Good Shepherd Church

Podcast by Good Shepherd Church

Shepherd Thoughts Podcast

The Shepherd Thoughts Podcast is an audio resource for Christians that encourages biblical thinking for biblical living as you follow the Lord Jesus Christ, your Good Shepherd....

Good Shepherd Sermons

Sermons preached at Church of the Good Shepherd, Maitland, Florida

Laura Shepherd Show

Somethings gonna happen - and it could be Good is brought to you by Laura Shepherd. You will hear lives performances, uplifting news, feel good information and the positive things...

Madison Belle Shepherds

About German Shepherd Health Training and much more info

John On John

Two guys named John who both live in Hamtramck Michigan talk about movies.

Steve Dagskrá

Kjarnyrt umræða um málefni liðandi stundar þar sem rjóminn er fleyttur af troginu og málin skoðuðu út frá öðrum vinklum en almennt þekkist í hlaðvarpsþáttum...

Apostle Steve

Have you been repeating the same thoughts, the same choices, the same actions and behaviors, the same experiences and the same feelings? If so, these are all keeping you in the...

Steve Perkins

Quick thoughts from a teacher inpired by interactions with students and teachers across the country and around the world. For a deeper look into these topics, please visit...

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