
Orthodoxy by G. K. Chesterton. Of the numerous works that Chesterton wrote, the most scintillating synthesis of his philosophy and deeply religious faith was manifested in his...

Kierkegaard: A Single Life

Søren Kierkegaard is a writer, thinker, and historical figure of international renown and name recognition, yet fiendishly complicated. This book highlights the interesting and...

Moral Choices: Audio Lectures: An Introduction To Ethics

With its unique union of theory and application, Moral Choices Video Lectures and its accompanying textbook set the standard for college-level study of ethics.Moral Choices Video...

Doing The Right Thing: Making Moral Choices In A World Full Of Options

Ethicist Scott B. Rae expands on Charles Colson’s Doing the Right Thing video-based study with a hard-hitting book that diagnoses society’s ethical failures in plain language...

The Hope Of The Gospel - The Great Sermons Of The George Macdonald

The Hope of the Gospel is one great selection of the more importants sermons of the George Macdonald.George Macdonald's literature inspired authors such as CS Lewis and others...

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