Jennie Gerhardt by DREISER, Theodore

This is a story of an innocent, caring, beautiful young girl from and extremely poor family who throughout her life is drawn into affairs with two different men from a much higher...

Financier, The by DREISER, Theodore

In Philadelphia, Frank Cowperwood, whose father is a banker, makes his first money by buying cheap soaps on the market and selling it back with profit to a grocer. Later, he gets...

Titan, The by DREISER, Theodore

Cowperwood moves to Chicago with his new wife Aileen. He decides to take over the street-railway system. He bankrupts several opponents with the help of John J. McKenty and other...

Marketing From The Roosevelt Room

Welcome to Marketing from the Roosevelt Room. My name is Kyle Willis, Chief Strategist at No to the Quo (N2Q). I have an affinity for Roosevelt and a wealth of knowledge about...

1943: Roosevelt E Vargas Em Natal

Em 28 de janeiro de 1943, a cidade de Natal, que tinha, então, o aeroporto mais movimentado do mundo, foi local do encontro histórico entre Roosevelt e Vargas. Sob a ameaça...

Disrupt Yourself Podcast With Whitney Johnson

Best-selling author Whitney Johnson (Disrupt Yourself) explores her passion for personal disruption through engaging conversations with disruptors. Each episode of this podcast...

Coffee And Chat With Whitney B

Some of the best conversations happen over coffee with a girlfriend. This podcast is designed with those moments at heart, where you and your friends share love, life, laughter,...

Franklin Delano Roosevelt: A Biografia

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, popularmente conhecido como FDR, foi um grande estadista e homem público que serviu como o Presidente dos Estados Unidos de 1933 até sua morte em...

Before We Were Born With Theodore Bolha

Welcome to the Theodore Bolha's Before We Were Born podcast, where I discuss philosophical ideas and other topics that are related to sentient experience.

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