Freedom Within Reach



Angeline Wehmeyer delivers the best in motivation, inspiration and success tips, while showing how your freedom is always within reach.


  • Mistakes that Most Entrepreneurs Make- Day 1

    16/03/2021 Duration: 07min

    Attachment This weekend I was meditating and I was listening to this spiritual teacher who said that when we were born, we come with nothing and until we pass on, we cannot take anything with us. This idea is awakening for me because when I look back on my journey to financial freedom and building my business, I realized that one of the mistakes I made was the attachment I have to my business. Maybe it's because of the Asian culture - I've seen my mother build and run her business and she has sacrificed all her time, money, and even her health for it. Maybe I learned that from her. That awakening told me that I can build my business, grow myself, and pursue success but I should not get too attached. So many people build their businesses and think that sacrificing their everything for it is the key to success, but I realized that tomorrow isn't always guaranteed. We are here to enjoy every moment of life we have and not to imprison ourselves in the idea that we have to give our lives up to be fi

  • Your net worth is your network.

    15/03/2021 Duration: 09min

    When you truly understand the power of investing in great relationships, your whole life will transform. Many people, when it comes to investing, would say it makes sense to invest in mentorship, personal health, insurance, and the likes but would not see relationships in the same light. In one of the previous videos I posted, I mentioned that the quality of your question determines the quality of your life. Why is that? Most of the time, when we need to get something done we ask how we can make it happen. If you change that mindset and ask who can help you achieve your goals instead, you take years of work and trial and error out of the process. Years ago, I wanted to make the transition from investing in single-family homes to apartments, I spent a lot of money on a personal improvement program but after I finished the course, I couldn't get a single deal. One day, I went to the salon and met a lady who told me that she was an apartment investor. I expressed my interest in investing in apartm

  • How To Destroy Your Comfort Zone

    12/03/2021 Duration: 48min

    Our next guest on the show, Jason Sisneros is a powerful influencer and thought leader who has used his success and influence to feed millions. Jason grew up in a life of abuse at the hands of his adopted father, to living a life of a gang member, to failing at his first three business attempts,   Currently Jason owns over two-dozen businesses, has consulted for hundreds of other business owners, and has completed more than 70 turnarounds for small- to mid-cap businesses. Through the art of leadership and the science of strategy, he has become “The Architect,” building structurally sound, action and outcome-driven businesses for himself and his clients.   Join us LIVE for this EPIC interview where we will discuss The Biggest Problem With Most Businesses Today... Connect with Jason Sisneros Website Want more strategies to take your life to the next level - without all the fluff? Discover all of Angeline's best-kept secrets to success in life and business in his latest book Freedom Through Investing. C

  • Investing in your health

    12/03/2021 Duration: 17min

    Why is investing in health important in creating wealth? Health and wealth are like your left and right hands. You do not just train your muscles on one hand to be able to use them, you have to train both. That is why I keep on encouraging everybody to work on their health too, even if it is not my specialty. One of the investment strategies I love to teach people is how to use cash-value life insurance to shelter your money and assets. Many of my investors and clients love the concept of this strategy, but not all people are able to do it because of their health conditions. They do not get approved for the insurance because of their health. As embarrassing as it may be, I was one of them too. I got declined because I was underweight. Can you believe they would decline people for being underweight? Since then, I started to work on improving my health and my body. Think about this - what good will it bring if you have a 7-figure income but your health is in poor condition that you can barely enjoy

  • Why is it important to invest in mentorship?

    12/03/2021 Duration: 10min

    If you would ask me what piece of advice I would give myself, I would say to find the right mentor, be coachable, and do the work. Why is having a mentor so important? Is it worth it to spend money on having a mentor to help you take 10-20 years of trial and error out of the equation or would you rather spend those 10-20 years figuring it out on your own? I have a couple of great mentors in my life right now and without them, I wouldn't have the personal growth that I have achieved. Sometimes, there are moments we get stuck and we become unable to see through the fog around us. Our energy is all over the place and we become difficult to deal with. These moments happen to us all and the best way to get through them is to do it with a mentor. Mentors and coaches see what you cannot and they will guide you and help you move forward. The better you're feeling and the more vivid your path is, the more you are able to function and perform in your everyday life. Mentorship could cost a lot, but it is

  • Investing in your own personal financial future

    10/03/2021 Duration: 12min

    One thing I have realized being in the financial services industry is that people work for so long and they don't have any investments saved up for their future retirement. When I talk to the age group that's very close to retirement, I find it very sad that they have worked for around 40 years and still do not have enough for their retirement. This is how I realized that it is because of a few things: Nobody taught them how to invest, how to create their own financial blueprints and to follow them step by step, and the importance of being insured and protected. That is why they end up wasting a lot of time. I also talk to a lot of younger adults, those in their 20's, who are already working hard and earning their money. When I ask them what they plan to do with their money, they say they do not know either. It is good that you make money, that is step 1. Step 2, you pay yourself first. Save it and invest it in your future. You can begin with a couple of hundred dollars a month, and create your passi

  • The mindset about investing- Day-1

    08/03/2021 Duration: 16min

    Hello! It’s Angeline Wehmeyer, I am an entrepreneur’s guide to massive success. Today I would like to share with you a very important mindset about investing. Success in reality is only 80% mindset and 20% skill set. In this video I will break down exactly what it takes to become successful and how investing in your personal growth can turn your whole life around.

  • Building A Cash Flow Business: The quality of your question determines the quality of your life.

    08/03/2021 Duration: 12min

    Success is 80% mindset, 20% skillset. Let's say you already have your vehicle to achieve success and you are willing to put in the effort to improve yourself, what would be the best way to get to your goals faster? Find a coach. Last year, my husband was getting his license to fly planes. There are many ways he can achieve this - he can try to learn everything on his own and go through trial and errors or you can find someone who can help you accelerate your progress. Here's what he did - he found his vehicle which is the airplane, he enrolled in flying lessons to improve himself, and he got himself a coach who would guide him and teach him how to actually fly airplanes. It's the same thing in business and everything else in life. It is impossible to become good in every aspect of our lives. Find a good coach and mentor. I just started speaking last year - it has been a very short time since I began. I have seen a lot of people invest their time and energy to become speakers and make careers ou

  • How do you build a cash flow engine so you can fund your investments?

    08/03/2021 Duration: 13min

    When it comes to investing, I have always believed that the first step is to have a certain amount of cash flow to get started. You do not necessarily have to be rich to get started, but you have to get started to be rich. When I get consulted by people on their finances, I teach them about a lot of great investment vehicles they can use to grow their wealth. But recently, I realized that a lot of them get stuck in this one area - cash flow. I was there too. When I first came to the US, I did not have the funds to invest right away. Throughout the years, I realized that in order to have financial freedom, the only thing that would help is passive income. Many people focus on passive income but they do not realize that in order to earn passive income, you need to have a vehicle that generates active income.Unless you have a lot of cash lying around, you can invest and generate passive income immediately. However, if that isn't the case, you have to find a way to build a source of active income, whethe

  • Why You Need A Direct Sales Business In 2021

    05/03/2021 Duration: 56min

    Our next guest on the Entrepreneur Speaker Series is Alfredo Bala - who served as Chief Operating Officer of Britt Worldwide, one of the largest independent Amway network marketing organizations. While with Britt Worldwide, Alfredo’s main focus was providing motivation, training and tools for associates in the field in more than 65 countries across the globe producing more than $500 million in sales.Tune in LIVE and watch this EPIC interview with Alfredo Bala and discover Why You Need A Direct Sales Business in 2021 Connect with Alfredo Bala Website Want more strategies to take your life to the next level - without all the fluff? Discover all of Angeline's best-kept secrets to success in life and business in his latest book Freedom Through Investing. Click below for more details on the book and claim your limited time. FREE bonuses if you do decide to order. Check It out

  • 7 Steps to Create More Financial Success in Life- Day 7

    04/03/2021 Duration: 06min

    7. Consistency and Discipline As a coach in the financial services industry, I have met so many people who take their dreams to me and ask for help to make them happen. I help layout plans and keep them accountable for their actions, and while some achieve their goals within the timeline they plan, some do not. Most of the time, people who do not achieve results from their plans and actions are those who are inconsistent and are not fully committed to the process of building wealth. In 2020, I've been very thankful for COVID-19. I'm very thankful because we had no choice but to travel less. In 2020, I started working on my personal health. I started eating right, exercising, and training consistently to get myself in shape. Imagine if I signed up for my coach and I only attended when I felt like it, do you think I would create any results? No, it would be a complete waste of time. Instead, what I do is I show up every single time. I'm never late and I never reschedule. Because of that consistency,

  • 7 Steps to Create More Financial Success in Life- Day 6

    03/03/2021 Duration: 12min

    6. Apply the proven wealth principle I have seen so many people skip this step and focus on just one thing to help them build wealth. The principle is just the same thing. Let's say you want to get healthy, how do you maintain your overall health? Do you just do one thing? Do you just exercise? Or do you just eat healthily? No, you don't. It's the same thing with building wealth. It's not just about one thing - real estate, bitcoin, or stocks. It's about strategy and principle. In getting healthy, you need a complete strategy. You have to exercise, eat healthily and take care of your body. In wealth creation, many people forget the principle and I believe that there's 3 we need to remember: 1. Taxes How many of you really pay attention to taxes? Do you apply the tax principles when investing? It's not about how much money you make that matters, but how much you can keep in your bank account. Taxes are often overlooked and most of the time could cost you more. This is one of the areas I focus

  • 7 Steps to Create More Financial Success in Life- Day 5

    26/02/2021 Duration: 15min

    5. Have a diversified investment strategy Like I mentioned, I work with a lot of solo entrepreneurs and business owners and I see that the mistake that we all make is that we only focus on one thing. Maybe you're a business owner and your business is your primary source of income, or maybe you're a real estate investor and 99% of your assets are in real estate but think of this - all markets crash. Years ago, the real estate industry crashed and investors lost the millions that they invested. Today, people see the beauty of the growth of certain industries, but they mostly do not consider the crashes in the market. We become so focused on the beauty of our investments and keep on thinking that the market is always going to get back on track, but it takes time. That happens in all markets, not just in real estate. I realized that it's not one thing that's going to make you healthy. It may get you rich quickly, but it will not be sustainable. It is something you could compare to a house - there are

  • Founder Of Spiritual Gangster

    26/02/2021 Duration: 42min

    Our next guest on the Entrepreneur Speaker Series is Ian Lopatin - He is the co-founder of Spiritual Gangster. After a successful entertainment law practice in Los Angeles, Ian co-founded At One Yoga studios across Arizona, bridging traditional Eastern cultures with modern hip hop cultures to make yoga more engaging and accessible. After selling their chain of yoga studios, Ian and his wife Vanessa launched Spiritual Gangster, which has grown into a global movement of positivity.Tune in LIVE and watch this EPIC interview with Ian Lopatin Connect with Ian Lopatin Website Want more strategies to take your life to the next level - without all the fluff? Discover all of Angeline's best-kept secrets to success in life and business in his latest book Freedom Through Investing. Click below for more details on the book and claim your limited time. FREE bonuses if you do decide to order. Check It out

  • 7 Steps to Create More Financial Success in Life- Day 4

    26/02/2021 Duration: 11min

    4. Having a plan to have lifetime passive income Many of us aim to have financial freedom in our lives. We want to be able to work because we choose to and not because we want to, we want to travel, we want to do the things we love without worrying about money. In order to have true financial freedom in our life, having a plan to have a lifetime passive income is so important. I have seen the mistakes that people make - they are so focused on building their wealth and growing their income. I think this is also very important, but how do you turn your active income into passive income? Active income is the money you generate while you are working. You could have a 9-5 job, you can be a businessman, a realtor, a coach - but if you stop today, how long will your money last? Let's go back to the house-building analogy. Wealth creation is just like building a house. You don't want to just focus on one thing, which is growing your money. It is important, but not all the time. Personally, when it c

  • 7 Steps to Create More Financial Success in Life – Day 3

    25/02/2021 Duration: 13min

    3. Multiple streams of income I do not remember where I heard about it, but it definitely made sense to me especially last year because of COVID-19. I have seen so many people who lost their health and income because they only relied on one or two streams of income. If you are someone who would love to have financial security in your life, having multiple streams of income is a MUST. If you would only rely on one or two streams of income, what would happen to your family if something happens to it? I am very grateful to marry an amazing husband. He is very successful in what he does and he has been working with a company for over 20 years, but there was this one thing that kept me awake at night - what if one day my husband loses that income? What would happen to our household? There are lots of possibilities and sometimes life-changing events happen and you would be restricted to work physically. At the end of the day, a job is still a job and especially nowadays, job security can be unpredictabl

  • 7 Steps to Create More Financial Success in Life- Day 2

    25/02/2021 Duration: 02min

    2. Make sure you have a strong financial foundation Why is it so important to have the right protection plan? The mistake that I have seen many people make is that they are so focused on making money but forget about their foundation. In the previous step, I talked about how building wealth is like building a house - you have to start by having a blueprint. When you finally have a blueprint, the next step you will take is to build a foundation. Why do you need a foundation? Without a strong foundation, anything you will build will eventually collapse easily. Texas recently had a storm and a lot of people lost their homes, power, and water. Nobody expected that we would lose power, but luckily, my father-in-law had a generator. We were able to use it to have power in our home. Similar to protection plans, many people would normally think it is a ridiculous expense and they wouldn't really need it. At the moment, you may not need it, but when you do it is very important to have one. It is alwa

  • 7 Steps to Create More Financial Success in Life – Day 1

    22/02/2021 Duration: 08min

    I believe that people deserve to live life to the fullest without constantly worrying about money and that's why I am very passionate about teaching people how to invest and grow their money with this 7 step system.1. Having a well-diversified wealth blueprint Building wealth is the same thing as building a house. What is the first thing you do before you build a house? I've asked this question many times and the most common answer I get is to build the foundation. While this is true, it is not the very first step. Before you even break ground, you go to an architect and get blueprints and plans. How come when we build a house, we understand that we need a blueprint but when building wealth, we don't? This is something I did not learn from my parents or in school, it is something I just learned along the way, along with the mistakes I made. Having a blueprint is very important because of many reasons. It will give you an idea of what you really want to build, it will help you save a lot of time an

  • How To Manifest Anything In Life

    19/02/2021 Duration: 52min

    Our next guest on the Entrepreneur Speaker Series is, Merri-jo Hillaker - attorney, mindset coach, health coach, author, and sits on numerous charitable boards. This interview you don't want to MISS!Merri-Jo has been committed to interfere in as many peoples’ lives as possible by supporting them to break through their limiting beliefs they have from as early as 3 years old. This is your chance to ASK questions LIVE, and get answers directly from a powerhouse who have impacted so many life's!We are going LIVE with Streamyard. Make sure to give permission, to comment LIVE! Connect with Merri-jo Hillaker Website Want more strategies to take your life to the next level - without all the fluff? Discover all of Angeline's best-kept secrets to success in life and business in his latest book Freedom Through Investing. Click below for more details on the book and claim your limited time. FREE bonuses if you do decide to order. Check It out

  • 5 Day Gratitude Challenge – Day 5

    19/02/2021 Duration: 11min

    Life is not a destination, it is a never-ending journey. Recently, I had this awakening inside of me. I used to think that life is all about achievement - doing the best at the highest level. That was my perception of life. I'm not sure if you've seen the movie Soul, but it is a great movie and I highly recommend that you watch it. In the movie, it takes forever for her to come to the planet Earth because she couldn't find her spark. She thought that the spark is supposed to be some kind of passion, like to be an artist or a musician. Later on, she realized that life wasn't about passion for certain things - it was about passion for life itself. Growing up in an Asian family, our parents always had high standards for us. We were expected to work hard and soar in everything that we do. That was the kind of standard we had while growing up. Looking back on the past 20 years of my life, I asked myself if I was living for myself or for somebody else. I went to school, got good grades, after graduating

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