A tragedy by William Shakespeare, one of several plays written by Shakespeare based on true events from Roman history. The play opens with the commoners of Rome celebrating...
Gerard Roylake, returned from Germany on the death of his father to take up his inheritance at Trimley Deen, stays with his stepmother, who is keen to introduce him to local...
The play begins with the funeral of Henry V, who has died unexpectedly in his prime. As his brothers, the Dukes of Bedford and Gloucester, and his uncle, the Duke of Exeter,...
Strepsiades complains to the audience that he is too worried about household debts to get any sleep – his aristocratic wife has encouraged their son's expensive interest in...
In Shakespeare plays the tragic and the comic often fade into each other turning into harmonious blending of these two elements. Shakespeare takes a special delight in employment...
The play begins with the god Poseidon lamenting the fall of Troy. He is joined by the goddess Athena, who is incensed by the Greek’s exoneration of Ajax the Lesser’s actions...
Oedipus enters the village of Colonus and sits down on a stone. They are approached by a villager, who demands that they leave, because that ground is sacred to the Furies, or...
Medea is centered on a wife’s calculated desire for revenge against her unfaithful husband. The play is set in Corinth some time after Jason's quest for the Golden Fleece, where...
Mary Cholmondeley was born at Hodnet near Market Drayton in Shropshire, the third of eight children of Rev Richard Hugh Cholmondeley (1827–1910) and his wife Emily Beaumont...
A successful entrepreneur Stockmann, a popular citizen of a small coastal town turned into a villain as he discovers that the town's source of pride and income is contaminated....