Freedom Within Reach



Angeline Wehmeyer delivers the best in motivation, inspiration and success tips, while showing how your freedom is always within reach.


  • 5 Day Gratitude Challenge – Day 4

    19/02/2021 Duration: 07min

    The challenges that we face in life. Sometimes, we get frustrated and we ask why we face the challenges that come our way. We ask why we can't do something, why we are not able, why things are happening to us. When I was younger, I only got to see my parents twice a month. I would always ask why I never see them around, why it was happening to me, and why other kids didn't have to go through the same thing. But now, I look back and I am very grateful for that experience. It helped me become very independent. It helped me grow stronger and tougher. When I came to the US, I thought I needed to get a degree to earn a lot of money, so I got a Master's Degree. After earning my Master's Degree, I had a hard time finding jobs and when I found one, I only got paid the basic salary. I got upset because I spent so much money on college but I still couldn't get the financial freedom that I desired. But I am still grateful for that, because it opened a new path for me, to become an entrepreneur and an investo

  • 5 Day Gratitude Challenge – Day 3

    19/02/2021 Duration: 08min

    Health and wealth go hand in hand with each other. Our Creator gave us such healthy bodies from when we were babies, but as we age, we kinda take it for granted. We don't really connect with our own bodies and realize how much it is giving us to perform every day. Without a body that's physically healthy, there's really not much we can do. I am in the financial industry and I may not know much about health, but I believe that health and wealth are like your left and right hands. You need them both in life. I have seen my parents, especially my mom, sacrifice her health for wealth. She worked and ignored her body. She did not exercise and eat healthy. She was able to build massive wealth - from zero to a million-dollar empire, but a couple of years ago, she was diagnosed with lung cancer. She needed to use her hard-earned wealth to repair what was damaged and while she is now cancer-free, she went back to her old self. When she recovered, she started getting busy again with meetings and phone calls

  • 5 Day Gratitude Challenge – Day 2

    19/02/2021 Duration: 08min

    The precious present moment. Yesterday, we decided we will be grateful for the small things in life like water, electricity, food, etc. Today, as we continue with Day 2 of our Gratitude Challenge, I encourage you to be grateful for the precious present moment. When was the last time you connected and you were conscious about the moment? When was the last time you enjoyed the moment and your brain wasn't thinking about yesterday or the future? Many of us carry a lot of baggage from our childhood and through life, remembering everything every single day. But the thing is, does it still even exist? This morning does not exist anymore. It's in the past along with yesterday, last week, last month, and 10 years ago. We fail to focus on the precious present moments because we remember the emotional baggage we have from our past. The precious present moment is the only moment that we have. Today, I want you to work hard to focus on the present as much as you can. Not yesterday, because that's done, and no

  • 5 Day Gratitude Challenge – Day 1

    19/02/2021 Duration: 09min

    What does wealth creation have to do with gratitude? Success is 80% mindset, 20% skillset. Let's say you're on your journey to pursue wealth, but you're going through some financial crisis. If you keep beating yourself up and live in a state of anxiety because you're stressing about money, what kind of message do you think you're sending out to the universe? Wealth is something that you attract in your life. When you live with anxiety and stress, it will take you years to achieve success. Gratitude is the antidote for stress and anxiety. Today, the first challenge is to find something that you take for granted. Something that has always been there, but you've never shown gratitude for. For example, when we take a shower, we think about different things. When was the last time you were present at the moment and felt the water? When was the last time you became grateful for having clean water to shower with? There are so many things we take for granted in life. Electricity, for example. We take i

  • Cracking The Rich Code

    12/02/2021 Duration: 01h10min

    Jim Britt is a renowned Business Coach, Best-Selling Author of numerous books and programs. Some of his many titles include Rings of Truth, Do This. Get Rich-For Entrepreneurs, Do This. Get Rich! for Network Marketers, Unleashing Your Authentic Power, The Power of Letting Go, and Cracking the Rich Code. Jim started his speaking career as a business partner with the late, great, Jim Rohn for almost 10 years, where Tony Robbins worked under his direction. Jim Britt is internationally recognized business leader who has built a fortune worth millions of dollars with multiple streams of passive income from various businesses This interview is going to be EPIC!! We’re going live using StreamYard! Before leaving a comment, please grant StreamYard permission to see your name. Click here to use Live Comments: I'm going live using StreamYard! Before leaving a comment, please grant StreamYard permission to see your name at Connect with Jim Britt Website

  • What are the TOP 3 aspects of life you need to prioritize in 2021?

    11/02/2021 Duration: 22min

    1. Health Having a healthy body and having full energy is very important. I have seen my own mother work so hard her whole life and sacrificed her health for money. She used her hard-earned money to try and buy her health back. A couple of years ago, she was diagnosed with lung cancer. She has fully recovered, but she spent over hundreds of thousands of dollars. One of my most important goals in 2021 is to have more energy and become healthier. Health is not an area that I am very passionate about. I am not a health coach, but I have no idea how to do it. I am very grateful that someone introduced me to my current trainer because I wouldn't be able to take care of my health without her. Find a coach that will keep you accountable and encourage you to work on your health. My coach is always there for me and holds me accountable, but among everything else, she has my best interests at heart. 2. Relationship Relationships with everybody are very important. In the past year, I have been very bus

  • “Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure.” – Tony Robbins

    04/02/2021 Duration: 24min

    How many of you would love to live life freely? Without constant worry about money? How many of you would love to enjoy life to the fullest, spend more time with your family, and do the things you really enjoy? My mission in life is to help people live a free life. A life that is free from constant stress. In over 11 years in the US, I always ask myself how I can have true financial freedom and just enjoy it? I ask this because after I graduated, I went right to work. I did not get to travel and enjoy the beautiful scenery in China. When I came to the US, I studied again and got busy working after graduating. I didn't really get to travel until recently. If that is also you, I highly encourage you to discover the journey of starting your own business and start becoming an entrepreneur. I am very grateful for my husband. He is very supportive. After we got married, he told me that I can be a stay-at-home mom if I did not want to work. But in the meantime, I was also concerned. I was concerned because

  • The Power of WHY

    27/01/2021 Duration: 12min

    This weekend, I was listening to Simon Sinek's Start With Why. I watched his Youtube video when he was talking about Start With Why and it is so powerful because there are so many businesses out there and we always begin with "what we do" and "how we do it", but not many begin with "why". I came from a very humble beginning. When I was growing up, I only got to see my parents twice a year. I never had a childhood around my parents and I don't even know how it's like to be in my parents' arms. It never happened because they were always in a different city to make a living. That planted seeds in my head - that money separated our family and I didn't want that to ever happen to my family. That is also why I am very grateful that I was able to come to the US and work towards my goal - which is to become financially free. To never have to worry about money, for money to never dictate whether I could do certain things. When I got to the US, I thought that in order to become successful, I had to have a degr

  • How do you win BIG in 2021?

    19/01/2021 Duration: 05min

    I attended a workshop and the speaker asked, "Are you interested in your goals even when things get tough?" You may come up with excuses but no matter what the circumstances are, you must be willing to do no matter what it takes. What is your big goal in 2021? Are you interested enough in it?99.9% of the people I meet tell me that they want to be financially secure, however, when it comes to the actual work, most of them give up during the process and are not actually committed to it. If you tell me, "Angeline, I want to become financially stable", I can tell you everything step by step and I can empower you with the knowledge, but if you do not commit to the process, you will not get anywhere. So, how do you win big in 2021?1. Make the committed decision to achieve your goals If you want to become financially secure and achieve financial stability and freedom, you must make the committed decision to achieve that no matter what happens. 2. Work smart If you are working a 9-5 job and you are wor

  • Why do you go to work every day?

    13/01/2021 Duration: 16min

    Many of you say you want financial independence and work hard for it, but have you ever wondered what that really means to you? Over the years, many of the people I've sat down with and spoken to tell me that they want to become financially independent, have financial security, and financial stability. But what does that really mean to you? When you pursue something, do you even know why you are pursuing it? A quick story about my background - when I grew up, I only saw my parents twice a year because they had to work in another town to earn money. That planted seeds in my head and I told myself, I don't ever want to worry about money. I want to be financially independent, I don't want to ever worry about money, and I certainly don't want any of my family to suffer due to financial circumstances. So when I came to the US, I thought that in order to earn a lot of money, I had to earn a degree. I went to New Jersey to get a Master's Degree in Business. When I graduated, I thought I was going to be weal

  • Life is not a destination; it is an ongoing journey.

    07/01/2021 Duration: 10min

    Over the holidays, my family and I saw a movie that really spoke to me. The story is about a music lover. He thought that when he became famous and fulfilled his dream, his life would be completely different. However, towards the end, he realized that it was still the same. That was how I lived my life. When I came to the US, I only had one goal - to have a family and become financially free. That was what drove me and I thought that my life would completely change when I reach a certain financial success. Over the years, whenever I would reach a milestone, I would move on to the next one, and that continues. I feel like I was in a rat race, constantly looking for the next one, the next achievement. This movie led me to realize that life is a journey. It is not one destination, it is a continuous journey. Because of this, I think I finally understand the meaning of life. It is living our life, pursuing our dreams, serving others, hanging out with family, and having fun, including setbacks and challen

  • Passion, Purpose, Path

    06/01/2021 Duration: 16min

    In the past 2 weeks, I went on a retreat and took time for myself and my family. Normally, when I take time for myself and my family, I spend it watching some of my favorite shows. There's this singer in China that I follow, his name is Charlie Zhou, and I would like to share his story with you today. Charlie is young, around 25 years old, and was born with a very high-pitched voice. When he was growing up, people made fun of him and he got picked on for having a female sounding voice. That had a huge impact on him, but he loved to sing. PASSION He had this passion for singing, but because he was picked on for his voice, he decided to dim his light and study dentistry instead of pursuing his dream to become a singer instead. When he was in school, he was suffering because he was not passionate about it and it was in a different language, so it was very challenging for him. After about 2 years in dental school, he realized that he was suffering so much and that he wasn't seeing the light in that ca

  • The mistakes that we need to avoid during the holidays

    28/12/2020 Duration: 11min

    How many of you are so excited about the holidays? I can sense the energy that's a little bit laid back and scattered from everybody, including myself. There's a lot of stimulation going on, so I would like to talk about the mistakes we need to avoid during this holiday season. 1. Health Many of us, during the holidays, would tell ourselves, "It's the holidays, I'm gonna eat everything I want, drink everything I want, and stop working out for now", "I would start eating healthy in 2021" and completely let go. I want you to think about last Christmas when you said the same thing to yourself and go back to how long it took for you to pick up your momentum. Momentum is very hard to build but very easy to lose, just like muscles. I am very grateful that I have an accountability coach. Here's what I did - I still work out, however, because of the holidays my mind is focused on the fun and pleasure, so I couldn't do a lot of intense workouts. I do not want to completely drop the habit, so we adjusted th

  • The Importance of Mentorship

    18/12/2020 Duration: 17min

    How many of you have had this feeling when you've had some success in your life, then you suddenly start to drip by self-sabotaging? Like when you've just started getting into a healthy routine or developed great eating habits and you fall out of it? If you go through this, you are definitely not alone. Last week, during my vacation, I still had my workout session with my trainer and she asked me how I felt because my energy was a little low. Normally, I am very positive but at that time, I felt low. All these negative thoughts started coming out and I began asking myself what the purpose of my workouts was and why I train so hard even if I'm not a professional athlete. I felt like I was losing my motivation. All of a sudden, I felt lost, and like I wanted to quit. I am very grateful that I have such a great trainer in my life. She is my health mentor. After the session, she texted me and sent me a picture of a quote that says, "Whenever you feel like quitting, think about why you got started." Then she

  • The Abundant Life

    10/12/2020 Duration: 13min

    How many of you would love to live the life of abundance - to go on vacation with your family and not worry about paying bills, work, or money; to just enjoy yourself and enjoy life? Everything that you desire is absolutely possible. I can be a good example of that. I'm currently working on a book with Jim Bridge and Kevin Harrington called Cracking The Rich Code. When I was writing my chapter, I reflected on my life from when I was about 5 years old until I grew up and got to the US and I couldn't help but cry. The memories came back like I was living it again. When I was 5 years old, my mom had no choice but to leave me with a relative so she could go to another city and make a living. I still remember growing up all over the place - in a barbershop, sleeping behind the curtain while parents are working out front, sometimes having to go to relatives to eat, sometimes needing to stay with other people, and getting to see my parents only twice a year. I remembered working so hard in China, working

  • What is your vision for 2021?

    07/12/2020 Duration: 26min

    You must be thinking, "Angeline, we're still in 2020, why are you talking about 2021 already?" - yes, because when the New Year comes, it will be too late already. Today, I am giving you an advantage while everybody else is still living in 2020, let's talk about your vision for 2021. Do you ever feel lost and ask yourself, "What is my purpose?" Have you ever felt confused, depressed, and had such a foggy and noisy mind that you can't think straight? If your answer is yes, I can totally relate to you because that happens to me too. I sometimes feel lost and ask myself what I am doing and why I am doing it - especially during busy days when there are many projects on the table and they create a lot of stress. When we get lost, we lose sight of our vision and we need to talk about it to bring us back on track. I realized that it depends on your vision - what your vision is and how you define vision itself. Your vision could be your goals and dreams, but your vision should also be whom you want to be and

  • 5 Deadly Mistakes

    27/11/2020 Duration: 19min

    5 Deadly Mistakes that keep people from creating massive financial success in their lives 1. Instant Gratification I have seen so many people that keep on chasing after shiny objects. For example - the stock market, bitcoins, what is new, and what is popular. When people jump into ventures like these with the Instant Gratification mindset, sometimes they win and sometimes they don't. We live in a fast-paced society and you can compare it to drive-thrus. People buy food from drive-thru restaurants to get it instantly, but the majority of the food that is available in drive-thrus is not healthy. For the healthy ones, you need to take time and wait for them to be prepared. You cannot rush success. In order to create wealth, you need to shift your mentality towards Delayed Gratification instead. What that means is that you take time to find the right vehicle that you will invest your money in while looking at the long term benefits, and not the short term returns. There's nothing wrong with short term r

  • I’ve got some exciting news.

    19/11/2020 Duration: 57s

    Good Morning! Happy Thursday, I’ve got some exciting news. Registration Link: Https://

  • Recent breakthrough and awakening from within

    04/11/2020 Duration: 11min

    Today, I'd like to share with you my recent breakthrough and awakening from within. I feel like it is very important that I share it with you and I hope that it can add value to you.Every single day, we are so busy. We are busy going to work and building our businesses, but when was the last time that you paused and really asked yourself what you are trying to create in life? Why do we do what we do? What do we really want? Is it something that we really want for ourselves or is it something that our bosses, parents, or society wants from us?I recently attended this workshop about pursuing success and the instructor asked - "Everybody is always pursuing success, everybody is so driven to make money and become successful, but have you ever wondered from what state you are pursuing success? Are you pursuing success from the inner state of stress or do you want to make more money or is it because you want to prove your parents or other people that you are worthy? Is it from that kind of state of being, or is it

  • The Mind Is A Powerful Tool For Creating Wealth

    10/09/2020 Duration: 01h14min

    My next guest is Sophia J Stavron, an intuitive coach and advisor, international speaker, #1 bestselling author, an executive producer of multiple Emmy and Telly award-winning films and music producer. I will interview her about how to EMBRACE THE LIFE YOU WERE MEANT TO LIVE!#BONUS! I’ll raffle a give-away LIVE during the show! This is priceless!I am going live using StreamYard! Before leaving a comment, please grant StreamYard permission to see your name at Connect with Sophia J Stavron Website Want more strategies to take your life to the next level - without all the fluff? Discover all of Angeline's best-kept secrets to success in life and business in his latest book Freedom Through Investing. Click below for more details on the book and claim your limited time. FREE bonuses if you do decide to order. Check It out

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