Lois Peters is home again, and no one is more excited about her return than her young friend Harley Winters. Lois brings back with her the idea and excitement of forming a...
The first collection of short stories from the Christian writer Dmitri Dobrovolski immerses the reader into the wonderful world of God's miracles! The collection includes new...
Disillusioned with her circle of friends, beautiful Marigold Brooke plans a trip to Washington, D.C., to give herself time to think. Having strayed from her childhood beliefs,...
Wealthy, spoiled Tasha Endicott likes to have fun, and nothing is going to make her miss the party at her friend’s magnificent country estate. But the blizzard that rages...
Longing for the warmth and love she had known growing up with her Aunt Hannah, Celia Murray vowed to make the best of the dreary Philadelphia boarding house that was her new...
Kerry’s beloved father was dead, and his precious manuscript, his life’s work, was in her keeping. But could Kerry overcome all that stood between her and delivering...
Tales of the Seer is a collection of the best stories published by the seer. The objective is to gather in a text the necessary help for a life analysis and positive replacement...
When she meets her grandmother and family for the first time, Sheila Ainslee is loved and cared for like never before. So she is totally unprepared for her spiteful and vindictive...
"I broke the fourth law of Kanaloa. I made physical contact with a human."Running from her past, a jazz singer finds refuge on the Hawaiian paradise of Pearl Harbor. But her life...
When Madelina Winston, a beautiful American heiress, arrives in England, she has at first only one thought on her mind, to try and trace her late father’s English family. Her...