Language Happy Hour

Have you ever taken a language class? Have you taken a language class that teaches you how to say "I want to work at the United Nations" before "can you pass me the salt?" We're...

Language Fuel Podcast

This podcast is designed to inspire language teaching and learning. Tune in for book reviews, interviews with inspiring teachers, best practice ideas, linguistic facts, musings on...

DNM Language versions

Welcome to The Museum of National History at Frederiksborg Castle, Denmark. Audio guides in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Danish, Russian, and Japanese. The...

Worldwideliving - Romanian Language

I decided to learn romanian and welcome you to join in. Romania is member of the EU since 2007 - Welcome again! To be European means live European... learn languages!

Commint Languages Podcast

Helping you learn REAL American English With a Native Speaker

Your Language Adventure

This podcast is brought to you by where you can learn languages from the best podcasts on the web. LingQ founder, Steve Kaufmann, explains how important your attitude...

Body Language Mastery

Body language is another form of subtle communication often practiced consciously or unconsciously. This “language” is fast gaining the interest of many people. Body language...

Thought And Language

A rigorous examination of the relationship between language and thought, with special attention paid to the work of Ludwig Wittgenstein and Jerry Fodor.

Nlp & Body Language

SPEED READ PEOPLE, MASTER BODY LANGUAGE, AND DETECT LIESIs it possible to analyze people without them saying a word? Yes, it is.Imagine you going to a party, business meeting, or...

Speaking Of Language

From the Language Resource Center at Cornell University

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