Hardy's finest novel, written in most lyrical and atmospheric language. Set in the semi-fictional county of Wessex, the story follows life of a young woman who struggles to find...
The novel describes the life of a young man living through the revolution of 1848 and the founding of the Second French Empire, and his love for an older woman. Flaubert based...
The Sea-Wolf is a 1904 psychological adventure novel by American novelist Jack London. The book's protagonist, Humphrey van Weyden, is a literary critic who is a survivor of...
Jacob's Room is the third novel by Virginia Woolf, first published on 26 October 1922. The novel centres, in a very ambiguous way, around the life story of the protagonist...
How to describe the Great Ski-Lift?A colossal and audacious high-altitude defying network. A system formed by ski-lifts and cable-ways linking an infinite number of possible lines...
Catherine Morland, aged seventeen, is addicted to reading Gothic novels. She joins her wealthier neighbours on a trip to Bath to partake in the winter season of balls, and finds...
East Lynne is an English sensation novel of 1861 by Ellen Wood. A Victorian bestseller, it is remembered chiefly for its elaborate and implausible plot,...
The novel describes the life of a young man living through the revolution of 1848 and the founding of the Second French Empire, and his love for an older woman. Flaubert based...
The novel is set in the fictional Central European country of Evallonia in the early 1930s. It concerns the involvement of some Scottish visitors in the overthrow of a corrupt...
The story of a man in search of happiness.Marco Grassi, a successful manager, loved and respected by friends and colleagues, about to be married to a very beautiful woman and very...