Festina lente: make haste slowly

Not all hurry leads to hastiness. Not all slowness is synonymous with tardiness. Because of all the hustle and bustle, sometimes we pass through life without even looking it in...

Fred Solis Blogs

Podcast by Fred Solis Blogs

Whotininnies - Fred Entertainment

Join Ken Plume and Glen Oliver as they take you on a journey beyond geekiness and nerdiness - Well, they pretty much just nerd out geekily and have a bit of a chat about Doctor...

Van Chat

Listen, Comment & Join In

Van Sessions

LIVE acoustic sets in a van down by the railroad tracks. #VanSessions is a podcast recorded during Ogden's First Friday Art Stroll in association with Ogden City Arts. Produced by...

Van Storck

EDM, Musica Eletronica, House.

Van Rox

Life experiences & ideas to stimulate & educate on wide spectrum of topics : Parkinsons to bitcoin to exercise to cargo bikes ...,

Fred Reese's Podcast

Lessons presenting biblical principals that present an image of a biblical based marriage. Marriage was God's idea from the beginning. From these studies, viewers will gain...

Nem Fred Explica

Fred é um psicólogo de 29 anos, que vive atormentado pelos pesadelos e lembranças de quando seus pais morreram em um acidente de carro, dez anos antes. Ele divide um...

Lucky & Fred

Der Podcast mit Heinser und Küppersbusch.

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