5 Minute Phd

Breaking down awesomely nerdy PhD research into 5 minute brain snacks.

Hello Phd

A podcast for scientists, and the people who love them.

Assim Falava Dona Judith

A obra intimista "Assim falava Dona Judith" é um livro de memórias escrito por uma filha que muito observava a rotina, comportamento e linguagem da sua mãe. Relatar cada...

Deuce Plays With Bart Hanson

Take a break from the tournament trail and tune into DeucesCracked Podcasts with Los Angeles-based cash player Bart Hanson. He'll take you inside the highs -and lows- of what it's...

Business Innovators With Wendy Hanson

What makes one business fail and another soar? Find out by tuning into Business Innovators hosted by Executive Coach and Award Winning Author.

PhD Career Guide PODCAST

Interviews with career insiders to help graduate students and PhDs discover and explore their career options. Guests provide actionable career advice for PhD students of all...

Phds At Work Podcast

A Professional Network for PhDs across Industries

Your Soul's Plan With Roger Hanson

By tuning into the unique sound vibration of one's birth name, Spiritual Teacher Roger Hanson is able to understand an individual's Soul Plan for this lifetime. As listeners call...

Being Well With Dr. Rick Hanson

Welcome to Being Well with bestselling author Dr. Rick Hanson! On this podcast well learn how to increase our everyday happiness, build inner strengths, and get the most out of...

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