Eu Sou Um Gato

Ao aparecer num terreno baldio, "sombrio, úmido e pegajoso", o gato, narrador deste romance, depois de passar por algumas poucas adversidades, acaba parando numa casa onde é...


Se em seu bem-sucedido livro de estreia, Eu sou um gato (1905), Natsume Soseki satirizou a condição humana pelo olhar de um bichano sagaz, neste Botchan, publicado apenas um ano...

El Gorrión De Java

Una colección de historias delicadas, meditativas y casi zen que nos transporta a la misma paz interior de su autor. Natsume Sōseki nos presenta una mirada a la cotidianidad de...

Sogeti Podcasts

Sogeti's experts share their experiences, best practice ideas and current market trends with our listeners.


Ralph Waldo Emerson was born on 25 of May 1803 in Boston and was a famous writer, American philosopher and poet.Nature was published in 1836 and is considered one of the most...

Sose 3306

Why I know teaching is right for me.

The Nature Of Human Nature

In this episode of the podcast, Sam Harris speaks with Robert Plomin about the role that DNA plays in determining who we are. They discuss the birth of behavioral genetics, the...

Wtf Nature!?

2 best friends explore the animal kingdom and tell you about the bizarre, hilarious, & terrifying creatures they find

Youthful Nature

Youthful Nature is a series of talkcasts about young people, or the young at heart, and their joyful experiences with the natural world including: birding, hiking, star gazing,...

Nature Connections

Empowering you to be the best you can be using Flower and Vibrational Medicine

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