Doctor Dolittle’s Return

The Dolittle household have been anxiously hoping for a year for the Doctor to return from the Moon, and it seems he will never come. What excitement when he does finally arrive,...

Madame Storey Intervenes

Collection of novelettes: “Madame Storey Intervenes”, “Putting Crime Over”, “The Handsome Young Men”, “The Casual Murderer”,...

A Corner Of Destiny

Carefree Pemberton Halsey meets Rosalie Wright when he bumps into her… literally! Feeling responsible for injuries she suffered from the accident, Pemberton tries to make...

The Nest Of The Sparrowhawk

Set in puritan Kent in 1657, the story focuses on the intrigues of Sir Marmaduke de Chevasse “as stiff a Roundhead as ever upheld my Lord Protector and his Puritanic...

A Bride Of The Plains

The story is set in Hungary and the scene is laid in a village close to the Maros.On this particular fourteenth of September it is Andor’s turn to go unwillingly into the...

Doctor Dolittle's Circus

Doctor Dolittle’s Circus is the fourth of Hugh Lofting’s Doctor Dolittle series.In Doctor Dolittle’s Circus the doctor needs money to pay off a voyage to Africa,...

Under Fire

Based on his own experience of the Great War, Henri Barbusse’s novel is a powerful account of one of the greatest horrors mankind has inflicted on itself.For the group of...


George Horton was handsome and wealthy, and he had all but swept lovely Amorelle Dean off her feet with his unexpected marriage proposal. Amorelle accepted, but as time passed she...

The Emperor’s Candlesticks

The Emperor’s Candlesticks was first published in 1899, shortly after the author had given birth to her only son. Orczy was the aristocratic daughter of a Hungarian composer...

Lord Tony's Wife

Lord Antony Dewhurst is ‘a splendid fellow — a fine sportsman, a loyal gentleman.’ The young gallant is also Percy’s close friend and a lieutenant in the...

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