Open The Yates

Podcast by Open The Yates

Kevin Yates-the Empowerment Principles

The EMPOWERMENT Principles is a show about breaking the boundaries of fear, negative thinking and self-limiting beliefs so you can re-invent yourself and live life by your own...

Talk Stew With Reggie Yates

Welcome to Talk Stew, the show that sees Reggie Yates hanging out with friends old and new, chatting about anything and everything. So pull up a chair, make yourself comfortable...

I.T. Kit

Tech and more tech

Tapping Into The Good Life -bruner&yates

EFT Experts Pamela Bruner and Brad Yates guide listeners through information and tapping rounds to release internal blocks to their best life possible.This Podcast was created...

Kit And Frank

Kit and Frank are a couple, who co-host the Kit and Frank Radio Talk Show and write entertaining books about life's issues.

Stuff Kit Says...

Just stuff I don't feel like typing to put on my blog.

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