Dr. Carolyn Dean Live

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Meet award-winning doctor, naturopath and best-selling author of Death by Modern Medicine and The Magnesium Miracle Carolyn Dean MD ND. Hear a wealth of information designed to empower listeners and callers to pierce the veil of traditional (allopathic) medicine and discover how to improve health, vitality, and emotional well-being through natures perfect nutrients and picometer mineral supplementation. Enjoy weekly featured segments including: a review of news from around the health world, Dr. Deans Mail Bag, and a variety of guests and call-in listeners who share experiences of their quest for optimal physical, mental, and emotional health. Co-hosted by life coach Ginney Gunther, Dr. Carolyn Dean Live fills your prescription for inspiration, information and success in achieving the next level of health, vitality and wellness!


  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    This week is the final week of February and we are concluding Heart Month with the fourth and final segment of our series on Heart Health -  although we are by no means done with the discussion! Over the course of the month, we\'ve talked about the health effects of unresolved emotional conflicts,  the magnesium and mineral deficient heart and this week, on tonight\'s radio show, we will be talking about an unrecognized threat to the heart - yeast overgrowth. Yeast overgrowth - many would say? Come on, Dr. Dean - you\'re pulling my leg!  Nevertheless, the factors and symptoms of yeast overgrowth are known to provoke symptoms of hypertension, insulin resistance [pre diabetic condition] and suppressing the immune system - not the best climate for the heart and one that can lead to debilitating outcomes. Fortunately, there are simple strategies that you follow to reduce your risk and move into a power and positive health condition. Tonight on our internet based radio show, we\'ll  be talking with Dr. Ca

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    This week is the final week of February and we are concluding Heart Month with the fourth and final segment of our series on Heart Health – although we are by no means done with the discussion! Over the course of the month, we’ve talked about the health effects of unresolved emotional conflicts, the magnesium and mineral deficient heart and this week, on tonight’s radio show, we will be talking about an unrecognized threat to the heart – yeast overgrowth. Yeast overgrowth – many would say? Come on, Dr. Dean – you’re pulling my leg! Nevertheless, the factors and symptoms of yeast overgrowth are known to provoke symptoms of hypertension, insulin resistance [pre diabetic condition] and suppressing the immune system – not the best climate for the heart and one that can lead to debilitating outcomes. Fortunately, there are simple strategies that you follow to reduce your risk and move into a power and positive health condition.

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    February is Heart Month and in that spirit, we are reminding everyone there is great value in learning how to give CPR to someone experiencing cardiac arrest. Of course, I know that ReMag and my Total Body ReSet formulas have an excellent chance of preventing cardiac arrest and heart disease in the first place...but I digress. The Institute of Medicine [IOM] says 395,000 people in the US suffer cardiac arrest outside hospital and less than 6 percent survive. An additional 200,000 cardiac arrests occur in hospitals every year and 25% survive. That’s over half a million lives lost that could be saved. You may think cardiac arrest is just another name for a heart attack, but it’s not – it’s worse. A heart attack may come on relatively slowly and occurs when blood flow to the heart is blocked. Sudden cardiac arrest occurs when the heart malfunctions and suddenly stops beating when its electrical activity is knocked out of rhythm. A heart attack is a “circulation” problem and sudden cardiac arrest is an “ele

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    February is Heart Month and in that spirit, we are reminding everyone there is great value in learning how to give CPR to someone experiencing cardiac arrest. Of course, I know that ReMag and my Total Body ReSet formulas have an excellent chance of preventing cardiac arrest and heart disease in the first place...but I digress. The Institute of Medicine [IOM] says 395,000 people in the US suffer cardiac arrest outside hospital and less than 6 percent survive. An additional 200,000 cardiac arrests occur in hospitals every year and 25% survive. That’s over half a million lives lost that could be saved. You may think cardiac arrest is just another name for a heart attack, but it’s not – it’s worse. A heart attack may come on relatively slowly and occurs when blood flow to the heart is blocked. Sudden cardiac arrest occurs when the heart malfunctions and suddenly stops beating when its electrical activity is knocked out of rhythm. A heart attack is a “circulation” problem and sudden cardiac arrest is an “ele

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Heart rhythm disturbances [arrhythmias] are electrical disruptions of the rhythm of the heart. Depending on the disruption the heart may begin to beat too slow, too fast, irregularly, or not at all. Allopathetic medicine says there is no cure and only offers drugs and surgery for the symptoms. Because of her own heart palpitations, Dr. Carolyn Dean searched for an effective treatment for many years. The protocol she developed for herself is one she created based on nutrients that support the structure and function of the cardiovascular system – namely highly absorbed magnesium – and well-absorbed multiple minerals plus proper hydration with water and trace mineral sea salt or Pink Himalayan salt. You may already be aware that magnesium is a co-factor in almost 800 enzyme reactions and thus essential for many crucial physiological functions, such as heart rhythm, vascular tone, nerve function, muscle function muscle contraction and can also be referred to as a natural ‘calcium antagonist’. Giving your heart th

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    February is heart month and so for this segment, we wanted to focus on the heart and particularly the emotional heart! Tonight on the Doctor to Doctor Episode 2,  Dr. Dean is being joined by Dr. David Holt of TurnPoint Health, a private consultancy Dr. Holt manages to help folks identify the conflict basis for their disease, pain, or trauma by using heart-centered practices to heal emotional conflicts.  Dr. Holt\'s approach is simple:  Find the stressors that caused your mind-brain-body to react with these symptoms that modern medicine calls “disease”.  Discovering these events helps to release the stress.  Sometimes the stressors get compounded because of the diagnosis itself or thoughts and beliefs about the meaning of having such a condition. Clear the stressors.  This may be accomplished with a variety of modalities that Dr. Holt has a demonstrated proficiency in using collaboratively with his clients. Similar to our own Dr. Dean, Dr. Holt has his own life story behind the work he is doing and his jo

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    It’s easy to land the blame for hormone irregularity on diet or exercise but there is another source of hormone irregularity that many doctors and healthcare professionals aren’t even aware of. But Dr. Carolyn Dean has been working with yeast overgrowth since 1986 and is well aware of its disguises. Yeast overgrowth is a subtle yet complex biological condition in which the yeast fungus that lives in your intestines grows uncontrollably, producing 180 chemical toxins capable of making you feel dizzy and fatigued, causing you to crave sugar and alcohol, shutting down your thyroid and throwing your hormones off balance…all the concerns that Kristin reports.   Yeast overgrowth is one of the diseases of modern civilization – the culmination of the side effects of technology and the disservices of our way of life. Yeast overgrowth is a contributing factor to a list of chronic diseases that are getting longer and longer: heart disease, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disease, and irritab

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Last week Dr. Dean presented her new program to control weight and physical conditions that could lead to diabetes, stroke, and heart disease. Dr. Dean’s three-tier approach combines a high fat, moderate protein, low carb meal plan with the Total Body ReSet and intermittent fasting. This powerful trifecta of strategies creates amazing outcomes for the physical body! The blood sugar lowering and stabilizing effect of magnesium will not only help a person fasting to realize a better long-term balance in their blood sugar, but also more energy when it comes time to be active. The reduced blood sugar will likely spare your glycogen stores for when you really need them, creating a preference for fat as a source of fuel. And, feeding your body fats and moderate proteins, versus carbs, will improve your body’s fat burning capacity as well. Tonight on our internet based radio show, we\'ll  be talking with Dr. Carolyn Dean about Magnesium, Glucose, and Insulin as well as a wide-range of other health topics and safe

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    You think you may need surgery. Perhaps your family physician has referred you to a surgeon or suggested that you have surgery. Maybe a friend had the same condition you do and had to have surgery, so you are afraid you will too. Don’t assume you need surgery; you may be able to return to good health without an invasive procedure. There are situations where surgery is nearly impossible to avoid. If your appendix is inflamed and about to rupture, surgery is the only treatment. The same is true for badly broken bones and medical emergencies. There will be situations where medications, physical therapy, and lifestyle changes can dramatically improve your health. BUT if you’ve given the non-surgical therapies a chance without success, it may be time to consider surgery. So, for the sake of clarity and the purposes of today’s radio show topic, we will assume your surgery is necessary, that you have received a second and perhaps a third opinion from highly credentialed doctors, and that the benefits out

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    In 2018 we are introducing a new feature in our two -hour radio show: The Doctor to Doctor Hour. In this segment, Dr. Carolyn Dean will be joined by powerful, passionate, and committed doctors who bring much light and information to the natural health community with their approach to wellness, diet, exercise, and supplementation. In our first segment, Dr. Dean is being joined by Dr. Stephen Hotze, the founder, and CEO of the Hotze Health & Wellness Center in Katy, Texas. In his most recent book, Hypothyroidism, Health & Happiness, Dr. Hotze reveals how commonly hypothyroidism is overlooked, misdiagnosed, and mistreated in women and men, and gives you just the information you need to prepare yourself to obtain help. Of course, his insight is based on his own clinical experience. In the book, he describes his journey from using pharmaceutical drugs to actively listening to his patients and treating the root cause of their symptoms through natural approaches. “For an acute illness, such as strep throat or

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    In 2018 we are introducing a new feature in our two -hour radio show: The Doctor to Doctor Hour.  In this segment, Dr. Carolyn Dean will be joined by powerful, passionate, and committed doctors who bring much light and information to the natural health community with their approach to wellness, diet, exercise, and supplementation. In our first segment, Dr. Dean is being joined by Dr. Stephen Hotze, the founder, and CEO of the Hotze Health & Wellness Center in Katy, Texas. In his most recent book, Hypothyroidism, Health & Happiness, Dr. Hotze reveals how commonly hypothyroidism is overlooked, misdiagnosed, and mistreated in women and men, and gives you just the information you need to prepare yourself to obtain help. Of course, his insight is based on his own clinical experience. In the book, he describes his journey from using pharmaceutical drugs to actively listening to his patients and treating the root cause of their symptoms through natural approaches. “For an acute illness, such as strep throat or

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Have you started supplementing with magnesium and yet haven’t quite gotten to the point of consistent relief from symptoms? If so, gauging your Magnesium Burn Rate is a strategy you can employ to determine how much magnesium you may be burning and whether or not you may actually need more magnesium to manage your daily stressors. Because, ultimately, that is what is happening within the chemistry of the body – magnesium is being utilized to manage all types of stress and biological functions.  So being aware of your burn rate gives you an idea of how much magnesium you are using. This is much more important than just following the recommended daily allowance (RDA). Here is a list of stressors as outlined by Dr. Elson Hass: 1. Physical: intense exertion, manual labor, lack of sleep, travel 2. Chemical: drugs, alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, and environmental pollutants such as cleaning chemicals or pesticides 3. Mental: perfectionism, worry, anxiety, long work hours 4. Emotional: anger, guilt, loneliness

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Stress is a response to circumstances which forces a person to act quickly change or make some adjustment to keep things in balance. The circumstance which forces a person to act is called a stressor. Stress is also defined as intense feelings created by the stimulus of certain events. When a person is stressed, his/her body automatically jumps into an action which is called a fight or flight response. Stress is further defined as an emotional and physical provocation caused by pressure from a given situation.  The good news is that everybody faces stress to a certain degree and it is normal to be stressed some of the time. It is normal to be stressed out as we are living in a world full of challenges and provocations. Stress causes our bodies to respond quickly and jump into a defensive mode. It is quite normal to fight the stressor, or just ignore it and simply run away. When we are stressed, our bodies immediately respond to the stressors by telling our nervous systems and stress hormones that it is tim

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