Reinvent Yourself To Greatness With Sahar



Are you a woman between 25 and 65 that feels stressed, anxious, frustrated, and struggling to figure out what to do next? Do you lie awake at 2 AM criticizing your role and feeling guilty or not good enough? You feel you are just pleasing others but not satisfied? Do you have self-doubts? Limiting beliefs? Fear of failure, rejection or success?I help you discover what is important to you, overcome limiting beliefs, find your passion and purpose, bring change by creating new habits that will help transcend you to the next level so instead of feeling stuck and feeling like drowning every day deeper.I will provide you with a proven system solution to show you how to say NO to shame and guilt setting you free while still honoring those around you while honoring yourself, your time and your dreams and Reinvent yourself to greatness


  • 49 things they do not want you to know about entrepreneurship!

    03/08/2017 Duration: 45min

    http://www.reinventyourselftogreatness.comMany if not all gurus sell you the dream of being an “entrepreneur” without mentioning the nightmare you go through to reach entrepreneurial success - the failure rate for entrepreneurship is 80% but it can be a lot lower – you do not have to be part of this statistics.The issue is that when they sell you the programs they do not prepare you for the obstacle courses and the nightmares you have to go through, that is why many just give up in the middle as in their mind it wasn’t supposed to be that way - they were supposed to follow the million dollars formula and achieve success, happiness and moneyBUT it doesn’t work that way -  I am very upcoming with what you can expect to be an entrepreneur, womanpreneur, small business owner or a start up. I went through it myself- I will guide you through the myths, what you need to have as characters and traits being an entrepreneurI will also discuss my new “So You Think You CAN Entrepreneur” community tribe and how to join us

  • What is Talent Search and why should you care?

    27/07/2017 Duration: 01h28s

    http://www.reinventyourselftogreatness.comWe are back! we took a couple of weeks summer vacation and now we are back! We missed youYou can't miss this episode, our guest a Veteran in Human Resources (HR) and talent search and acquisition will demystify the meaning of Talent Search and why we shoudl careShe will explain what employers are looking for and what can you do so employers can seek you instead of you hunting themI am very proud to call Ms. Garrett my mentor and most importantly my friendBIO:With over 35 years of progressive Human Resources experience in varying disciplines, Kymberly has a background using a holistic Human Resources Management style. Whether it is creating customized leadership training programs or facilitating change management initiatives such as facilitation of performance management and strategic planning meetings-  Kymberly is certified by the governing boards of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) as a Professional Certified Coach (PCC),NAPW, HRCI, SHRM as well as,

  • What does success means to you?

    22/06/2017 Duration: 22min

    http://www.reiventyourselftogreatness.comHave you ever wonder if you achieved success in your life? yet?Do you think you have what it needs to be successful?Have you been successful before? or your life?What does success means to you and how do you define it and why?In this episode we will discuss "SUCCESS" and what it means to YOU, yes to you not to someone else, not what it means to your family, parents, significant others, the world but to youWe all agree that we want to achieve success in whatever we set our minds to do, I ound out that the meaning of success differs from one person to the other differs even between a mother and daughter, a father and a son, a wife and husband etc.I asked so many people and got so many answers that I want to share with you- Tune in on WED 6/21 at 5 PM PST and let me know what you think

  • 13 tips to create Positive Thinking & Fighting Imposter Syndrome

    01/06/2017 Duration: 29min

    http://www.reinventyourselftogreatness.comDid you ever feel that you are less than adequate, that sooner or later your clients will find out that you are a fraud no matter how solid level of credibility and success you have established?You feeltThat you have been just lucky so far for not being found out?You question yourself if you will be able to pull it through?You wonder if your team will listen to you or even like you?You question if you would you be able to deliver on time and on budget?You doubt if you have the necessary experience or knowledge to pull it through?Well, you are not alone, we ALL felt that way at one time or another. It doesn't depend on the degree of success you have, it s prevalent mainly in successful women. Womenpreneurs, entrepreneurs, start ups and those that seek great carreers and EducationIt is called the "Imposter Syndrome" we will discuss definitions, and solutions to overcome Imposter Sndrome and creating Positive Thinking

  • How to use the POWER of your story?

    25/05/2017 Duration: 41min

    http://www.reinventyourselftogreatness.comHave you been thinkng to write a book, but never did?Do you feel intimitated starting your book?You know you have a story inside of you, but do not know where to start?If any of these questions sound familiar, then this podcast is for you.  I am interviewing Book & Story Coach  Kim O'Hara Intuitive Book and Story Coach Kim O’Hara  guides writers of all levels through the transformative precipice between the old story and the new, as they turn their powerful life stories into books.  Kim was a movie producer and screenwriter in Hollywood for twenty years, bringing together innovative directors, actors and writers to create stories in movies that would move audiences and bring them hope.  She brings that same talent to real life, working one on one and in small groups with men and women who have amazing stories to tell. Kim was recently the Keynote Speaker for the Soroptimist of America Spring Conference, sharing how to “Dare to Change Your Story.”Kim's we

  • 2 Main Emotional Intelligence Competencies - 2 -

    18/05/2017 Duration: 29min

    http://www.reinventyourselftogreatness.comThis is Part 2 Do you ever feel you need to change the way you respond emotionally to others?How do you feel when others challenge or disagree with you, or give you feedback?Do you ever find yourself feeling fearful, angry or anxious? Do you know why?Are you ever surprised by the way you react to others?Do you ever feel afraid about exploring your emotions? Why?Do you consider yourself to be emotionally mature? What would others say?How did you learn about emotions when you were growing up?The answer to all these questions is "Emotional Intelligence" the first step that leads "Emotional Maturity" In the upcoming two (2) episodes this one, and next week:Define Emotional Intelligence EQUnderstand why we revert back to old habitsDiscuss the 2 main competencies of EQ and their componentsStudy the Neuroscience of Emotional IntelligenceApply solutionsJoin us on 5/17 at 5 PM PST- Our coaching groups are filling up fast, to join email us at:info@reinventyo

  • 2 Main Emotional Intelligence Competencies - 1 -

    11/05/2017 Duration: 22min

    http://www.reinventyourselftogreatness.comDo you ever feel you need to change the way you respond emotionally to others?How do you feel when others challenge or disagree with you, or give you feedback?Do you ever find yourself feeling fearful, angry or anxious? Do you know why?Are you ever surprised by the way you react to others?Do you ever feel afraid about exploring your emotions? Why?Do you consider yourself to be emotionally mature? What would others say?How did you learn about emotions when you were growing up?The answer to all these questions is "Emotional Intelligence" the first step that leads "Emotional Maturity" In the upcoming two (2) episodes this one, and next week:Define Emotional Intelligence EQUnderstand why we revert back to old habitsDiscuss the 2 main competencies of EQ and their componentsStudy the Neuroscience of Emotional IntelligenceApply solutionsJoin us on 5/10 and 5/17 at 5 PM PST- Our coaching groups are filling up fast, to join email us at:info@reinventyourself

  • 3 tips to practice Positive thinking leading to success

    04/05/2017 Duration: 32min

    http://www.reinventyourselftogreatness.comDo you doubt yourself at every step?Do you feel you are not good enough, smart enough, strong enough to take the next step?Do you stay in negative situations (Job, relationship?) because you believe the devil that you know?Do you always look for answers outside of yourself rather than inside of yourself?You hear that little voice inside of your head that tries to guide you but you ignore it?Then this episode is for you.  We all have the instinct to succeed, we all have a light inside of us that can lighten not only our path but the path of others as well.Yet, we remain complacent, or stand still in our place in fear of failing, or being ridiculed, or embarrassed, or losing what we have (though we might not have much). We stay in our comfort zone knowing that it never worked for us, and though we know that Insanity is trying the same old thing expecting different results, and the results do not change, we become more unhappy and even more shy to try new things as our b

  • How to change negative thoughts to positive ones?

    27/04/2017 Duration: 32min

    http://www.reinventyourseftogreatness.comAre your self-doubts and fears preventing you from moving forward, better yet paralyzing you?Are you getting stuck in your negative thoughts that no matter what positives come your way you do not feel it and stay focused on the negativity?Youa re not alone most people especially women get comfortable in being in "Status Quo" or in their comfort zone even if they know they are cheating themselves from success and from the life they know they have the potential for- especially for #Fiercewomenpreneuristas In this podcast we will discuss why:The negatiive thoughts stay in our minds,Why we stay in our comfort zone knowing that it doesn't help usThe brain acts the way it doesWe will also discuss how to get unstuck and start #positivethinking and gain control of your lifePlease join us WED 4/26 at 5 PM - PST 

  • How to save money by learning more about buying Real Estate

    20/04/2017 Duration: 38min

    Visit us at: http://www.reinventyourselftogreatness.comOur episode today is an interview with a real estate expert Diva "Karol Kochove".  Karol is a Real estate Broker and been in business since 1989..  She specializes in residential, commercial, Finance and investment real estate.She is a Certified coach and trainer in finance and real estatem she serves as a Director of BAOR and LACBORBeing a Former reserve sergeant- she has a soft spot for the 911 Women Heroes and she dedicates this podcast to themYou can visit her website athttp://www.kochproperties.comDo not misss this episode, Karol will get in on few real estate market secrets and will educate you on how to save money buying real estate 

  • Stop Fatigue & Burnout with Coach Eva Vennari, NC

    06/04/2017 Duration: 49min

    Subscribe to our mailing list so you will not miss any of our updateshttp://www.reinventyourselftogreatness.comIn this episode the AWESOME "Eva Vennari, NC" will explain all these symptoms and will share with us:Why do you feel tired all the time-Where the body really gets its energyHow Teleology worksWhat are some everyday things we can do right now to support the body until we can get a hair mineral analysis done?It’s never going to be just one magic pill.  We have to decide every day to do things that promote “youthing”, on purpose, and with intent. This is what Eva will educate us on and will leave us with some solutions to apply immediately to our lives to go out and conquer the worldAbout Coach Eva Vennari, NCEva is the real deal- After being repeatedly told by the medical community that she was destined to be on a cocktail of various medication throughout her life, Southern California native Eva Vennari began a 20+ year self-driven journey to heal herself with a foundation grounded in nature&

  • 7 Reasons why Entrepreneurs never find their passion!

    30/03/2017 Duration: 29min you ever had a dream that you put on the back-burner?You have been so busy in your everyday work or job that you barely even remember what you have been dreaming about or what you are passionate about anymore?Do you feel that all your days look the same, your weekend are the same replicas of each other? On Mondays you are already looking for the weekend so you can relax or do something with your family or friends? But the weekends do not come soon enough and they do not last long enough?Do you dread your feet every morning wishing you can stay longer in bed rather than going to work?Do you ever stop and pause for a second to ask yourself what is my role in this life?Or you know where you want to go just do not know how to get there. You believe that you do not have the resources: Emotionally, mentally, financially, socially, psychologically, skill or talent wise, education wise t take the next step?You are scared to loose what you have and you do no

  • How to get out of your comfort zone and out of your own way?

    24/03/2017 Duration: 41min you ever been stuck in a job you hated, in a place that suffocated you or in a dysfunctional relationship that you knew deep inside is not good or healthy for you?Do you keep complaining about the same things over and over like your boss, the money you make or your partner- but do not do anything about it?You know that you have great ideas and that you can be of service to others if you just can start your own business or product that many people need but find yourself glued to your place not moving?If any of these feelings or symptoms are familiar to you, you are not alone, the majority of the earth population feel that way being in their comfort zone where they convinced themselves "The devil you know..." so they stuck where they are knowing it is neither good or healthy for themWe all experience FEAR when it comes to change as it feels like a threat to us and we chose to maintain the "Status Quo" rather than pushing the l

  • Using the Power of "I AM" - Part Two

    16/03/2017 Duration: 30min

    We are what we think we are.we see the world as we are not as it is.  Who we think or believe we are is our perception on who we are, this perception is built within us since our early childhood, how we were raised, who were our parents, how we were treated when we were children, our culture, how our teachers believed in us or not etc.Then we grow up and our fundamental beliefs of ourselves unconsciously guide our lives and we become not necessarily what we are destined to be but who we think we can be. Limiting beliefs, fears, self sabotage behaviors doesn't only keep us complacent but actually hold us backThis episode touches on our own limiting beliefs, the negativity that we inherit of no fault of our ownand how simple 2 words, 3 letters can help you change your life to an amazing fulfilled life - the power of "I AM"Please join us in the podcast, or contact us at: info@reinventyourselftogreatness.comSubscribe to our website :

  • Using The Power of "I AM"

    09/03/2017 Duration: 37min

    We are what we think we are.we see the world as we are not as it is.  Who we think or believe we are is our perception on who we are, this perception is built within us since our early childhood, how we were raised, who were our parents, how we were treated when we were children, our culture, how our teachers believed in us or not etc.Then we grow uo and our fundamental beliefs of ourselves unconsciously guide our lives and we become not necessarily what we are destined to be but who we think we can be. Limiting beliefs, fears, self sabotage behaviors doesn't only keep us complacent but actually hold us backThis episode touches on our own limiting beliefs, the negativity that we inherit of no fault of our ownand how simple 2 words, 3 letters can help you change your life to an amazing fulfilled life - the power of "I AM"Please join us in the podcast, or contact us at: info@reinventyourselftogreatness.comSubscribe to our website :  

  • 7 Ways to cure your Procrastination

    02/03/2017 Duration: 28min

    Are you a chronic procrastinator?Have you ever done TO-DO lists and scheduled projects or chores but do not follow any of them?Do you delay doing things or projects for a tomorrow that might never come, just to feel worst, overwhelmed and even guilty?Do you feel you are standing in your own way of success and fulfillment not knowing what to do?Ever dreamed to start something (A business, writing a book, volunteer for a cause you love, work out, going on a diet, study a new course, finish a home project; but never did?You start with the best intentions just to keep putting things off?You are not the only one.  Procrastination is a very common problem; scientific research proved that it is not a Time Management issue it is rather a bad habit or a personal issue that stands between us and fulfilling our success and dreamsI am sure that all of us including myself go through moments if not periods of procrastination, but we do not either realize it at the time or we do not understand why we procrastinate and defin

  • 4 Main Reasons why entrepreneurs fail

    23/02/2017 Duration: 31min

    Every entrepreneur gets into business ready to conquer the world.  They put all their efforts, time, and sometimes money in their start-up.  They work and work for long hours and very hard.  Statistics show that 80% of small businesses fail.  In my experience as a Business coach what I see is that entrepreneurs get into their own heads and start suffering from tunnel vision and start building their business based on what they love, what they feel important, what they feel is a great idea just to fail in few months, a year or two ifthey can self sustain their business that longMany wonder why does that happen? Entrepreneurs feel they did their best, they had the best idea, they put their best efforts and money and still do not get anywhereIn this episode, we wil discuss 4 main reasons why entrepreneurs fail and do not achieve their goalsPlease listen to the Podcast and let me know if you have anything more to add the reasons why entrepreneurs

  • 5 Strategies to maximize your personal Productivity (Entrepreneurs)

    16/02/2017 Duration: 31min

    Maximizing personal productivity is the way to success and fulfilement.  When our energy is low or we lose our way and become foggy, nott achieving our goals or dreams we stay still, and become complacentWe start finding all the excuses in the world why things are not hapening for us, or why we are not achieving our goals we blame others and everything as reasons for us not moving forward when the real reason lies within ourselvesThe bigges reason is not having the levels of personal productivity that lead us to sucess.  In the last podcast I discussed 8 obstacles that stand between us and maximizing our productivityThis podcast is about 5 strategies on how to maximize personal productivity not omly for entrepreneurs, women entrpreneurs, start ups, and small business owners but for everyone as well includingmeI am sharing my secrets! Join me and tune in

  • 8 Obstacles between you& maximizing your personal productivity for Entrepreneurs

    09/02/2017 Duration: 29min

    Are you:A perfectionist? A procrastinator?Constantly changing priorities?Unclear about what to do next?Bugged/Distracted?Not able to handle current flow of information?Pre- occupied with what needs to be doneReactive- proactive- inactive?Are you overwhelmedThen this podcast session is for you - it is about how to maximize your personal productivity by getting deep into the roots of the obstacles that stand in your way to achieve your goals of productivityThis will be a series of podcasts abouot Personal Productivity- Stay Tuned!

  • 5 Entrepreneurs’ pitfalls to get rid of for good

    26/01/2017 Duration: 33min

    Are you stuck in a job that you do not really like? Are you living day after day dragging your feet? Do you feel you are caught in a Catch 22? Do you feel as the days go by   really fast with no results to show for them? Are your tasks taking way too long?If your answer is yes to any of these questions, then you need to reinvent your “Entrepreneurship Personal Leadership™” by getting unstuck and gaining control of your life so you can soar as an entrepreneurTune in and listen to great and solid tips to get rid these pitfalls for good

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