Martín-baró & Klaus Holzkamp: Um Encontro Necessário Para A Psicologia

Diante do desenvolvimento histórico da luta de classes no bojo da sociedade capitalista, a ciência psicológica, tradicionalmente, cumpriu um papel de justificar as...

Teoria Do Direito Contemporânea: Uma Análise Das Teorias Jurídicas De Robert Alexy, Ronald Dworkin, Jürgen Habermas, Klaus Günther E Robert Brandom

A obra pode ser lida tanto por profissionais do Direito, como por Mestrandos e Doutorandos, além dos estudantes do curso de Direito em seus primeiros anos. Inicia-se com um breve...

Menschen Der Stauferzeit (ungekürzt)

Welche Persönlichkeiten prägten die Zeit der Staufer neben legendenumrankten Kaisern und Königen? Wer waren die Menschen, die der Epoche ihr Gesicht gaben? Und auf welche Weise...

Luther, Calvin, Melanchton (ungekürzt)

Mit Martin Luther, Johannes Calvin und Philipp Melanchthon werden in diesem Hörbuch drei der wichtigsten Reformatoren anhand ihrer zentralen Schriften porträtiert. Die...

Busted Zipper Podcasts

Comedy, gaming, comic books, wrestling, horror and more. Podcasts and reviews here. Video content at

Klat Strops

Opinion based sports talk, featuring terriblly bias opinions and vulgar unseen gestures.

Klam Radio

KLAM 109.5 is a local desert radio station broadcasting out of the Fabulous Dry Arroyo Casino in beautiful San Ranchito, California. In May 2015, KLAM was be made available for...

Klauss Goulart

General inquires - info@klaussgoulart.comKlauss Goulart is leading the way for trance in Brazil and the Sao Paulo based DJ/producer is a valued member of the South American trance...

Klao Bible

The Klao Audio Drama New Testament (BSL) is a unique presentation of the Audio Bible with approximately 180 different characters and a digitally recorded sound track with full...

Cartoon Dog Zipper T.v

Animation/Entertainment Studio3 Enjoy the Animation Dog Zipper stickers or pillows & Coffie Mug cup's! Stickers $5.00! Pillows $15.00! Coffie Mug's $5.00 Each! T-Shirts $5.00...

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