Martyn, O Detetive

Martyn é um garoto de quase 15 anos que mora somente com a mãe, Luciele, e seu bichinho de estimação, Sherlock Hamster. Junto de seu inseparável e dramático amigo Kleber,...

Martyn Lloyd-jones Sermon Podcast

Martyn Lloyd-Jones was a Welsh Protestant minister, preacher and medical doctor who was influential in the Reformed wing of the British evangelical movement in the 20th century.

Real Food Reads

At Real Food Media, we believe books have power. When it comes to food, we believe books are key to understanding whats broken in our food system and how to fix it. We also...

Anthony Trent, Master Criminal by MARTYN, Wyndham

In 1918, Anthony Trent, a well-educated young man in his late twenties, lives an unsatisfactory life in a New York boarding house. He writes successful crime fiction stories, but...

Ready Steady Read

A celtic approach to book reviews and discussions with Scotland's Chris Kane and Ireland's James Lavery.

We Read, You Read Podcast

A not-every-week weekly podcast in which a kid and a kid and a dad talk about the best books they read in the last week (or so).

Good Reads Mad Reads Radio

The Good Reads Mad Reads Radio Podcast is all about connecting avid readers and writers to content that will change the way they look at books. Its for those that want the inside...

Read A Book

Many of us would benefit by choosing to slow down, shut up, and READ A BOOK. Each week, Sean Little will break down select chapters of that months book.

Close Reads

From the CiRCE Institute, Close Reads is a book-club podcast with Angelina Stanford, Tim McIntosh, and David Kern. We read Great Books and talk about them. Past discussions have...

Table Reads

Some jerks read screenplays that never made it to the big screen. Some of these screenplays were works by these two and some are professional works that just never made it. The...

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