The Innovator's Dilemma. Warum Etablierte Unternehmen Den Wettbewerb Um Bahnbrechende Innovationen Verlieren

Der New York Times Bestseller, der in über zehn Sprachen übersetzt wurde!Das wegweisende Werk „The Innovator’s Dilemma“ zählt heute zu den wichtigsten Managementbüchern...

The English Language. Audio Series - English Tree Self-teacher

Introducing the English solution, you have been waiting for: “The English language. Audio Series - English Tree Self-Teacher.” An audiobook that teaches English by combining...

Denke Nach Und Werde Reich: Die Gesetze Von Erfolg. Eine Seltene Sammlung Der Besten Artikel Von Napoleon Hill

Wer wünscht sich nicht, zu Wohlstand und Reichtum zu gelangen?Napoleon Hill, der seit vielen Jahrzehnten zu den größten Autoren im Bereich des positiven Denkens zählt, lüftet...

Armut Verstehen. Eine Kognitive Annäherung

Ein bahnbrechender Bestseller. Weltweit mehr als 1,8 Millionen verkaufte Exemplare.Menschen in Armut sehen sich Herausforderungen gegenüber, die den Menschen der Mittelschicht...

Tomorrowland: Our Journey From Science Fiction To Science Fact

New York Times, Wired, Atlantic Monthly, Discover bestselling author Steven Kotler has written extensively about those pivotal moments when science fiction became science...

Fitness: Secret Techniques Of Special Services [russian Edition]

The supermethodics, which the special services train, are now available to everyone!It seems to us that special services know a special secret, thanks to which from any newcomer...

Habits Of The Poor: You Will Never Become Rich If ... [russian Edition]

The world is divided into the poor and the rich. And for the most part, poor people dream of becoming rich.Do you want this? Only, unfortunately, this will not happen, if we do...

The Road To Financial Freedom - Earn Your First Million In Seven Years: What Rich People Do And Poor People Do Not To Become Rich [russian Edition]

Number-one worldwide best seller Bodo Schafer suggests tips to help make you as successful as he and many others have been by showing you the road to financial freedom.For many...

Rules Of The Rich: It's Much Easier Than You Thought [russian Edition]

Tired of living from paycheck to paycheck? Then, perhaps, it's time to change something in your relations with personal finances?"No, saving and investing is too difficult," you...

Black Rhetoric [russian Edition]: Unfair Methods Of Conducting Discussions

Black rhetoric is a proven way to achieve your own goals in any situation! Black rhetoric is inexhaustible and does not recognize borders. The desire not to miss the goal is the...

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