B. J. Harrison Reads The Island Of Doctor Moreau 

B. J. Harrison reads a classic science fiction novel from the late 19th century. In "The Island of Doctor Moreau", a man is rescued from death after a shipwreck, only to face...

War Of The Worlds

This classic, early 19th century science fiction masterpiece serves as both a wonderful period presentation of the time as well as a cautionary tale. Called by many a "chilling...

Experiment In Autobiography - Discoveries And Conclusions Of A Very Ordinary Brain (since 1866)

Today, H. G. Wells is perhaps best remembered for his contributions to the science fiction genre thanks to such novels as “The Time Machine” (1895), “The...

Under The Knife

What if I die under it? The thought recurred again and again, as I walked home from Haddon’s. It was a purely personal question. I was spared the deep anxieties of a married...

The Empire Of The Ants

When Captain Gerilleau received instructions to take his new gunboat, the Benjamin Constant, to Badama on the Batemo arm of the Guaramadema and there assist the inhabitants...

The Triumphs Of A Taxidermist

Here are some of the secrets of taxidermy. They were told me by the taxidermist in a mood of elation. He told me them in the time between the first glass of whisky and the fourth,...

The Moth

Probably you have heard of Hapley—not W. T. Hapley, the son, but the celebrated Hapley, the Hapley of Periplaneta Hapliia, Hapley the entomologist. If so you know at least of...

The Truth About Pyecraft

I made the acquaintance of Pyecraft in this very smoking-room. I was a young, nervous new member, and he saw it. I was sitting all alone, wishing I knew more of the members, and...

The Purple Pileus

He was a pale-faced little man, with dark eyes and a fine and very black moustache. He had a very stiff, upright collar slightly frayed, that gave him an illusory double chin, and...

The Flying Man

Here am I, come four hundred miles out of my way to get what is left of the folk-lore of these people, before they are utterly demoralised by missionaries and the military, and...

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