Melissa David

Podcast by Melissa David

Melissa Show!

Join Melissa Villaseñor for laughs, wacky thoughts/voices, maybe some singing, definitely some self reflection... Anything goes.


Depression, anxiety, suicide, sexual assault, PTSD, domestic violence and other mental illness. An open discussion through my journey and tips and education to help others that...


Social influernser

Einfach Schroeder! | Radioeins

Die Liste seiner Erfolge ist lang, die seiner Opfer unverschämt länger. Florian Schroeder zeichnet sich durch eine erfreuliche Respektlosigkeit aus. Mit Freude zückt er sein...

Schroeder Und Verch

Podcast by schroederundverch

Siberian Odyssey Of Hans Schroeder

This is the true story of Hans Schroeder, a young German mesmerized by the Hitler Youth aura who finds himself with a SS Panzer division on the Russian front where he is captured...

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