Democracy In America By Alexis De Tocqueville

Arguably, one of the most influential and insightful pieces of work concerned with American political life, Democracy in America directs itself towards American politics and...

Democracy in America Vol. I by TOCQUEVILLE, Alexis de

When Tocqueville visited America in the 1830s he found a thriving democracy of a kind he had not seen anywhere else. Many of his insightful observations American society and...

Do Interesse À Paixão Na Política: Uma Trajetória Filosófica De Alexis De Tocqueville

O livro Do interesse à paixão na política lança um novo olhar sobre o pensamento de Alexis de Tocqueville ao realizar uma leitura filosófica do seu pensamento, considerando o...

Autocrítica Aristocrática: Conceito De Souveraineté Du Peuple Em Alexis De Tocqueville

O processo de formação do Estado moderno é fenômeno que se desenvolve durante a longa transição do Antigo Regime à Modernidade. Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859) apresenta...


Stuff I am sharing to my womens circle that I am learning on my journey of awakening

Ify Alexis

Ify Alexis is a lover and teacher of the word of God. She's a mentor and leader passionate about seeing souls saved, discipled and liberated in Christ. This podcast is centred...

Alexis De Todo

Yo Hablando de varias cosas y otros podcasts

Conversations With Alexis

Conversations with Alexis is a Podcast dedicated to challenging, motivating and encouraging our listening audience. Have you ever had a really great conversation that changed the...

Jason & Alexis

Jason Matheson grew up on television, and his love for 80s soap Dallas and Disney World just may rival that for his husband and two dogs. His crafty counterpart Alexis Thompson...

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