Tara Button - Buy Me Once

    25/12/2018 Duration: 37min

    Do you ever wish that everything you bought would be something that would last forever??? Even if it didn't last forever, wouldn't it be great if manufacturers stood behind their products?? My guest on the podcast today, Tara Button decided that she only wanted to buy things once  so she created an online store where you could buy products that last forever- or at least a really long time. Tara is the founder of and the author of A life less Throwaway. She has searched for products that are guaranteed to last and for companies that stand behind their products and created a website to showcase them. We talk about her new book and how buying things one time and taking care of what we have (with a few how to tips) is better for our wallet, staying organized,  and the environment. If you need help staying organized - join Conquer Your Clutter today! Registration Ends on January 5th. If you have a topic you would like Rebekah to discuss or a question you can email her at: rebekah@rebekahsa

  • 084: Setting your priorities

    19/12/2018 Duration: 24min

    Did you know that 92% of New Year's resolutions don’t get completed? What holds people back from crossing the finish line? If decluttering is your goal - and even if it isn’t, what is holding you back from crossing the finish line and crossing your goals of you list? Sometimes it is fear, money, or time, but even if those things are big factors priority is the umbrella they all fall under. When something is a priority, you find the money, make the time, and move past the fear so you can get it done. You cross the finish line, just like Leah- who I talk about in this week’s podcast. If getting decluttered is important to you, and you need help doing it, get the help you need, you can work one on one with me, do CONQUER YOUR CLUTTER, get a friend to help you, or even another professional, it doesn’t have to be me, but don’t be scared to ask for help. Sometimes you think to yourself, well I can do this myself, and I don’t need help, why should I pay someone to help me? The answer is simple, because you have

  • 083: The Torah and minimalism

    10/12/2018 Duration: 25min

    Chanukkah is over the kids are heading back to school and now we can get focused on reducing and having less. This week I talk about how i relearned about sarat - leprosy in the bible, how is shows us that we should reduce and be careful with our things and also how things have changed over time. We also take listeners questions - what is best way to clean up the hanukkiot. Follow Rebekah on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @balaganbegone Check out Rebekah on Pintrest as Rebekah Saltzman and join the FREE Facebook group - Organizing in Israel - Balagan Be Gone (you don't have to live in Israel to join!) Subscribe to the mailing list at

  • 082: CHANUKKAH

    06/12/2018 Duration: 24min

    This week on the Journey to Organization Podcast I talk about what I do to get organized for Chanukkah and why I love it so much. Drop me a line and let me know what you do! Follow Rebekah on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @balaganbegone Check out Rebekah on Pintrest as Rebekah Saltzman and join the FREE Facebook group - Organizing in Israel - Balagan Be Gone (you don't have to live in Israel to join!) Subscribe to the mailing list at

  • 081: You can't do it all

    28/11/2018 Duration: 24min

    Sometimes we try - but we just can't do it all. There aren't enough hours in the day - in order to have time to do one thing you need to take time from doing something else. But - if you take the time to declutter and get organized you will have a lot more time in the long run because after you declutter you will spend a lot less time dealing with your stuff, and let's be honest, stuff takes up a lot of our time. There is no shame in saying no to things, but if you want to do them, and you don't have the time, maybe it is because you have too much stuff around. Don't worry if you don't have the prefect bins or closet, work with what you got, in the end it will likely be OK! Follow Rebekah on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @balaganbegone Check out Rebekah on Pintrest as Rebekah Saltzman and join the FREE Facebook group - Organizing in Israel - Balagan Be Gone (you don't have to live in Israel to join!) Subscribe to the mailing list at

  • 080: Black Friday

    21/11/2018 Duration: 16min

    Black Friday is upon us... don't make bad choices when shopping, shop with intention and a list (and stick to the list) so you don't make bad choices and end up with more clutter! Follow Rebekah on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @balaganbegone Check out Rebekah on Pintrest as Rebekah Saltzman and join the FREE Facebook group - Organizing in Israel - Balagan Be Gone (you don't have to live in Israel to join!) Subscribe to the mailing list at

  • 079: Distractions

    14/11/2018 Duration: 18min

    Distractions are part of life, what can you do about them? How can you move past them? This week I talk about my 3 tips to get past distractions and keep yourself on task when you are organizing, but the tips can really be applied in other ways too, like getting your to do list taken care of. 1: Set a limit 2. Plan you day and make it flexible 3. Get a partner These three things will really help keep you on task when you are organizing, tackling your to do list, or just staying focused on the current task. You may need all of them for some tasks and only one for others, pick and choose what works for you... (and let me know how you do.) Follow Rebekah on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @balaganbegone Check out Rebekah on Pintrest as Rebekah Saltzman and join the FREE Facebook group - Organizing in Israel - Balagan Be Gone (you don't have to live in Israel to join!) Subscribe to the mailing list at

  • 078: Things that hold us back from decluttering

    07/11/2018 Duration: 40min

    There are a lot of reasons we put off decluttering, fear, worry, time, money, some of these are really valid, but never the less, we have to find a way to move past them. Identifying the problem is key, often times we know that decluttering needs to happen but we don't know where the set back is, you may think it is money, but really it is fear! You may think it is fear but maybe it is really time. Maybe you don't really want to invest anything in decluttering, you want someone to just do it for you... of course there are people who do this, but when you do, you just a delaying the inevitable, the clutter will return. Clutter is just a decision deferred, so don't defer any more, figure out what is holding you back and get help for it. I am putting my money where my mouth is, book some free time with me at and book a 30 minute free session video chat with me. I will give you tips and tricks to get yourself going on decluttering and one time email support (that means you can sho

  • 077: Can you have too many books?

    23/10/2018 Duration: 11min

    A funny thing happened to me last week, we took out an edition from our Talmud that we haven't used in years to give to our son. He started learning with a small group and needed one of the volumes for the lessons. It spurred a conversation with my husband, who has barely used this set since we got married more than 16 years ago. Why are we keeping these? I mean they haven't been used in so long, and when my husband does learn Talmud he prefers to use a different set than the one we have, so why keep these? So many of my clients have so many books. Books they have read and books they haven't read, and while I think books are very important, as is learning, and I read about a book a week, but I hardly ever read a book more than once, so why keep what I won't read again? Why not let someone else benefit from what I already have used, and can be used again? Why be responsible for something that I won't use again? Think about it, when you have extra books on your shelf, they sit there collecting dust, and the

  • 076: What I learned from doing the 929 program

    17/10/2018 Duration: 24min

    I started doing the 929 program a few months ago, when it started for the second time. In case you don't know, 929 ( is how many chapters there are in all of the Tanach. (Torah, Nevim, Ketuvim.) From Sunday- Thursday you are supposed to study one chapter a day, Friday and Saturday are built in as catch up days. I took on the obligation to do this, some days I make it, some days I don't, but, I always catch up. This week we are up to the story of the Jews leaving Egypt, in particular the Jews receiving the Ma'an. Of course, I studied this in school, but going at my own pace with my adult perspective on life, I saw something I never saw before, here, right in black and white, is G-d telling us, take only what you need for today, count on me, I will provide more tomorrow. Are you wondering how this relates to organization? Well, it does, because, so much of what I see, or rather what I hear people tell me is this: "This might come in handy." or they say "I might need

  • 075: World Mental Health Day

    09/10/2018 Duration: 25min

    World Mental Health day is October 10th, and this week on the JTO podcast we talk about how Hoarding, since 2013, is considered a real psychological problem. If you have any mental health issue, you should seek help, now! I talk about the different levels of hoarding, how hoarder is used as a general term and what type of help to get at every level. I believe there are 4 levels of hoarders - Level 4 - Black, someone who is in danger of being trapped in their home. This is a major psychological problem, enlist the help of a trained psychiatrist! Level 3- Red, someone who is too embarrassed to have people come into their home. Level 2- Yellow, someone who may still be embarrassed to have people over but can manage most of their day to day needs. Level 1 - Green, someone who just needs a little help getting to their goals. Of course each level has gradations, but however you identify, it is important to get help. What type of help you gets depends on the level you are, but which ever level you are,

  • 074: Should I buy things when I see them on sale?

    03/10/2018 Duration: 27min

    A lady called me last week and asked me - She thinks that G-d will always send her what she needs but what about when things are on sale, should she stock up? She said that she knows she doesn't need to hoard things but sometimes she sees things on sale and likes the idea of saving some money --- The answer may surprise you, and I answered the way I did because I needed to clean out my storage area so that my cousin could use it. I know sometimes getting organized feels overwhelming, if you feel cluttered, and need help with decluttering, join Conquer Your Clutter, and make 5779 the year you Conquer Your Clutter! Registration ends October 6th, save $75 use CYC75 at checkout at Follow Rebekah on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @balaganbegone Check out Rebekah on Pintrest as Rebekah Saltzman and join the FREE Facebook group - Organizing in Israel - Balagan Be Gone (you don't have to live in Israel to join!) Subscribe to the mailing list at

  • 073: Hopes for 5779 - Tragedy to Tafkid (purpose in life)

    25/09/2018 Duration: 15min

    I was planning to talk about Conquer Your Clutter and a listener question about purchasing clothing on sale, but then yesterday, Ari Fuld was murdered, and talking about buying things on sale the week of Yom Kippur just didn't seem right. So, this week on the JTO podcast I talk about, tafkid - your mission in life, how even in times of mourning we need to be careful about waste, like when you tear your clothing as a sign of mourning, Jewish Eco Funerals, and I talk about how my friend, Ben Goldstein, inspired me with a pre-funeral video that showed the unity of the Jewish people. I apologize for the sniffling, but I recorded this episode about 5 times before I could even get through the fist few lines with out crying. I hope you are inspired to reach your true potential, fulfill your tafkid, and pledge to make 5779 the year you finally Conquer Your Clutter, because too much stuff distracts us and hinders our potential. G'mar Chatima Tova-May you be sealed in the book of life.

  • 072: Tashlich - You shouldn't throw your sins into the sea

    12/09/2018 Duration: 29min

    Shannah Tova Everyone - (Happy Jewish New Year). This week on Journey to organization I talk about Tashlich, the Jewish ceremony done between Rosh Hashanna and Yom Kippur to rid yourself of sin. It is common to symbolically throw your sins away using bread, I talk about my experience, sans bread, saying the prayers at the Mediterranean Sea and how it drove home the fact we use too much plastic in our daily lives. I address some listener comments that I got over the week about last weeks podcast and explain why I close the podcast with the words "Hashem keeps your organized", and why I think it is important to have a mantra you can say to yourself when you need to focus and get a project started. Follow Rebekah on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @balaganbegone Check out Rebekah on Pintrest as Rebekah Saltzman and join the FREE Facebook group - Organizing in Israel - Balagan Be Gone (you don't have to live in Israel to join!) Subscribe to the mailing list at

  • 071: Does having more simplify your life?

    05/09/2018 Duration: 24min

    Often times people ask me, wouldn't it be better if I just had more? I have three bathrooms so I need three toilet brushes, right? This week, I talk about this question, and why having more can sometimes be helpful, but usually isn't. I also talk about my pledge to try to implement one new zero waste ideal each month this year. This month I started with a safety razor. Next month I am trying home bio gas. What do you think you could try this month? Send me an email and let me know! You can also sign up with the early bird code EARLY100 to save $100 for Conquer your Clutter on October 7th at Follow Rebekah on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @balaganbegone Check out Rebekah on Pintrest as Rebekah Saltzman and join the FREE Facebook group - Organizing in Israel - Balagan Be Gone (you don't have to live in Israel to join!) Subscribe to the mailing list at

  • 070: Rifka Lebowitz of Living Financially Smarter in Israel

    24/08/2018 Duration: 33min

    Rifka is a financial consultant, speaker, and author specializing in personal and small business finance. She is the founder of the extremely popular Facebook group Living Financially Smarter in Israel, an author, and now a course creator. If you need help organizing your finances, please get in touch with Rifka today! Her website is: Rifka has graciously offered coupon code STARTOUTSMARTER so that Journey to Organization listeners can save 50% on her upcoming course. It is the perfect gift for a couple just starting out since there is no clutter! You can register here: To get a copy of the "How long should I keep it" info-graphic go to Follow Rebekah on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @balaganbegone Check out Rebekah on Pintrest as Rebekah Saltzman and join the FREE Facebook group - Organizing in Israel - Balagan Be Gone Subscribe to the mailing list at

  • 069: Helen Abelesz - Life Coach

    09/08/2018 Duration: 35min

    This week on Journey to organization I speak with my friend and Life Coach - Helen Abelez. We have a great talk about the difference between a life coach and a therapist, how to figure out your mission in life and then how to find the courage to achieve your goals, techniques for staying relaxed and reducing worry, and getting and staying on course. You can set up a free consultation which you can set up by going to You can also contact Helen in Israel 054.482.9815 or at and check out Helen on Facebook: When you connect with Helen, tell her you heard her on the JTO podcast! Please share, like, and rate this! Follow Rebekah on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @balaganbegone Check out Rebekah on Pintrest as Rebekah Saltzman and join the FREE Facebook group - Organizing in Israel - Balagan Be Gone (you don't have to live in Israel to join!) Subscribe to the mailing list at

  • 068: Listener Questions

    02/08/2018 Duration: 28min

    On this week's episode of Journey To Organization I answer listener questions. The overall theme of this episode is consume less stuff, but I talk about storing clothing for kids, cleaning routines, during the week and for shabbat, and how to decide what to keep in your home when you are trying to become a minimalist. Take away from this week: When you consume less, you really have a more full life with less worry and clutter and more time I also talk a bit about Conquer Your Clutter, the 10 week challenge course to get your clutter conquered and how there is a cash back rebate for every challenge you complete. (Up to $300!!!) You can join the waitlist for a coupon code at Follow Rebekah on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @balaganbegone Check out Rebekah on Pintrest as Rebekah Saltzman and join the FREE Facebook group - Organizing in Israel - Balagan Be Gone (you don't have to live in Israel to join!) Subscribe to the mailing list at

  • 067: Debby Schor Elyasy- Green Architecture and renovation

    25/07/2018 Duration: 33min

    This week I chat with green architect Debby Schor Elyasy. Debby is an Italian-Israeli architect with experience in architecture, interior design, and green building and has offices in Italy and Israel. We had a great chat and spoke about what to do if you are building a house from the round up, what to do when you are renovating to save money, best practices and what to look for when you are buying or renting a property. To reach Debby you can check out her website and learn more about her quick renovation program, A one-day intensive design session for people who want to renovate just one room in their house. You can see here all the info: Follow Rebekah on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @balaganbegone Check out Rebekah on Pintrest as Rebekah Saltzman and join the FREE Facebook group - Organizing in Israel - Balagan Be Gone (you don't have to live in Israel to join!) Subscribe to the mailing list at

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