Ask Dr. Cat

Dr. Cat wants you to call in and tell him what's really on your mind. Get it off of your chest. Let's put it away for good. Call in with your questions and Dr. Cat , his...

Dr. Laurie Betito

Need a little Passion in your love life? Dr. Laurie Betito takes your intimate calls about love, sex and relationships, weeknights at 10:00pm on PASSION.Dr. Laurie is a...

Dr. Ross Greene

Dr. Ross Greene, originator of the Collaborative Problem Solving approach (now called Collaborative & Proactive Solutions) and author of The Explosive Child, provides guidance to...

Dr. Larry Arbeitman

Dr. Larry Arbeitman, founder of Upper Cervical Chiropractic of Monmouth talks about the keys to obtaining the healthiest version of yourself.

Dr. Jim Richards

Podcast by ImpactMinistries

Dr. Geneva Speaks

Insights into heads & hearts of leaders through personal stories of success and struggle to inspire others to make a difference in the world.

Dr. Shawn A. Ward

Join us for the rescued church freedom experience

Dr. Friedemann Schaub

Empowerment Radio:  Breakthrough Solutions for Confident Living with Dr. Friedemann   Every 1st & 3rd Wednesday at 11AM PT / 2PM ET.    Time to Move Beyond...

Dr. C Radio

Dr. C Radio is the official podcast of The Old Fashioned Goodtime Wakeup Show, the award-winning voice of morning radio at Western Kentucky University.For more, check out The Old...

Dr. Dave Podcast

Practical brain science for helping kids grow brighter, healthier, happier.

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