Cameron Adair Podcast

Cameron Adair talks to artists about art and life.

Advaita Vedanta For Ordinary People

A modern and easy to understand introduction into the underlying principles of Yoga philosophy and Advaita Vedanta.Advaita Vedanta is one of the four Yoga Paths, the yoga of...

Mandukya Karika | Advaita Or Nonduality

Swami Tattwamayanandas exposition of the Mandukya Upanishad with Karika was given at the Vedanta Society of Northern California, San Francisco (founded by Swami Vivekananda in...

Adwa: Creative Technologist

A diary of the I.T. and tech life of Adrian Walsh, taking you on a journey of creativity, simplicity and general wackiness. You will learn fascinating new aspects of I.T. and...

America Adapts - The Climate Change Podcast

A changing climate presents humanity with only one option: adapt. On the America Adapts podcast, we explore the challenges presented by adapting to climate change, the national...

Adat Hallel Messianic Congregation

Adat Hallel Messianic Congregation

Adat Hatikvah Messianic Sermons

ADAT HATIKVAH is a Messianic Synagouge that celebrates Yeshua the Messiah and the Judaism he represents. Adat is a part of Messianic Judaism, a congregational, restoration...

Adapt 2030 | Mini Ice Age Conversations

ADAPT 2030 Mini Ice Age Conversations covers changes in our climate due to a new Grand Solar Minimum beginning and the media overlooking, downplaying or burying cold weather...

How To Protect Yourself From Adware And Spyware

What is spyware? What is adware? You’ve probably heard of them because everyone that gets online is either bombarded with information about the products that can help to...

Uncharted Leadership: 20 Case Studies To Help Ministry Leaders Adapt To Uncertainty

Read by the author.Ministry is complicated, and every leadership challenge is unique. How can you lead effectively when there isn't a clear path forward?Real life ministry is...

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