After a chance meeting between a European DJ and an elite Arabic businessman at an airport, the narrative unfolds as we discover that all is not what it seems... The story...
'Indie Survival' is informative, entertaining and a pleasure to read. This audioook(also available as a beautifully formatted eBook) is a new acclaimed handbook for independent...
There is much of human history which we don’t know due to lost records, the oceans covering our ancestor’s cities, natural disasters, and reasons we don’t know.There are...
We are all taught in grammar school that the Solar System consists of nine planets (although Pluto’s status has changed) and some moons. Maybe the Asteroid Belt is mentioned...
“A smart, powerful & necessary read.” - Steven Pressfield, The War of Art, on the Bite-Sized Entrepreneur/Bring Your Worth series.Build From Now: Deluxe Edition includes the...
This is an imaginary drama in verse in which US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas pleads with President George Bush Jr to be allowed to chronicle the glorious presidency of...
Independent artists all over the world are trooping into the entertainment industry to find a spot for themselves. This is because the entertainment industry has proven to be very...
'Yes I'm fine, just tired', is a first person account of how Tom went from being a teenager, disabled by Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, panic attacks and anxiety, to an adult...
The Devil’s Dance transcends categories. It is an exciting, original story, full of menace and very moving. The story is told in turn by two teenagers, Jake and Samuel. It...
Take Control of Your Anxiety Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: The Anxiety Toolkit and The Stress-Proof BrainIf you remain stressed out too often or you feel anger without reasons then, you...