Betta Fish: Learn All About Betta Fish

Betta Fish (Siamese Fighting Fish / Betta Splendens) are one of the most popular fish in the aquarium hobby.Unfortunately, this is taken advantage of by the pet fish industry....


Lexandro - . , . . 2014 - , . , Progressive, Electro, Dutch House, . , , .

10 Minute Tudors: Leanda De Lisle

Best selling historian Leanda de Lisle uncovers the Tudors and Stuarts behind the myths.

Brasil Multicor: Poemas

Quais são as cores do Brasil?Quais são as cores do seu Brasil?A poesia contida neste livro tende a fazê-lo viajar através dessas cores. É um convite a sentir, através do...

Hero and Leander (version 2) by MARLOWE, Christopher

Two young people, the epitome of young masculine and feminine beauty, fall in love at first sight, but their union is forbidden by the tyranny of their guardians and of geography...

Sustainability Of Skipjack Tuna Fishery In Brazil

Sustainability of Skipjack tuna fishing in Brazil is the result of a research carried out by FUNBIO / RJ together with several researchers and professionals for the Marine and...

Maldita Montero

Comentarios incisivos y mordaces, en los que la escritora Mayra Montero hará todo lo posible por ganarse la maldición de alguno de los aludidos. El pulso de la semana, en clave...


Jack renegó de las mujeres… hasta que conoció a Anna.Él se mudó a Alaska para tener paz y tranquilidad, sin embargo, la tentación lo...

The Bolsa Família Case: A Road To The Unconditional Basic Income

The theory of the Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) has been debated for centuries. However, one of the major obstacles to the implementation of the UBI is lack of empirical...

Resync Your Life: 28 Days To A Stronger, Leaner, Smarter, Happier You

Named “#1 Fitness Trainer in the World” four times in a row, health and fitness expert Samir Becic motivates readers to become a stronger, leaner, smarter, and happier version...

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